- קובץ הקורסים
- שנתון: תכניות לימודים לפי מגמות/מסלולים
- Current year courses and teaching staff
- Active physics courses sorted by course-name
- Active physcis courses sorted by lecturer
- Physics related courses at other Departments at BGU
Online courses
- Interactive course on Mathematical background
- Interactive course on math for physics studies
- Mathematical introduction for Physics2 service courses
- BGU Academic Video Services
- Colloquium
- Colloquium
- Seminar In Astrophysics & Cosmology 1
- Seminar In Astrophysics & Cosmology 1
- Seminar In Astrophysics & Cosmology 2
- Seminar In Astrophysics & Cosmology 2
- Astrophysics & Cosmology seminar 3
- Biological and soft-matter physics seminar
- Biological and soft-matter physics seminar - B
- Biological and soft-matter physics seminar - C
- Condensed Matter Seminar 1
- Condensed Matter Seminar 1
- Condensed Matter Seminar 2
- Condensed Matter Seminar 2
- Condensed Matter Seminar 3
- Condensed Matter Theory Seminar
- Condensed Matter Theory Seminar
- Condensed Matter Theory Seminar
- Condensed Matter Theory Seminar
- Nanotechnology Workshop
- Nanotechnology Workshop
- Nanotechnology Workshop
- Nanotechnology Workshop
- Qquantum optics seminar 3
- Quantum Optics Seminar 1
- Quantum Optics Seminar 2
- Seminar In Quantum Optics
- Seminar In Quantum Optics
- Seminar In Elementary Particles 1
- Seminar In Elementary Particles 1
- Seminar In Elementary Particles 2
- Seminar In Elementary Particles 2
- Seminar in Elementary Particles 3
- Summarizing Seminar
- Laboratory Safety
- Laboratory Safety
- Advanced Physics Lab A For Students Of Physics
- Physics Laboratory A For Students Of Physics
- Physics Laboratory A1 For Students Of Chemistry
- Physics Laboratory A1 For Students Of Chemical Engineering
- Physics Laboratory A1 For Students Of Biomedical Engineering
- Physics Labratory A1 For Students Of Material Engineering
- Physics Labratory A2 For Students Of Material Engineering
- Physics Laboratory B1 For Students Of Physics
- Physics Laboratory B2 For Students Of Physics
- Physics Laboratory C1 For Advanced Physics Experiments
- Physics Laboratory C1 For Advanced Physics Experiments - For Experimental Project Students
- Physics Laboratory C2 For Advanced Physics Experiments
- Physics Laboratory C2 For Advanced Physics Experiments - For Experimental Project Students
- Electro-Optics Laboratory
- Introduction To Mechanics For Chemistry Students
- Physics 1A For Students Of Electrical Engineering
- Physics 1B
- Physics 1B Enhanced
- Physics 1 C Natural Sciences
- Physics 1 C For Health Sciences
- Physics 2A
- Physics 2B
- Physics 2B Enhanced
- Physics 2B Reinforced
- Physics 2C
- Physics 3A
- Physics 3B
- Modern Physics for Software Engineers
- Physics 1 for Cognitive and Brain Science
- Introduction To Mathematical Methods In Physics
- Introduction To Computational Method In Physics
- Modern Physics Discoveries and Challenges
- Physics 1 For Students Of Physics
- Physics 2 For Students Of Physics
- Physics 3
- Analytical Mechanics
- Electrodynamics 1
- Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics 1
- Quantum Theory 1
- Quantum Theory 2
- Students Seminar
- Physics 2 for Cognitive and Brain Science
- Research experience for excellent students F - Dkalim Program
- Summarizing Seminar
- Superconductivity, Josephson effect, and applications
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics 1
- Statistical Mechanics
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics 2
- Physics On The Back Of The Envelope
- Instructive Reading
- Instructive Reading
- Experimental Methods of Quantum Materials
- Many Body Physics 1
- Quantum Materials
- Selected Topics In Quantum And Statistical Mechanics
- Selected Topics In Solid State
- Selected Topics In Solid State Physics 2
- Solid State Physics 2
- Dynamical Universe
- Matter And Radiation In The Universe
- Plasma Physics
- Gravitation Theory 2
- Introduction To String Theory
- Particles 1
- Quantum Field Theory 1
- Atomic And Molecular Physics
- Experimental Methods for Quantum Technology
- Lasers, Nonlinear And Ultrafast Optics
- Quantum Optics
- Radiation Theory
- Physics Of The Living Cell
- Soft Matter Physics
- Dynamical systems
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Temporal Patterns In Nonlinear Systems
- The Physics Of The Atmosphere And Ocean
- Computational Physics
- Conformal Field Theory
- Continuum Theory
- Algebra for Physics
- Differential and Integral Calculus 1 for EE
- Vector Calculus for EE
- Calculus of Series and Transforms for Physics Students
- Ordinary Differential Equations for EE
- Complex Analysis for EE
- Applied probability and statistics for physics
- Research Topics Seminar 1
- Research Topics Seminar 2
- Classical And Modern Optics
- Electronics and quantum devices
- General Astronomy 1
- General Astrophysics 1
- Gravitation Theory 1
- Introduction To Particles And Fields
- Solid State Physics 1
- Project 1
- Project 2
- Research experience for excellent students E - Dkalim Program