This page contains a list of Physics related courses given at other Departments at BGU.
The list is by no means inclusive and is updated occasionally.
As a rule, The Physics Department would normally not recognize any of the courses below as Physics electives.
In exceptional and well justified cases, the teaching committee may review requests to recognize a course from another Department as a Physics substitute
- 204-2-8010 - Charge and Energy Transport in molecular junctions
- 204.2.8045 - Molecular Spectroscopy
- 204.2.3421- Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules
- 001.2.4057 - Dynamical systems
- 001.2.4049 - Nonlinear Dynamical Aspects of Electrochemical Systems
- 131.1.0218 - Introduction to Philosophy of Science: From Positivism to Postmodernism
- 199.2.0068 - Physics Principles in Teaching Context: Mechanics
- 367.1.3131 - Mechanics of cells
- 366.2.1013 - Physics of ionizing radiation
- 366.2.1012 - Raman scattering in Solids
Courses Syllabus search:!app.gate?app=ann
Updated on Jan. 28, 2024
Updated by Yanson, Anna (annayan)
Created on June 28, 2022
Created by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)