Bar, Ilana
Laser-Matter Interaction

Folman, Ron
Atom Chip, Quantum Optics, Quantum Technology, Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Foundations of Physics, Searches for new physics

Shuker, Reuben
Quantum Interferences; Lasing without inversion

Sarid, Elazar (Eli)
Physics of anti-hydrogen- the antimatter equivalent of the hydrogen atom (ALPHA collaboration-CERN), plasma physics.
Research highlights
Attosecond science and nanophotonics Lab (Frumker's Group)

*Tracing and control of electronic motion in atoms, molecules, and nanostructures in space and time (4D). Progress in lightwave electronics.
*Table-top XUV and soft X-ray laser-like sources.
Nano-scale spatial resolution to optical science of attosecond pulses.
*New dynamic imaging modalities – significantly improved
spatial/temporal resolution, new contrast imaging for lifescience and nanotechnology.
*And much more…
Attosecond Science and Nanophotonics Lab (Frumker's Group)

We are setting up a brand-new research laboratory of Attosecond Science and Nanophotonics in the Physics Department of the Ben-Gurion University. In our group, we focus on both experimental and theoretical studies at the interface of ultrafast nonlinear optics, attosecond science and nanoscience. More specifically, our work involves generation, measurement and control of the interaction of light and matter in atoms, molecules and nanosystems in space and time at extremely short (attosecond=10^(-18)sec) time scales. Our interests range from fundamental physical phenomena to applications.
Quantum Interferences and Lasing without inversion (Shuker's Group)

Quantum-interference-related phenomena have many implications in physics. Quantum interference between two independent quantum channels in three-level systems gives rise to various coherent phenomena, such as electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), coherent population trapping (CPT), lasing/gain without inversion (LWI/GWI), enhancement of refraction index, sub- and super-luminal light propagation etc. These phenomena open a wide-range perspective for new type of phase-sensitive spectroscopy. An example is the possibility to get sub-natural line widths (see movie).
Quantum Cheshire Cat (Rohrlich's Group)

Y. Aharonov, S. Popescu, D. Rohrlich and P. Skrzypczyk, "Quantum Cheshire Cats", New J. Phys. 15 (2013) 113015. We present a quantum Cheshire Cat. Weak measurements on a pre- and post-selected ensemble find the Cat in one place and its grin in another. The Cat could be a photon, with circular polarization as its quantum "grin" state. But see T. Denkmayr et al., "Observation of a quantum Cheshire Cat in a matter-wave interferometer experiment", Nat. Comm. 5, 4492 (2014); they send neutrons through a silicon crystal interferometer, while weakly probing their locations and magnetic moments. The results suggest that the neutrons go along one beam path while magnetic moments go along the other.