Feingold, Mario

- mario@bgu.ac.il
- Office
- 54/224
- Phone
- 08-6477127
- Website
- https://sites.physics.bgu.ac.il/mario/
- Research type
- Experimental
- Research topics
Growth and division of single bacterial cells; Time-lapse microscopy together with image processing; protein-DNA interaction at the single molecule level
- Researcher identification
- Google Scholar, ORCID
Research group
- PhD student, Guy Alis
- PhD student, Sharanya Keshav Namboodiri
Past postdocs *
Past graduate students *
- Itai Gelber, PhD (2023)
- Eran Itan, MSc (2018)
- Aviv Kahana, PhD (2018)
- Nizan Maman, PhD (2018)
- Gideon Carmon, PhD (2018)
- Shahar Rosen, MSc (2018)
- Roman Tsukanov, MSc (2018)
- Galina Reshes, PhD (2018)
Past undergraduate students *
* Past students / postdocs data might be incompleteResearch highlights
Single Cell Dynamics

We use single cell phase-contrast and fluorescence time-lapse microscopy to monitor morphological changes during the division of E. coli. To bypass the limitations of optical resolution, we process the images using pixel intensity values for edge detection. We study the dynamics of the constriction width, W, and find that its formation starts shortly after birth much earlier than can be detected by simply viewing phase-contrast images. A simple geometrical model is shown to reproduce the behavior of W(t). Moreover, the time-dependence of the cell length, L(t), consists of three linear regimes.
Additional research highlights
- Ramirez-Diaz, Diego A. And Garcia-Soriano, Daniela And Raso, Ana And Feingold, Mario And Rivas, German And Schwille, Petra, "Chiral Vortex Dynamics On Membranes Is An Intrinsic Property Of Ftsz Driven By Gtp Hydrolysis", Biophysical Journal 112, 133A (2017)
- Carmon, G. And Kumar, P. And Feingold, M., "Optical Tweezers Assisted Imaging Of The Z-Ring In Escherichia Coli: Measuring Its Radial Width", New Journal Of Physics 16, 013043 (2014)
- Tsukanov, R. And Reshes, G. And Carmon, G. And Fischer-Friedrich, E. And Gov, N. S. And Fishov, I. And Feingold, M., "Timing Of Z-Ring Localization In Escherichia Coli", Physical Biology 8, 066003 (2011)
- Itan, E. And Carmon, G. And Rabinovitch, A. And Fishov, I. And Feingold, M., "Shape Of Nonseptated Escherichia Coli Is Asymmetric", Physical Review E 77, 061902 (2008)
- Kahana, Aviv And Kenan, Gilad And Feingold, Mario And Elbaum, Michael And Granek, Rony, "Active Transport On Disordered Microtubule Networks: The Generalized Random Velocity Model", Physical Review E 78, 051912 (2008)
- Reshes, G. And Vanounou, S. And Fishov, I. And Feingold, M., "Timing The Start Of Division In E-Coli: A Single-Cell Study", Physical Biology 5, 046001 (2008)
- Reshes, Galina And Vanounou, Sharon And Fishov, Itzhak And Feingold, Mario, "Cell Shape Dynamics In Escherichia Coli", Biophysical Journal 94, 251-264 (2008)
- Carmon, G. And Mamman, N. And Feingold, M., "Discretization Errors In Particle Tracking", Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications 376, 117-132 (2007)
- Goshen, E And Zhao, Wz And Carmon, G And Rosen, S And Granek, R And Feingold, M, "Relaxation Dynamics Of A Single Dna Molecule", Physical Review E 71, 061920 (2005)
- Bohbot-Raviv, Y And Zhao, Wz And Feingold, M And Wiggins, Ch And Granek, R, "Relaxation Dynamics Of Semiflexible Polymers", Physical Review Letters 92, 098101 (2004)
- Feingold, M, "Single-Molecule Studies Of Dna And Dna-Protein Interactions", Physica E 9, 616-620 (2001)
- Dana, I And Feingold, M And Wilkinson, M, "Band Distributions For Quantum Chaos On A Torus", Physical Review Letters 81, 3124-3127 (1998)
- Dana, I And Rutman, Y And Feingold, M, "Band Husimi Distributions And The Classical Quantum Correspondence On The Torus", Physical Review E 58, 5655-5667 (1998)
- Feingold, M, "Localization In Strongly Chaotic Systems", Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And General 30, 3603-3612 (1997)
- Cartwright, Jhe And Feingold, M And Piro, O, "Chaotic Advection In Three-Dimensional Unsteady Incompressible Laminar Flow", Journal Of Fluid Mechanics 316, 259-284 (1996)
- Rutman, Y And Feingold, M And Avishai, Y, "Localization In Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems With A Random Magnetic Field", Physical Review B 53, 9634-9639 (1996)
- Cartwright, Jhe And Feingold, M And Piro, O, "Global Diffusion In A Realistic 3-Dimensional Time-Dependent Nonturbulent Fluid-Flow", Physical Review Letters 75, 3669-3672 (1995)
- Feingold, M And Avishai, Y And Berkovits, R, "Spectral Statistics In The Lowest Landau Band", Physical Review B 52, 8400-8406 (1995)
- Feingold, M And Piro, O, "Localized States In The Chaotic Ce Atom", Physical Review A 51, 4279-4280 (1995)
- Cartwright, Jhe And Feingold, M And Piro, O, "Passive Scalars And 3-Dimensional Liouvillian Maps", Physica D 76, 22-33 (1994)
- Feingold, M, "Phase-Space Scars And Quantum Billiards", Zeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter 95, 121-140 (1994)
- Rutman, Y And Feingold, M And Avishai, Y And Piro, O, "Localization In Quasi-1D Systems - Perturbation-Theory And Scaling", Europhysics Letters 28, 329-334 (1994)
- Feingold, M And Gioletta, A And Izrailev, Fm And Molinari, L, "2-Parameter Scaling In The Wigner Ensemble", Physical Review Letters 70, 2936-2939 (1993)
- Leitner, Dm And Feingold, M, "Density-Of-States For Band Random Matrices With Electric-Field", Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And General 26, 7367-7376 (1993)
- Leboeuf, P. And Kurchan, J. And Feingold, M. And Arovas, D. P., "Topological Aspects Of Quantum Chaos", Chaos 2, 125-130 (1992)