Schechter, Moshe

- Office
- 54/331
- Phone
- 08-6472131
- Website
- Research type
- Theoretical
- Research topics
Glasses; Disordered systems; Quantum magnetism.
- Researcher identification
- Scopus, ORCID
Research group
- MSc student, Roy-Israel Prishkulnik
- PhD student, Yigal Reiss
Past postdocs *
- Tomer Dollberg (2024)
- Preeti Bhandari (2023)
- Juan Carlos Andresen Eguiluz (2018)
- Shlomi Matityahu (2017)
- Alexander Churkin (2015)
Past graduate students *
- Yosef Sutton, MSc (2023)
- Tomer Dollberg, PhD (2023)
- Asaf Szulc, PhD (2023)
- Ofek Asban, PhD (2021)
- Tomer Dollberg, MSc (2019)
- Shlomi Matityahu, PhD (2018)
- Ofek Asban, MSc (2016)
Past undergraduate students *
* Past students / postdocs data might be incompletePublications
- Schechter, M. And Nalbach, P. And Burin, A. L., "Nonuniversality And Strongly Interacting Two-Level Systems In Glasses At Low Temperatures", New Journal Of Physics 20, 063048 (2018)
- Andresen, Juan Carlos And Katzgraber, Helmut G. And Schechter, Moshe, "Random-Field-Induced Disordering Mechanism In A Disordered Ferromagnet: Between The Imry-Ma And The Standard Disordering Mechanism", Physical Review B 96, 214414 (2017)
- Asban, Ofek And Amir, Ariel And Imry, Yoseph And Schechter, Moshe, "Effect Of Interactions And Disorder On The Relaxation Of Two-Level Systems In Amorphous Solids", Physical Review B 95, 144207 (2017)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Lisenfeld, Juergen And Bilmes, Alexander And Shnirman, Alexander And Weiss, Georg And Ustinov, Alexey V. And Schechter, Moshe, "Rabi Noise Spectroscopy Of Individual Two-Level Tunneling Defects", Physical Review B 95, 241409 (2017)
- Nalbach, P. And Schechter, M., "Symmetry Reduction For Tunneling Defects Due To Strong Couplings To Phonons", New Journal Of Physics 19, 063030 (2017)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Shnirman, Alexander And Schoen, Gerd And Schechter, Moshe, "Decoherence Of A Quantum Two-Level System By Spectral Diffusion", Physical Review B 93, 134208 (2016)
- Burin, Alexander L. And Matityahu, Shlomi And Schechter, Moshe, "Low-Temperature 1/F Noise In Microwave Dielectric Constant Of Amorphous Dielectrics In Josephson Qubits", Physical Review B 92, 174201 (2015)
- Gaita-Arino, A. And Gonzalez-Albuixech, V. F. And Schechter, M., "Inversion Symmetric Vs. Asymmetric Excitations And The Low-Temperature Universal Properties Of Ar:N-2 And Ar:N-2: Co Glasses", Epl 109, 56001 (2015)
- Andresen, Juan Carlos And Katzgraber, Helmut G. And Oganesyan, Vadim And Schechter, Moshe, "Existence Of A Thermodynamic Spin-Glass Phase In The Zero-Concentration Limit Of Anisotropic Dipolar Systems", Physical Review X 4, 041016 (2014)
- Churkin, A. And Barash, D. And Schechter, M., "Nonhomogeneity Of The Density Of States Of Tunneling Two-Level Systems At Low Energies", Physical Review B 89, 104202 (2014)
- Churkin, A. And Barash, D. And Schechter, M., "Acoustic Interactions Between Inversion Symmetric And Asymmetric Two-Level Systems", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 26, 325401 (2014)
- Pollack, Yoav G. And Schechter, Moshe, "Proposal For Direct Measurement Of Random Fields In The Lihoxy1-Xf4 Crystal", Physical Review B 89, 064414 (2014)
- Andresen, Juan Carlos And Thomas, Creighton K. And Katzgraber, Helmut G. And Schechter, Moshe, "Novel Disordering Mechanism In Ferromagnetic Systems With Competing Interactions", Physical Review Letters 111, 177202 (2013)
- Schechter, M. And Stamp, P. C. E., "Inversion Symmetric Two-Level Systems And The Low-Temperature Universality In Disordered Solids", Physical Review B 88, 174202 (2013)
- Gaita-Arino, Alejandro And Schechter, Moshe, "Identification Of Strong And Weak Interacting Two-Level Systems In Kbr:Cn", Physical Review Letters 107, 105504 (2011)
- Schechter, M. And Stamp, P. C. E., "Correlated Random Fields In Dielectric And Spin Glasses", Epl 88, 66002 (2009)