Jung, Grzegorz
Faculty (Emeritus)

- jung@bgu.ac.il
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- 54/212
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- 08-6461166
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- https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grzegorz_Jung
- Research type
- Experimental
- Research topics
Quantum Coherence; Vortex Matter; High-Tc Super conductivity; Noise, transport, and magnetic properties of strongly correlated systems.
- Researcher identification
- ResearcherID
Past graduate students *
* Past students / postdocs data might be incompleteResearch highlights
Noise in strongly correlated systems

To many physicist the subject of fluctuations appears esoteric and even pointless; spontaneous fluctuations seem nothing but an unwanted evil which only an unwise experimenter would encounter. In reality, noise enables a deep insight into physics of the system. Recently, we have employed noise to discriminate various resistivity states in the ferromagnetic insulating manganite La0.86Ca0.14MnO3. Different states arise due to transitions between local minima of the electronic glass potential landscape. Remarkably, freezing into the glass state is marked by the onset of non-Gaussian noise.
Additional research highlights
- Bury, Marcin And Van Hameren, Andreas And Jung, Hannes And Kutak, Krzysztof And Sapeta, Sebastian And Serino, Mirko, "Calculations With Off-Shell Matrix Elements, Tmd Parton Densities And Tmd Parton Showers", European Physical Journal C 78, 137 (2018)
- Przybytek, J. And Markovich, V And Jung, G., "Meyer-Neldel Rule In The Conductivity Of Manganite Single Crystals", Physical Review B 98, 115159 (2018)
- Chromik, S. And Camerlingo, C. And Sojkova, M. And Strbik, V. And Talacko, M. And Malka, I. And Bar, I. And Bareli, G. And Jung, G., "Low Energy Electron Beam Processing Of Ybco Thin Films", Applied Surface Science 395, 42-49 (2017)
- Markovich, V. And Fita, I. And Wisniewski, A. And Puzniak, R. And Martin, C. And Jung, G. And Gorodetsky, G., "Exchange Bias Effect In Camn1-Xrexo3", Aip Advances 7, 055801 (2017)
- Markovich, V. And Fita, I. And Wisniewski, A. And Puzniak, R. And Martin, C. And Jung, G. And Gorodetsky, G., "Phase Transitions And Magnetic Properties Of Lufe2O4 Under Pressure", Physical Review B 96, 054416 (2017)
- Markovich, Vladimir And Fita, Ivan And Wisniewski, Andrzej And Puzniak, Roman And Martin, Christine And Mogilyansky, Dmitrii And Jung, Grzegorz And Gorodetsky, Gad, "Doping-Dependent Magnetism And Exchange Bias In Camn1-Xrexo3", Ieee Transactions On Magnetics 53, 1000205 (2017)
- Przybytek, J. And Fink-Finowicki, J. And Puzniak, R. And Shames, A. And Markovich, V. And Mogilyansky, D. And Jung, G., "Robust Random Telegraph Conductivity Noise In Single Crystals Of The Ferromagnetic Insulating Manganite La0.86Ca0.14Mno3", Physical Review B 95, 125101 (2017)
- Dolgin, B. And Lorite, I. And Kumar, Y. And Esquinazi, P. And Jung, G. And Straube, B. And Perez De Heluani, S., "Conductivity Fluctuations In Proton-Implanted Zno Microwires", Nanotechnology 27, 305702 (2016)
- Przybytek, Jacek And Fink-Finowicki, Jan And Puzniak, Roman And Jung, Grzegorz, "High Frequency Cut-Off In 1/F Conductivity Noise Of Hole-Doped La1-Xcaxmno3 Manganite Single Crystals", Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment , 054024 (2016)
- Markovich, V. And Fita, I. And Wisniewski, A. And Puzniak, R. And Martin, C. And Mogilyansky, D. And Jung, G. And Gorodetsky, G., "Evolution Of Magnetic Properties Of Camn1-Xnbxo3 With Nb-Doping", Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 48, 325003 (2015)
- Przybytek, J. And Fink-Finowicki, J. And Puzniak, R. And Markovich, V. And Jung, G., "Noise Signatures Of Metastable Resistivity States In Ferromagnetic Insulating Manganite", Journal Of Applied Physics 118, 043903 (2015)
- Markovich, V. And Fita, I. And Wisniewski, A. And Puzniak, R. And Mogilyansky, D. And Naumov, S. V. And Mostovshchikova, E. V. And Telegin, S. V. And Gorodetsky, G. And Jung, G., "Doping Dependent Magnetism And Exchange Bias In Camn1-Xwxo3 Manganites", Journal Of Applied Physics 116, 093903 (2014)
- Dolgin, B. And Belogolovskii, M. And Markovich, V. And Jung, G., "Zero-Bias Anomalies In Low-Doped La1-Xcaxmno3 Manganite Single Crystals", Epl 103, 27002 (2013)
- Dolgin, B. And Puzniak, R. And Mogilyansky, D. And Wisniewski, A. And Markovich, V. And Jung, G., "Magnetic Dynamic Properties Of Electron-Doped La0.23Ca0.77Mno3 Nanoparticles", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 25, 076004 (2013)
- Markovich, V. And Puzniak, R. And Fita, I. And Wisniewski, A. And Mogilyansky, D. And Dolgin, B. And Gorodetsky, G. And Jung, G., "Irreversibility, Remanence, And Griffiths Phase In Sm0.1Ca0.9Mno3 Nanoparticles", Journal Of Applied Physics 113, 233911 (2013)
- Dolgin, B. And Belogolovskii, M. And Wu, X. D. And Markovich, V. And Jung, G., "Metastable Resistivity States And Conductivity Fluctuations In Low-Doped La1-Xcaxmno3 Manganite Single Crystals", Journal Of Applied Physics 112, 113907 (2012)
- Markovich, V. And Fita, I. And Wisniewski, A. And Puzniak, R. And Mogilyansky, D. And Kohn, A. And Dolgin, B. And Iwanowski, P. And Gorodetsky, G. And Jung, G., "Magnetic Properties Of Sm0.1Ca0.9Mno3 Nanoparticles", Journal Of Applied Physics 112, 063921 (2012)
- Markovich, V. And Jung, G., "Comment On ``Size Control Of Charge-Orbital Order In Half-Doped Manganite La0.5Ca0.5Mno3″", Physical Review Letters 108, 129701 (2012)
- Markovich, V. And Puzniak, R. And Skourski, Y. And Wisniewski, A. And Mogilyanski, D. And Jung, G. And Gorodetsky, G., "Magnetic Behaviour Of Interacting Antiferromagnetic Nanoparticles", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 24, 266001 (2012)
- Barboy, I. And Camerlingo, C. And Bar, I. And Bareli, G. And Jung, G., "Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Of Laser Processed Yba2Cu3O7-Delta Thin Films", Journal Of Applied Physics 110, 033912 (2011)
- Belogolovskii, M. And Jung, G. And Markovich, V. And Dolgin, B. And Wu, X. D. And Yuzhelevski, Y., "Bias Dependent 1/F Conductivity Fluctuations In Low-Doped La1-Xcaxmno3 Manganite Single Crystals", Journal Of Applied Physics 109, 073920 (2011)
- Markovich, V. And Jung, G. And Wisniewski, A. And Puzniak, R. And Fita, I. And Yuzhelevski, Y. And Mogilyansky, D. And Titelman, L. And Gorodetsky, G., "Glassy Behavior Of La0.8Ca0.2Mno3 Nanoparticles", Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 24, 861-865 (2011)
- Markovich, V. And Jung, G. And Yuzhelevski, Ya. And Gorodetsky, G. And Mukovskii, Ya. M., "Anisotropic Magnetoresistance In Low-Doped La0.78Ca0.22Mno3 Crystals", Journal Of Applied Physics 109, 07D702 (2011)
- Rozenberg, E. And Auslender, M. And Shames, A. I. And Jung, G. And Felner, I. And Tsindlekht, M. I. And Mogilyansky, D. And Sominski, E. And Gedanken, A. And Mukovskii, Ya. M. And Gorodetsky, G., "Chemical Disorder Influence On Magnetic State Of Optimally-Doped La0.7Ca0.3Mno3", Journal Of Applied Physics 110, 073919 (2011)
- Steponaviciene, L. And Sulcas, J. And Jukna, A. And Jung, G. And Plausinaitiene, V. And Abrutis, A. And Maneikis, A. And Gong, M. And Sobolewski, R., "Investigation Of Vortex Density In Laser-Written Pi-Shaped Channel Of Ybco Bridge By Means Of I-V Dependences", Acta Physica Polonica A 119, 180-182 (2011)
- Sulcas, J. And Steponaviciene, L. And Jukna, A. And Jung, G. And Plausinaitiene, V. And Abrutis, A. And Gong, M. And Sobolewski, R., "Current Distribution In Y-Ba-Cu-O Superconducting Microbridges Containing Pi-Shaped Channel For Easy Vortex Motion", Acta Physica Polonica A 119, 183-185 (2011)
- Yuzhelevski, Ya. And Markovich, V. And Jung, G. And Gorodetsky, G., "Anisotropic Magnetoresistance In Low-Doped La0.79Ca0.21Mno3 Crystals", Journal Of Applied Physics 109, 063908 (2011)
- Barboy, Ilan And Jukna, Arturas And Bareli, Guy And Jung, Grzegorz, "Quasi-Josephson Effects Generated By Coherent Vortex Flow In Easy Motion Laser Processed Channels", Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications 470, S799-S800 (2010)
- Markovich, V. And Fita, I. And Wisniewski, A. And Jung, G. And Mogilyansky, D. And Puzniak, R. And Titelman, L. And Gorodetsky, G., "Spin-Glass-Like Properties Of La0.8Ca0.2Mno3 Nanoparticles Ensembles", Physical Review B 81, 134440 (2010)
- Markovich, V. And Jung, G. And Fita, I. And Mogilyansky, D. And Wu, X. And Wisniewski, A. And Puzniak, R. And Titelman, L. And Vradman, L. And Herskowitz, M. And Gorodetsky, G., "Magnetotransport Properties Of Ferromagnetic Lamno3+Delta Nano-Sized Crystals", Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials 322, 1311-1314 (2010)
- Paltiel, Y. And Jung, G. And Aqua, T. And Mocatta, D. And Banin, U. And Naaman, R., "Collective Effects In Charge Transfer Within A Hybrid Organic-Inorganic System", Physical Review Letters 104, 016804 (2010)
- Jung, G. And Camerlingo, C. And Zilber, E., "Noise Anisotropy In Yba2Cu3O7-Delta Thin Films", Acta Physica Polonica A 115, 69-72 (2009)
- Markovich, V. And Jung, G. And Khartsev, S. I. And Tsindlekht, M. I. And Grishin, A. M. And Yuzhelevski, Ya. And Gorodetsky, G., "Magnetic Separation And Inelastic Tunneling In Self-Doped Manganite Films", Journal Of Applied Physics 106, 043908 (2009)
- Jukna, A. And Barboy, I. And Jung, G. And Abrutis, A. And Li, X. And Wang, D. And Sobolewski, R., "Easy Vortex Motion In An Artificial Channel Of Yba2Cu3O7-Delta Superconducting Films", Acta Physica Polonica A 113, 959-962 (2008)
- Markovich, V. And Jung, G. And Fita, I. And Mogilyansky, D. And Wu, X. And Wisniewski, A. And Puzniak, R. And Froumin, N. And Titelman, L. And Vradman, L. And Herskowitz, M. And Gorodetsky, G., "Magnetotransport In Granular Lamno3+Delta Manganite With Nano-Sized Particles", Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 41, 185001 (2008)
- Ben Simon, A. And Paltiel, Y. And Jung, G. And Berger, V. And Schneider, H., "Measurements Of Non-Gaussian Noise In Quantum Wells", Physical Review B 76, 235308 (2007)
- Camerlingo, Carlo And Jung, Grzegorz, "Coherence Length In Deoxygenated (103)/(013) Oriented Ybco Superconductor Films", Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications 460, 805-806 (2007)
- Markovich, V. And Jung, G. And Yuzhelevskii, Y. And Gorodetsky, G. And Hu, F. X. And Gao, J., "Metastable Resistivity Of La0.8Ca0.2Mno3 Manganite Thin Films", Physical Review B 75, 104419 (2007)
- Rozenberg, E. And Shames, A. I. And Auslender, M. And Jung, G. And Felner, I. And Sinha, Jaivardhan And Banerjee, S. S. And Mogilyansky, D. And Sominski, E. And Gedanken, A. And Mukovskii, Ya. M. And Gorodetsky, G., "Disorder-Induced Phase Coexistence In Bulk Doped Manganites And Its Suppression In Nanometer-Sized Crystals: The Case Of La0.9Ca0.1Mno3", Physical Review B 76, 214429 (2007)
- Rozenberg, E. And Shames, A. I. And Jung, G. And Mukovskii, Ya. Nt. And Sominski, E. And Gedanken, A. And Lee, Cheol Eui, "Magnetic Inhomogeneities In Crystalline Bulk And Nanometer Sized La0.7Ca0.3Mno3: Esr Probing", Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 244, 4554-4557 (2007)
- Snapi, N. And Paltiel, Y. And Zussman, A. And Jung, G. And Simon, A. Ben, "Non-Gaussian Noise In Quantum Wells Infrared Photodetectors", Infrared Physics & Technology 50, 100-105 (2007)
- Wu, X. D. And Dolgin, B. And Jung, G. And Markovich, V. And Yuzhelevski, Y. And Belogolovskii, M. And Mukovskii, Ya. M., "Nonequilibrium 1/F Noise In Low-Doped Manganite Single Crystals", Applied Physics Letters 90, 242110 (2007)
- Jukna, A And Barboy, I And Jung, G And Abrutis, A And Li, X And Wang, D And Sobolewski, R, "Electric Transport Properties Of Yba2Cu3O7-Delta Thin-Film Bridges With Laser-Written Channels Of Easy Vortex Motion", Journal Of Applied Physics 99, 113902 (2006)
- Markovich, V And Jung, G And Belogolovskii, M And Yuzhelevski, Y And Gorodetsky, G And Mukovskii, Ym, "Intrinsic Tunnelling Effects In Self-Doped La0.89Mno3 Single Crystals", European Physical Journal B 50, 587-592 (2006)
- Mogilyansky, D And Jung, G And Markovich, V And Van Der Beek, Cj And Mukovskii, Ym, "Magnetic Domain Structure And Possible Low-Temperature Structural Transition In La0.78Ca0.22Mno3 Single Crystals", Physica B-Condensed Matter 378-80, 510-511 (2006)
- Rozenberg, E And Jung, G And Auslender, M And Gorodetsky, G And Felner, I And Sominski, E And Gedanken, A And Mukovskii, Ym, "Magnetic Properties Of Crystalline La0.9Ca0.1Mno3: Comparison Of Bulk And Nanometer-Sized Samples", Journal Of Applied Physics 99, 08Q305 (2006)
- Camerlingo, C And Jung, G, "Evaluation Of The Out-Of-Plane Coherence Length In (103)/(013) Yba2Cu3O7-Delta Films From Electrical Transport Measurements", Superconductor Science & Technology 18, 1106-1111 (2005)
- Jukna, A And Barboy, I And Jung, G And Banerjee, Ss And Myasoedov, Y And Plausinaitiene, V And Abrutis, A And Li, X And Wang, D And Sobolewski, R, "Laser Processed Channels Of Easy Vortex Motion In Yba2Cu3O7-Delta Films", Applied Physics Letters 87, 192504 (2005)
- Jung, G And Markovich, V And Mogilyanski, D And Van Der Beek, C And Mukovskii, Ym, "Ferromagnetic And Twin Domains In Lcmo Manganites", Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials 290, 902-905 (2005)
- Jung, G And Markovich, V And Van Der Beek, Cj And Mogilyansky, D And Mukovskii, Ym, "Ferromagnetic Domain Structure Of La0.78Ca0.22Mno3 Single Crystals", Physical Review B 72, 134412 (2005)
- Jung, G And Markovich, V And Yuzhelevskii, Y And Rozenberg, E And Gorodetsky, G And Mukovskii, Ym, "Metastable Resistivity And Nonlinear Conductivity In Low-Doped Pr1-Xsrxmno3 Single Crystals", Journal Of Applied Physics 97, 10H708 (2005)
- Markovich, V And Jung, G And Yuzhelevski, Y And Gorodetsky, G And Mukovskii, Ym, "Intrinsic Metastability Of Low Doped Manganites: La0.8Ca0.2Mno3 Case", European Physical Journal B 48, 41-46 (2005)
- Paltiel, Y And Snapi, N And Zussman, A And Jung, G, "Non-Gaussian Dark Current Noise In P-Type Quantum-Well Infrared Photodetectors", Applied Physics Letters 87, 231103 (2005)
- Paltiel, Y And Zussman, A And Snapi, N And Sher, A And Jung, G And Cohen, K And Benory, E And Weiss, E, "Voltage Tunability Of High Performance Zn Doped P-Type Qwip Grown By Movpe", Infrared Physics & Technology 47, 37-42 (2005)
- Jung, G And Indenbom, M And Markovich, V And Van Der Beek, Cj And Mogilyansky, D And Mukovskii, Ym, "Magneto-Optics Observation Of Spontaneous Domain Structure In Ferromagnetic La0.78Ca0.22Mno3 Single Crystal", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 16, 5461-5468 (2004)
- Jung, G And Markovich, V And Yuzhelevski, Y And Indenbom, M And Van Der Beek, Cj And Mogilyansky, D And Mukovskii, Ym, "Transport Properties And Magnetic Domain Structure In Low-Doped Lacamno Manganite Single Crystals", Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials 272, 1800-1801 (2004)
- Markovich, V And Jung, G And Yuzhelevski, Y And Gorodetsky, G And Szewczyk, A And Gutowska, M And Shulyatev, Da And Mukovskii, Ym, "Electric-Field And Current-Induced Metastability And Resistivity Relaxation In La0.8Ca0.2Mno3 At Low Temperatures", Physical Review B 70, 064414 (2004)
- Markovich, V And Rozenberg, E And Gorodetsky, G And Jung, G And Fita, I And Puzniak, R And Wisniewski, A And Martin, C And Hebert, S And Raveau, B, "Vacancies At Mn-Sites In Lamn1-Xo3 Manganites: Interplay Between Ferromagnetic Interactions And Hydrostatic Pressure", Journal Of Applied Physics 95, 7112-7114 (2004)
- Paltiel, Y And Jung, G And Myasoedov, Y And Rappaport, Ml And Zeldov, E And Ocio, M And Higgins, Mj And Bhattacharya, S, "Velocity-Fluctuations-Dominated Flux-Flow Noise In The Peak Effect", Europhysics Letters 66, 412-418 (2004)
- Markovich, V And Yuzhelevski, Y And Gorodetsky, G And Jung, G And Van Der Beek, Cj And Mukovskii, Ym, "Nonlinear Properties Of Ferromagnetic La1-Xcaxmno3 Single Crystals", European Physical Journal B 35, 295-300 (2003)
- Dikovsky, V And Yuzhelevski, Y And Markovich, V And Gorodetsky, G And Jung, G And Shulyatev, Da And Mukovskii, Ym, "Conductivity Oscillations In Current-Induced Metastable States In Low-Doped Manganite Single Crystals", Physical Review B 65, 144439 (2002)
- Jung, G And Girard, Ta And Valko, P And Gomes, Mr And Jeudy, V And Limagne, D And Waysand, G, "Expulsion Of Magnetic Flux In A Type-I Superconducting Strip", Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications 377, 121-129 (2002)
- Paltiel, Y And Jung, G And Myasoedov, Y And Rappaport, Ml And Zeldov, E And Bhattacharya, S And Higgins, Mj, "Flux-Flow Noise In The Vicinity Of The Peak Effect", Fluctuation And Noise Letters 2, L31-L36 (2002)
- Paltiel, Y And Jung, G And Myasoedov, Y And Rappaport, Ml And Zeldov, E And Higgins, Mj And Bhattacharya, S, "Dynamic Creation And Annihilation Of Metastable Vortex Phase As A Source Of Excess Noise", Europhysics Letters 58, 112-118 (2002)
- Paltiel, Y And Myasoedov, Y And Zeldov, E And Jung, G And Rappaport, Ml And Feldman, De And Higgins, Mj And Bhattacharya, S, "V-I Characteristics In The Vicinity Of The Order-Disorder Transition In Vortex Matter", Physical Review B 66, 060503 (2002)
- Tsindlekht, Mi And Felner, I And Jung, G, "Giant Non-Linear Response Of Superconducting Single Crystal Niobium In A Sweeping Magnetic Field", Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications 372, 1827-1829 (2002)
- Yassin, G And Barboy, I And Dikovsky, V And Kambara, M And Cardwell, Da And Withignton, S And Jung, G, "Microwave Transmission Through High-Temperature Superconducting Waveguides", Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications 372, 523-525 (2002)
- Yuzhelevski, Y And Markovich, V And Rozenberg, E And Gorodetsky, G And Jung, G And Shulyatev, Da And Mukovskii, Ym, "Metastable Conductivity In Low-Doped Manganites", Journal Of Applied Physics 91, 7397-7399 (2002)
- Jung, G And Ocio, M And Paltiel, Y And Shtrikman, H And Zeldov, E, "Magnetic Noise Measurements Using Cross-Correlated Hall Sensor Arrays", Applied Physics Letters 78, 359-361 (2001)
- Markovich, V And Rozenberg, E And Yuzhelevski, Y And Jung, G And Gorodetsky, G And Shulyatev, Da And Mukovskii, Ym, "Correlation Between Electroresistance And Magnetoresistance In La0.82Ca0.18Mno3 Single Crystal", Applied Physics Letters 78, 3499-3501 (2001)
- Yuzhelevski, Y And Dikovsky, V And Markovich, V And Gorodetsky, G And Jung, G And Shulyatev, Da And Mukovskii, Ym, "Current Induced Telegraph Noise In Cmr Manganites", Fluctuation And Noise Letters 1, L105-L109 (2001)
- Yuzhelevski, Y And Markovich, V And Dikovsky, V And Rozenberg, E And Gorodetsky, G And Jung, G And Shulyatev, Da And Mukovskii, Ym, "Current-Induced Metastable Resistive States With Memory In Low-Doped Manganites", Physical Review B 64, 224428 (2001)
- Camerlingo, C And Nappi, C And Russo, M And Jung, G, "Current Direction Dependence Of Vortex Pinning In (103)/(013) Oriented Ybco Films", Physica C 341, 1349-1350 (2000)
- Jung, G And Lewandowski, Sj And Shapiro, By And Yuzhelevski, Y, "Josephson-Like Effects In Coherent Motion Of Vortices In A Periodic Potential", Physica C 332, 51-57 (2000)
- Jung, G And Savo, B And Yuzhelevski, Y, "Quiet And Noisy Metastable Voltage States In High-T-C Superconductors", Physical Review B 62, 6674-6680 (2000)
- Paltiel, Y And Zeldov, E And Myasoedov, Y And Rappaport, Ml And Jung, G And Bhattacharya, S And Higgins, Mj And Xiao, Zl And Andrei, Ey And Gammel, Pl And Bishop, Dj, "Instabilities And Disorder-Driven First-Order Transition Of The Vortex Lattice", Physical Review Letters 85, 3712-3715 (2000)
- Shapiro, By And Ghinovker, M And Shapiro, I And Jung, G, "Nucleation Of Superconductivity In An Overcooled Normal Domain", Physica B 284, 765-766 (2000)
- Sokolovsky, V And Meerovich, V And Gladstein, M And Yuzhelevski, Y And Jung, G And Goren, S, "An Experimental Study Of Heating Due To The Ac Loss In A Bscco Cylinder", Physica C 336, 102-106 (2000)
- Yuzhelevski, Y And Yuzhelevski, M And Jung, G, "Random Telegraph Noise Analysis In Time Domain", Review Of Scientific Instruments 71, 1681-1688 (2000)
- Bass, F And Jung, G And Shapiro, By And Shapiro, I, "Pinning Modulation Of Flux-Antiflux Dynamics", Physica C 314, 254-262 (1999)
- Camerlingo, C And Nappi, C And Russo, M And Jung, G, "In-Plane Properties Of (103)/(013) Oriented Ybco Films", International Journal Of Modern Physics B 13, 1091-1096 (1999)
- Meerovich, V And Sokolovsky, V And Bock, J And Gauss, S And Goren, S And Jung, G, "Performance Of An Inductive Fault Current Limiter Employing Bscco Superconducting Cylinders", Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity 9, 4666-4676 (1999)
- Meerovich, V And Sokolovsky, V And Goren, S And Jung, G, "Ac Losses In High-Temperature Superconductor Bscco Hollow Cylinders With Induced Current", Physica C 319, 238-248 (1999)
- Sokolovsky, V And Meerovich, V And Goren, S And Jung, G And Bock, J And Gauss, S, "Ac Losses In Bscco Cylinders Operating In Inductive Current Limiter", Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity 9, 1361-1364 (1999)
- Yuzhelevski, Y And Jung, G, "Artificial Reversible And Programmable Magnetic Pinning For High-T-C Superconducting Thin Films", Physica C 314, 163-171 (1999)
- Yuzhelevski, Y And Jung, G And Camerlingo, C And Russo, M And Ghinovker, M And Shapiro, By, "Current-Driven Vortex Dynamics In A Periodic Potential", Physical Review B 60, 9726-9733 (1999)
- Jung, G And Savo, B, "Josephson Mechanism In Random Telegraph Voltage Noise In High-T-C Superconductors", Applied Superconductivity 6, 391-397 (1998)
- Sokolovsky, V And Meerovich, V And Goren, S And Jung, G, "Analytical Approach To Ac Loss Calculation In High-T-C Superconductors", Physica C 306, 154-162 (1998)
- Bonaldi, M And Jung, G And Vecchione, A And Vitale, S, "Hot Gas Temperature Controller For A Cryostat Insert Having High Stability", Review Of Scientific Instruments 68, 2071-2075 (1997)
- Ashkenazy, Vd And Bonaldi, M And Jung, G And Shapiro, By And Vitale, S, "Non-Monotonic High Frequency Flux-Flow Noise Spectra In High-T-C Superconductors.", Solid State Communications 98, 517-521 (1996)
- Ashkenazy, Vd And Jung, G And Shapiro, By, "Cross-Correlation Of Thermal Magnetic Noise Of Layered Superconductors", Czechoslovak Journal Of Physics 46, 1741-1742 (1996)
- Ashkenazy, Vd And Jung, G And Shapiro, By, "Cross Correlation Of Thermal Flux Noise In Layered Superconductors", Physical Review B 54, 9428-9435 (1996)
- Ashkenazy, Vd And Jung, G And Shapiro, By, "Nuclear Spin Relaxation Due To Random Motion Of Vortex Bundles", Physical Review B 53, 2686-2690 (1996)
- Askhenzy, V And Coccorese, C And Jung, G And Savo, B And Shapiro, By, "Random Telegraph Voltages In High-T-C Thin Films At Zero Magnetic Field.", Czechoslovak Journal Of Physics 46, 1363-1364 (1996)
- Coccorese, C And Jung, G And Savo, B, "Voltage Fluctuations In Bi2Sr2Cacu2O8+X Films At Zero Field", Czechoslovak Journal Of Physics 46, 1365-1366 (1996)
- Jung, G And Savo, B, "Elementary And Macroscopic Two-Level Fluctuations In High-T-C Superconductors", Journal Of Applied Physics 80, 2939-2948 (1996)
- Jung, G And Savo, B And Vecchione, A And Bonaldi, M And Vitale, S, "Intrinsic High-T-C Josephson Junctions In Random-Telegraph-Noise Fluctuators", Physical Review B 53, 90-93 (1996)
- Meerovich, V And Sinder, M And Sokolovsky, V And Goren, S And Jung, G And Shter, Ge And Grader, Gs, "Penetration Dynamics Of A Magnetic Field Pulse Into High-T-C Superconductors", Superconductor Science & Technology 9, 1042-1047 (1996)
- Ashkenazy, Vd And Jung, G And Khalfin, Ib And Shapiro, By, "Low-Frequency Suppression Of Random-Telegraph-Noise Spectra In High-Temperature Superconductors", Physical Review B 51, 1236-1244 (1995)
- Ashkenazy, Vd And Jung, G And Shapiro, By, "Voltage Noise Due To Randomly Interrupted Motion Of Vortices", Physica C 254, 77-87 (1995)
- Ashkenazy, Vd And Jung, G And Shapiro, By, "Thermal Voltage Noise In Layered Superconductors", Physical Review B 51, 9052-9060 (1995)
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