Goren, Shaul
Faculty (Emeritus)

- shaulg@bgu.ac.il
- Office
- 54/220
- Phone
- 08-6472750
- Website
- http://profiler.bgu.ac.il/frontoffice/ShowUser.aspx?id=321
- Research type
- Experimental
- Research topics
Electromagnetic and Thermal Processes in High Temperature Superconductors; Development and Application of Electrical and Electronic Superconducting Devices.
Research group
- Research fellow, Gregory Furman
- Research fellow, Alexander Panich
- Research fellow, Vladimir Sokolovsky
Past graduate students *
- Victor Meirovich, Research fellow (2024)
- Rachel Knoll, PhD (2018)
- Oleg Rivin, MSc (2018)
- Noam Tal, MSc (2018)
- Furman, G. B. And Goren, S. D. And Meerovich, V. M. And Sokolovsky, V. L., "Fictitious Spin-1/2 Operators And Correlations In Quadrupole Nuclear Spin System", International Journal Of Quantum Information 16, 1850008 (2018)
- Furman, Gregory B. And Goren, Shaul D. And Meerovich, Victor M. And Sokolovsky, Vladimir L., "Dipole-Dipole Interactions In Liquids Entrapped In Confined Space", Journal Of Molecular Liquids 272, 468-473 (2018)
- Sergeev, N. A. And Panich, A. M. And Goren, S. D., "Alignment Of Anisotropic Particles By Magnetic Field As Seen By Nmr", Applied Magnetic Resonance 49, 999-1010 (2018)
- Furman, Gregory B. And Goren, Shaul D. And Meerovich, Victor M. And Sokolovsky, Vladimir L., "Generation Of Quantum Correlations At Adiabatic Demagnetization", Journal Of Physics Communications 1, UNSP 045009 (2017)
- Furman, Gregory B. And Goren, Shaul D. And Meerovich, Victor M. And Sokolovsky, Vladimir L., "Anisotropy Of Spin-Spin And Spin-Lattice Relaxation Times In Liquids Entrapped In Nanocavities: Application To Mri Study Of Biological Systems", Journal Of Magnetic Resonance 263, 71-78 (2016)
- Furman, G. And Goren, S. D. And Meerovich, V. And Sokolovsky, V., "Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Of Spin 3/2 And Entangled Two-Qubit States", Physica Scripta 90, 105301 (2015)
- Furman, Gregory B. And Goren, Shaul D. And Meerovich, Victor M. And Sokolovsky, Vladimir L., "Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation In Nanofluids With Paramagnetic Impurities", Journal Of Magnetic Resonance 261, 175-180 (2015)
- Panich, A. M. And Sergeev, N. A. And Shames, A. I. And Osipov, V. Yu And Boudou, J-P And Goren, S. D., "Size Dependence Of C-13 Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation In Micro- And Nanodiamonds", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 27, 072203 (2015)
- Sergeev, N. A. And Panich, A. M. And Olszewski, M. And Shenderova, O. And Goren, S. D., "C-13 Spin-Lattice Relaxation In Nanodiamonds In Static And Magic Angle Spinning Regimes", Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 66-67, 51-55 (2015)
- Furman, G. B. And Goren, S. D. And Meerovich, V. M. And Sokolovsky, V. L., "Mq Nmr Dynamics In Dipolar Ordered State At Negative Temperature", Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 61-62, 49-53 (2014)
- Furman, Gregory B. And Goren, Shaul D. And Meerovich, Victor M. And Sokolovsky, Vladimir L., "Quantum Correlations At Negative Absolute Temperatures", Quantum Information Processing 13, 2759-2768 (2014)
- Knoll, R. And Shames, A. And Goren, S. D. And Shaked, H. And Cordier, S. And Perrin, C. And Hernandez, O. And Roisnel, T. And Andre, G. And Kremer, R. K. And Simon, A., "Antiferromagnetic Ordering Of Magnetic Clusters Units In Nb6F15", Applied Magnetic Resonance 44, 143-151 (2013)
- Fel'Dman, Edward B. And Furman, Gregory B. And Goren, Shaul D., "Spin Locking And Spin-Lattice Relaxation In A Liquid Entrapped In Nanosized Cavities", Soft Matter 8, 9200-9204 (2012)
- Furman, Gregory And Goren, Shaul, "Dipolar Order And Spin-Lattice Relaxation In A Liquid Entrapped Into Nanosize Cavities", Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section A-A Journal Of Physical Sciences 66, 779-783 (2011)
- Furman, G. B. And Goren, S. D. And Panich, A. M. And Shames, A. I. And Nakajima, T., "Spin Diffusion In Multiple Pulse Spin-Locking In Solids Containing Paramagnetic Impurities", Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 38, 84-89 (2010)
- Macfarlane, W. A. And Schick-Martin, D. And Egilmez, M. And Fan, I. And Song, Q. And Chow, K. H. And Cordier, S. And Perrin, C. And Goren, S. D., "A Mu Sr Search For Magnetism In The Cluster Compound Nb6F15", Physica B-Condensed Matter 404, 622-625 (2009)
- Beltjukov, P. A. And Kibrik, G. E. And Furman, G. B. And Goren, S. D., "Cross-Relaxation In Multiple Pulse Nqr Spin-Locking", Hyperfine Interactions 181, 115-125 (2008)
- Beltjukov, P. A. And Kibrik, G. E. And Furman, G. B. And Goren, S. D., "Thermal Mixing In Multiple-Pulse Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spin-Locking", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 19, 436217 (2007)
- Doronin, S. I. And Fel'Dman, E. B. And Kuznetsova, E. I. And Furman, G. B. And Goren, S. D., "Multiple Quantum Nmr Dynamics In Dipolar Ordered Spin Systems", Physical Review B 76, 144405 (2007)
- Doronin, S. I. And Fel'Dman, E. B. And Kuznetsova, E. I. And Furman, G. B. And Goren, S. D., "Dipolar Temperature And Multiple-Quantum Nmr Dynamics In Dipolar Ordered-Spin Systems", Jetp Letters 86, 24-27 (2007)
- Furman, G. B. And Goren, S. D. And Lee, J. -S. And Khitrin, A. K. And Meerovich, V. M. And Sokolovsky, V. L., "Stimulated Wave Of Polarization In Spin Chains", Physical Review B 74, 054404 (2006)
- Knoll, R And Sokolovski, J And Benhaim, Y And Shames, Ai And Goren, Sd And Shaked, H And Thepot, Jy And Perrin, C And Cordier, S, "Magnetic Resonance And Structural Study Of The Cluster Fluoride Nb6F15", Physica B-Condensed Matter 381, 47-52 (2006)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd, "Nmr Multiple-Quantum Dynamics With Various Initial Conditions", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 17, 4501-4509 (2005)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd And Meerovich, Vm And Sokolovsky, Vl And William, S, "Dynamics Of Multiple Quantum Coherences In Dipole-Coupling Spins In Solid", Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 28, 44-49 (2005)
- Sigalov, O And Shames, Ai And Caspi, En And Dubman, M And Ettedgui, H And Goren, Sd And Shaked, H, "Magnetic Phase Transition In Yco3B2 Studied By Magnetic Resonance", Journal Of Applied Physics 98, 074105 (2005)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd, "Dipolar Coupling Spin Dynamics: Perturbation Approach", Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And General 37, 8159-8166 (2004)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd, "Nqr Spin Diffusion In An Inhomogeneous Internal Field", Hyperfine Interactions 159, 109-119 (2004)
- Panich, Am And Felner, I And Shames, Ai And Goren, S And Ummat, Pk And Datars, Wr, "Magnetic Susceptibility And Magnetic Resonance Study Of Acceptor Doped Fullerenes C-60(Mf6)(2) (M = As, Sb, P)", Solid State Communications 129, 81-84 (2004)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd, "Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation And Spin Diffusion In An Inhomogeneous Field", Physical Review B 68, 064402 (2003)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd And Meerovich, Vm And Sokolovsky, Vl And Kibrik, Ge And Polyakov, Ay, "Multifrequency Resonances In Multiple-Pulse Nmr On A Spin-1/2 System", Physical Review A 68, 063410 (2003)
- Sigaolv, O And Shames, A And Goren, Sd And Shaked, H And Korn, C And Felner, I And Vecchione, A, "Esr Studies Of The Magnetism Of Ru-1212", Physica B-Condensed Matter 327, 397-399 (2003)
- Caspi, En And Melamud, M And Shaked, H And Shames, Ai And Goren, Sd, "Co-59 Nmr Study Of (U,Nd)Co2Ge2", Physica B-Condensed Matter 312, 280-282 (2002)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd, "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detection Of The Nuclear Spins Near Paramagnetic Impurities In Solids", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 14, 873-881 (2002)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd And Meerovich, Vm And Sokolovsky, Vl, "Two Qubits In Pure Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 14, 8715-8723 (2002)
- Knoll, R And Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Shames, A And Perrin, C And Privalov, A And Vieth, Hm, "Nmr Study Of The Influence Of Iodine Substitution In The Chevrel Comounds Mo6Te8-Xix And Mo6Se8-I-X(X)", Physica B-Condensed Matter 324, 157-166 (2002)
- Meerovich, V And Sokolovsky, V And Goren, S And Vajda, I, "Ac Loss Problem In High-T-C Bulk Superconductors", Physica C 354, 260-264 (2001)
- Panich, Am And Goren, Sd And Ben-Yakar, Lf And Eder, M And Gritzner, G, "Thallium And Lead Nmr Studies Of (Tl0.5Pb0.5)(Ba0.2Sr0.8)(2)Ca2Cu3Oy Superconductors", Physica C 356, 129-140 (2001)
- Sokolovsky, V And Meerovich, V And Goren, S And Vajda, I, "Study Of The Quench Conditions In Superconducting Current Limiters", Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity 11, 2110-2113 (2001)
- Dehmej, J And Burin, Jp And Peyral, P And Rosenblatt, J And Fouad, Y And Lebeau, C And Raboutou, A And Massiot, P And Perrin, C And Goren, Sd, "Irreversibility Lines In Halogen- And Hydrogen-Doped Yba2Cu3O7-Delta Compounds", Journal Of Superconductivity 13, 357-366 (2000)
- Furman, Gb And Ben-Yakar, Lf And Shames, Ai And Korn, C And Goren, Sd, "Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation And Spin Diffusion In The Mixed State Of Type-Ii Layered Superconductors", Physical Review B 61, 7021-7027 (2000)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd, "Spin Diffusion Of Dipolar Energy In Nqr", Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 16, 199-202 (2000)
- Panich, Am And Krieger, Jh And Semenov, Ar And Goren, Sd And Chekhova, Gn, "Chlorine-35 Nqr And H-1 Nmr Study Of Guest Structure And Dynamics In The Thiourea-Hexachloroethane Inclusion Compound", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 12, 5765-5774 (2000)
- Sokolovsky, V And Meerovich, V And Gladstein, M And Yuzhelevski, Y And Jung, G And Goren, S, "An Experimental Study Of Heating Due To The Ac Loss In A Bscco Cylinder", Physica C 336, 102-106 (2000)
- Dehmej, J And Fouad, Y And Burin, Jp And Peyral, P And Rosenblatt, J And Lebeau, C And Raboutou, A And Massiot, P And Perrin, C And Korn, C And Goren, Sd, "Low-Field Phenomenology And Characteristic Lengths Of Hydrogen- And Halogen-Doped Yba2Cu3O7-Delta Compounds", Journal Of Low Temperature Physics 116, 407-419 (1999)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd, "Spin Diffusion And Spin-Lattice Relaxation In Pulse Spin-Locking In Solids Containing Paramagnetic Impurities", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 11, 8275-8282 (1999)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd, "The Spin-Diffusion Effect In The Dipolar Ordering State", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 11, 4045-4052 (1999)
- Furman, Gb And Goren, Sd And Panich, Am And Shames, Ai, "Spin Diffusion And Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation In Irradiated Solids: A Multiple-Pulse Nqr Study", Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 14, 145-155 (1999)
- Goren, Sd And Ben-Yakar, Lf And Shames, A And Pandyopadhayay, B And Korn, C And Shaked, H And Massiot, P And Perrin, C And Gallier, J And Privalov, A, "Can Halogen Atoms Be Inserted Into The Ybco System?", Physica C 313, 127-135 (1999)
- Katz, Ea And Shames, Ai And Faiman, D And Shtutina, S And Cohen, Y And Goren, S And Kempinski, W And Piekara-Sady, L, "Do Structural Defects Affect Semiconducting Properties Of Fullerene Thin Films?", Physica B-Condensed Matter 273-4, 934-937 (1999)
- Meerovich, V And Sokolovsky, V And Bock, J And Gauss, S And Goren, S And Jung, G, "Performance Of An Inductive Fault Current Limiter Employing Bscco Superconducting Cylinders", Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity 9, 4666-4676 (1999)
- Meerovich, V And Sokolovsky, V And Goren, S And Jung, G, "Ac Losses In High-Temperature Superconductor Bscco Hollow Cylinders With Induced Current", Physica C 319, 238-248 (1999)
- Panich, Am And Semenov, Ar And Chekhova, Gn And Krieger, Jh And Goren, Sd, "Cl-35 Nqr Study Of Incommensurate State In Thiourea-Hexachloroethane Inclusion Compound", Solid State Communications 110, 363-367 (1999)
- Sokolovsky, V And Meerovich, V And Goren, S And Jung, G And Bock, J And Gauss, S, "Ac Losses In Bscco Cylinders Operating In Inductive Current Limiter", Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity 9, 1361-1364 (1999)
- Felner, I And Asaf, U And Goren, Sd And Korn, C, "Reversible Effect Of Hydrogen On Superconductivity And Weak Ferromagnetism In Eu1.4Ce0.6Msr2Cu2O10-Delta (M=Nb And Ru)", Physical Review B 57, 550-556 (1998)
- Furman, Gb And Panich, Am And Goren, Sd, "Spin-Locking In One Pulse Nmr Experiment", Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 11, 225-230 (1998)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Perrin, C And Hoffmann, W And Privalov, A And Vieth, Hm And Luders, K, "Nmr Study Of F-19 Resonance Above T-C In Fluorinated Yba2Cu3Ox", Physica C 304, 283-292 (1998)
- Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Goren, S And Shtutina, S And Mishori, B And Shapira, Y, "A Photovoltaic C-60-Si Heterojunction", Fullerene Science And Technology 6, 103-111 (1998)
- Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Mishori, B And Shapira, Y And Shames, Ai And Shtutina, S And Goren, S, "Changes In The Photoelectrical Properties And Generation Of Photoinduced Defects Under Light/Air Exposure Of C-60 Thin Films", Journal Of Applied Physics 84, 3333-3337 (1998)
- Licht, S And Khaselev, O And Ramakrishnan, Pa And Faiman, D And Katz, Ea And Shames, A And Goren, S, "Photoelectrochemical Investigation Of Fullerenes", Fullerene Science And Technology 6, 125-136 (1998)
- Licht, S And Khaselev, O And Ramakrishnan, Pa And Faiman, D And Katz, Ea And Shames, A And Goren, S, "Fullerene Photoelectrochemical Solar Cells", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 51, 9-19 (1998)
- Licht, S And Ramakrishnan, Pa And Faiman, D And Katz, Ea And Shames, A And Goren, S, "Photoaction, Temperature And O-2 Depletion Effects In Fullerene Photoelectrochemical Solar Cells", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 56, 45-56 (1998)
- Panich, Am And Nakajima, T And Vieth, Hm And Privalov, Af And Goren, Sd, "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study Of Fluorine-Graphite Intercalation Compounds", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 10, 7633-7642 (1998)
- Sokolovsky, V And Meerovich, V And Goren, S And Jung, G, "Analytical Approach To Ac Loss Calculation In High-T-C Superconductors", Physica C 306, 154-162 (1998)
- Faiman, D And Goren, S And Katz, Ea And Koltun, M And Melnik, N And Shames, A And Shtutina, S, "Structure And Optical Properties Of C-60 Thin Films", Thin Solid Films 295, 283-286 (1997)
- Furman, Gb And Panich, Am And Yochelis, A And Kunoff, Em And Goren, Sd, "Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation Of Dipolar Order Caused By Paramagnetic Impurities", Physical Review B 55, 439-444 (1997)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Benyakar, Lf And Shames, A And Bandyopadhyay, B And Shaked, H And Massiot, P And Perrin, C, "Nmr Study Of Yba2Cu3Oxfy (X=6,6.7, And 0<Y<1.5)", Physica C 282, 1331-1332 (1997)
- Meerovich, V And Sokolovsky, V And Goren, S And Kozyrev, Ab And Osadchy, Vn And Hollmann, Ek, "Operation Of Hybrid Current Limiter Based On High-Tc Superconducting Thin Film", Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity 7, 3783-3790 (1997)
- Panich, Am And Nakajima, T And Goren, Sd, "F-19 Nmr Study Of C-F Bonding And Localization Effects In Fluorine-Intercalated Graphite", Chemical Physics Letters 271, 381-384 (1997)
- Shames, Ai And Katz, Ea And Goren, Sd And Faiman, D And Shtutina, S, "An Epr Study Of As-Grown And Photoinduced Defects In C-60 Thin Films", Materials Science And Engineering B-Solid State Materials For Advanced Technology 45, 134-139 (1997)
- Furman, Gb And Kunoff, Em And Goren, Sd, "Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation Via Thermal Vortex Motion In Superconductors", Physica C 266, 203-209 (1996)
- Katz, Ea And Lyubin, V And Faiman, D And Shtutina, S And Shames, A And Goren, S, "Persistent Photoelectric Phenomena In Oxygenated C-60 Thin Films", Solid State Communications 100, 781-784 (1996)
- Koltun, M And Faiman, D And Goren, S And Katz, Ea And Kunoff, E And Shames, A And Shtutina, S And Uzan, B, "Solar Cells From Carbon", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 44, 485-491 (1996)
- Meerovich, V And Sinder, M And Sokolovsky, V And Goren, S And Jung, G And Shter, Ge And Grader, Gs, "Penetration Dynamics Of A Magnetic Field Pulse Into High-T-C Superconductors", Superconductor Science & Technology 9, 1042-1047 (1996)
- Furman, Gb And Kunoff, Em And Goren, Sd And Pasquier, V And Tinet, D, "Fractional Power Time-Dependence Of The Nuclear Magnetization In The Presence Of Paramagnetic Impurities", Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 4, 255-258 (1995)
- Furman, Gb And Kunoff, Em And Goren, Sd And Pasquier, V And Tinet, D, "Nuclear-Spin-Lattice Relaxation Via Paramagnetic Impurities In Solids With Arbitrary Space Dimension", Physical Review B 52, 10182-10187 (1995)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Perrin, C And Hoffmann, W And Vieth, Hm And Luders, K, "Y-89 Nmr And Cu Nqr Of Hydrogenated Oxygen-Deficient Yba2Cu3O6.7", Physical Review B 52, 3091-3094 (1995)
- Shames, Ai And Bandyopadhyay, B And Goren, Sd And Shaked, H And Korn, C, "In-Situ Epr Study Of Room-Temperature Evolution Of Yba2Cu3O6+X Ceramics", Physica C 252, 177-182 (1995)
- Felner, I And Asaf, U And Nowik, I And Bauminger, Er And Frenkelbenyakar, L And Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Lutgemeier, H And Schmenn, S And Schone, H, "Magnetic Order Induced By Hydrogen In Superconducting Rba(2)Cu(4)O(8) (R=Y,Gd) Studied By Mossbauer And Nqr Techniques", Physical Review B 50, 15858-15863 (1994)
- Felner, I And Asaf, U And Nowik, I And Bauminger, Er And Yakar, Lfb And Goren, Sd And Korn, C, "Magnetic Order Induced By Hydrogen In Yba2Cu4O8", Physica C 235, 1603-1604 (1994)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Perrin, C And Hoffmann, W And Vieth, Hm And Luders, K, "Nmr-Study Of The Y-89 Resonance In Fluorinated Yba2Cu3Ox", Physical Review B 50, 1290-1292 (1994)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Shaked, H And Rossler, E And Vieth, Hm And Luders, K, "Nmr-Study Of The Effect Of Hydrogen On Yba2Cu3O6", Physica C 223, 140-144 (1994)
- Harrington, I And Korn, C And Goren, Sd And Shaked, H And Kimmel, G, "X-Ray-Diffraction Study Of The Influence Of Hydrogen On The Crystallographic Structure Of Hxyba2Cu3O7-Delta", Physica C 226, 255-261 (1994)
- Kunoff, Em And Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Gavra, Z And Johnson, Jr And Reilly, Jj, "Nonexponential Behavior Of The Nuclear Magnetization In H-Doped Copper Oxides", Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 3, 23-27 (1994)
- Meerovich, V And Sokolovsky, V And Jung, G And Goren, S, "Development Of High-Tc Superconducting Inductive Current Limiter For Power-Systems", Cryogenics 34, 757-760 (1994)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Riesemeier, H And Luders, K, "Nuclear-Quadrupole Resonance Of Cu In Hydrogenated Yba2Cu3O7", Physical Review B 47, 2821-2824 (1993)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Volterra, V And Riesemeier, H And Rossler, E And Vieth, Hm And Luders, K, "Nmr Of H-1 And 2D In Hydrogen-Doped And Deuterium-Doped Yba2Cu3O7", Physical Review B 46, 14142-14149 (1992)
- Felner, I And Brosh, B And Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Volterra, V, "Superconductivity And Antiferromagnetism In The Cu(2) Planes Of Yba2Cu3O7Hx", Physical Review B 43, 10368-10371 (1991)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Volterra, V And Riesemeier, H And Rossler, E And Schaefer, M And Vieth, Hm And Luders, K, "Influence Of Hydrogen On The Y-89 Nmr In Hxyba2Cu3O7", Physical Review B 42, 7949-7952 (1990)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Volterra, V And Schaefer, M And Riesemeier, H And Rossler, E And Stenschke, H And Vieth, Hm And Luders, K, "Evidence Of Local Magnetic Order In The Superconducting Phase Of Hydrogen Doped Yba2Cu3O7 Using Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance", Solid State Communications 70, 279-282 (1989)
- Kunoff, Em And Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Riesemeier, H And Stang, I And Luders, K, "H-1-Nmr Study Of Residual Hno3-Intercalated Graphite", Physical Review B 39, 6148-6155 (1989)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Riesemeier, H And Rossler, E And Luders, K, "Titanium Knight-Shift In Titanium Hydride", Physical Review B 34, 6917-6923 (1986)
- Korn, C And Goren, Sd, "Model-Independent Nmr Approach In Determining Hydrogen Diffusion In Titanium Hydride", Physical Review B 33, 64-67 (1986)
- Korn, C And Goren, Sd, "Nmr-Study Of Hydrogen Diffusion In Zirconium Hydride", Physical Review B 33, 68-78 (1986)
- Goren, Sd And Shporer, M And Margalit, Y, "O-17 Nuclear-Quadrupole-Resonance Measurements In The Ferroelectric Phase Of Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate - Evidence For Proton Tunneling", Physical Review B 27, 5419-5423 (1983)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Mintz, Mh And Gavra, Z And Hadari, Z, "Nmr-Study Of Hydrogen Diffusion And Phase Determination Of The Mg-2Nihx System", Journal Of Chemical Physics 73, 4758-4764 (1980)
- Korn, C And Goren, Sd, "T1P Measurements Of Hydrogen Diffusion In Titanium Hydride", Physical Review B 22, 4727-4730 (1980)
- Pinto, H And Korn, C And Goren, S And Shaked, H, "Neutron-Diffraction Study Of Hydrogen In Alpha-Titanium", Solid State Communications 32, 397-398 (1979)
- Goren, Sd And Korn, C And Marks, Sb, "Proton Nmr Measurements Of Liquid-Crystals Whose Nematic Range Has Been Extended By Supercooling", Physical Review Letters 34, 1212-1213 (1975)
- Marks, Sb And Potashnik, R And Goren, Sd, "Oriented Pmr Spectrum Of Methanol Dissolved In A Nematic Solvent", Journal Of Magnetic Resonance 17, 132-133 (1975)
- Goren, Sd And Marks, Sb And Potashnik, R, "Effects Of Rotation On Nmr Linewidths In Nematic Solvents", Chemical Physics Letters 28, 400-401 (1974)