Golomb, David
Faculty (Adjunct , Physiology and Cell Biology )

- golomb@bgu.ac.il
- Office
- M6A/427
- Phone
- 08-6477325
- Website
- http://www.bgu.ac.il/~golomb
- Research type
- Theoretical
- Research topics
I work in the fields of neurophysics and computational and theoretical neuroscience. I am interested in active sensing and dynamics of cortical and brainstem circuits.
- Researcher identification
Past graduate students *
* Past students / postdocs data might be incompletePublications
- Kleinfeld, D. and Deschênes, M. and Economo, M.N. and Elbaz, M. and Golomb, D. and Liao, S. and O'Connor, D.H. and Wang, F., "Low- And High-Level Coordination Of Orofacial Motor Actions", Current Opinion in Neurobiology 83, 102784 (2023)
- Golomb, D. and Moore, J.D. and Fassihi, A. and Takatoh, J. and Prevosto, V. and Wang, F. and Kleinfeld, D., "Theory Of Hierarchically Organized Neuronal Oscillator Dynamics That Mediate Rodent Rhythmic Whisking", Neuron 110, 3833-3851.e22 (2022)
- Takatoh, J. and Prevosto, V. and Thompson, P.M. and Lu, J. and Chung, L. and Harrahill, A. and Li, S. and Zhao, S. and He, Z. and Golomb, D. and Kleinfeld, D. and Wang, F., "The Whisking Oscillator Circuit", Nature 609, 560-568 (2022)
- Argaman, T. and Golomb, D., "Does Layer 4 In The Barrel Cortex Function As A Balanced Circuit When Responding To Whisker Movements?", Neuroscience 368, 29-45 (2018)
- Gutnisky, D.A. and Yu, J. and Hires, S.A. and To, M. and Bale, M.R. and Svoboda, K. and Golomb, D., "Mechanisms Underlying A Thalamocortical Transformation During Active Tactile Sensation", PLoS Comput Biol 13, e1005576 (2017)
- Hires, S.A. and Schuyler, A. and Sy, J. and Huang, V. and Wyche, I. and Wang, X. and Golomb, D., "Beyond Cones: An Improved Model Of Whisker Bending Based On Measured Mechanics And Tapering", Journal of Neurophysiology 116, 812-824 (2016)
- Golomb, D., "Mechanism And Function Of Mixed-Mode Oscillations In Vibrissa Motoneurons", PLoS ONE 9, e109205 (2014)
- Kfir, A. and Ohad-Giwnewer, N. and Jammal, L. and Saar, D. and Golomb, D. and Barkai, E., "Learning-Induced Modulation Of The Gabab-Mediated Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission: Mechanisms And Functional Significance", Journal of Neurophysiology 111, 2029-2038 (2014)
- Hires, S.A. and Pammer, L. and Svoboda, K. and Golomb, D., "Tapered Whiskers Are Required For Active Tactile Sensation", eLife 2, (2013)
- Haidarliu, S. and Golomb, D. and Kleinfeld, D. and Ahissar, E., "Dorsorostral Snout Muscles In The Rat Subserve Coordinated Movement For Whisking And Sniffing", Anat Rec 295, 1181-1191 (2012)
- Haidarliu, S. and Simony, E. and Golomb, D. and Ahissar, E., "Collagenous Skeleton Of The Rat Mystacial Pad", Anat Rec 294, 764-773 (2011)
- Hayut, I. and Fanselow, E.E. and Connors, B.W. and Golomb, D., "Lts And Fs Inhibitory Interneurons, Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity, And Cortical Circuit Dynamics", PLoS Comput Biol 7, e1002248 (2011)
- Harish, O. and Golomb, D., "Control Of The Firing Patterns Of Vibrissa Motoneurons By Modulatory And Phasic Synaptic Inputs: A Modeling Study", Journal of Neurophysiology 103, 2684-2699 (2010)
- Simony, E. and Bagdasarian, K. and Herfst, L. and Brecht, M. and Ahissar, E. and Golomb, D., "Temporal And Spatial Characteristics Of Vibrissa Responses To Motor Commands", Journal of Neuroscience 30, 8935-8952 (2010)
- Golomb, D. and Ermentrout, G.B., "Effects Of Delay On The Type And Velocity Of Travelling Pulses In Neuronal Networks With Spatially Decaying Connectivity", Network: Computation in Neural Systems 11, 221-246 (2009)
- Ahissar, E. and Golomb, D. and Haidarliu, S. and Sosnik, R. and Yu, C., "Latency Coding In Pom: Importance Of Parametric Regimes", Journal of Neurophysiology 100, 1152-1154 (2008)
- Simony, E. and Saraf-Sinik, I. and Golomb, D. and Ahissar, E., "Sensation-Targeted Motor Control: Every Spike Counts?Focus On: “Whisker Movements Evoked By Stimulation Of Single Motor Neurons In The Facial Nucleus Of The Rat”", Journal of Neurophysiology 99, 2757-2759 (2008)
- Golomb, D. and Donner, K. and Shacham, L. and Shlosberg, D. and Amitai, Y. and Hansel, D., "Mechanisms Of Firing Patterns In Fast-Spiking Cortical Interneurons", PLoS Comput Biol 3, e156 (2007)
- Pfeuty, B., "Inhibition Potentiates The Synchronizing Action Of Electrical Synapses", Front. Comput. Neurosci. 1, (2007)
- Golomb, D. and Ahissar, E. and Kleinfeld, D., "Coding Of Stimulus Frequency By Latency In Thalamic Networks Through The Interplay Of Gabab-Mediated Feedback And Stimulus Shape", Journal of Neurophysiology 95, 1735-1750 (2006)
- Golomb, D. and Shedmi, A. and Curtu, R. and Ermentrout, G.B., "Persistent Synchronized Bursting Activity In Cortical Tissues With Low Magnesium Concentration: A Modeling Study", Journal of Neurophysiology 95, 1049-1067 (2006)
- Golomb, D. and Yue, C. and Yaari, Y., "Contribution Of Persistent Na+Current And M-Type K+Current To Somatic Bursting In Ca1 Pyramidal Cells: Combined Experimental And Modeling Study", Journal of Neurophysiology 96, 1912-1926 (2006)
- Pfeuty, B. and Mato, G. and Golomb, D. and Hansel, D., "The Combined Effects Of Inhibitory And Electrical Synapses In Synchrony", Neural Computation 17, 633-670 (2005)
- Pfeuty, B. and Mato, G. and Golomb, D. and Hansel, D., "Electrical Synapses And Synchrony: The Role Of Intrinsic Currents", J. Neurosci. 23, 6280-6294 (2003)
- Amitai, Y. and Gibson, J.R. and Beierlein, M. and Patrick, S.L. and Ho, A.M. and Connors, B.W. and Golomb, D., "The Spatial Dimensions Of Electrically Coupled Networks Of Interneurons In The Neocortex", J. Neurosci. 22, 4142-4152 (2002)
- Golomb, D. and Ermentrout, G.B., "Slow Excitation Supports Propagation Of Slow Pulses In Networks Of Excitatory And Inhibitory Populations", Phys. Rev. E 65, 061911 (2002)
- Golomb, D. and Ermentrout, G.B., "Bistability In Pulse Propagation In Networks Of Excitatory And Inhibitory Populations", Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4179-4182 (2001)
- Golomb, D. and Ermentrout, G.B., "Continuous And Lurching Traveling Pulses In Neuronal Networks With Delay And Spatially Decaying Connectivity", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96, 13480-13485 (1999)
- Golomb, D., "Models Of Neuronal Transient Synchrony During Propagation Of Activity Through Neocortical Circuitry", Journal of Neurophysiology 79, 1-12 (1998)
- Golomb, D. and Amitai, Y., "Propagating Neuronal Discharges In Neocortical Slices: Computational And Experimental Study", Journal of Neurophysiology 78, 1199-1211 (1997)
- Golomb, D. and Hertz, J. and Panzeri, S. and Treves, A. and Richmond, B., "How Well Can We Estimate The Information Carried In Neuronal Responses From Limited Samples?", Neural Computation 9, 649-665 (1997)
- Golomb, D. and Wang, X.J. and Rinzel, J., "Propagation Of Spindle Waves In A Thalamic Slice Model", Journal of Neurophysiology 75, 750-769 (1996)
- Wang, X.J. and Golomb, D. and Rinzel, J., "Emergent Spindle Oscillations And Intermittent Burst Firing In A Thalamic Model: Specific Neuronal Mechanisms.", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92, 5577-5581 (1995)
- Golomb, D. and Kleinfeld, D. and Reid, R.C. and Shapley, R.M. and Shraiman, B.I., "On Temporal Codes And The Spatiotemporal Response Of Neurons In The Lateral Geniculate Nucleus", Journal of Neurophysiology 72, 2990-3003 (1994)
- Golomb, D. and Rinzel, J., "Clustering In Globally Coupled Inhibitory Neurons", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 72, 259-282 (1994)
- Golomb, D. and Wang, X.-. and Rinzel, J., "Corrigenda For Synchronization Properties Of Spindle Oscillations In A Thalamic Reticular Nucleus Model", Journal of Neurophysiology 72, 1-b-1-b (1994)
- Golomb, D. and Wang, X.J. and Rinzel, J., "Synchronization Properties Of Spindle Oscillations In A Thalamic Reticular Nucleus Model", Journal of Neurophysiology 72, 1109-1126 (1994)
- Golomb, D. and Guckenheimer, J. and Gueron, S., "Reduction Of A Channel-Based Model For A Stomatogastric Ganglion Lp Neuron", Biol. Cybern. 69, 129-137 (1993)
- Golomb, D. and Rinzel, J., "Dynamics Of Globally Coupled Inhibitory Neurons With Heterogeneity", Phys. Rev. E 48, 4810-4814 (1993)
- Aranson, I. and Golomb, D. and Sompolinsky, H., "Spatial Coherence And Temporal Chaos In Macroscopic Systems With Asymmetrical Couplings", Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3495-3498 (1992)
- Golomb, D. and Hansel, D. and Shraiman, B. and Sompolinsky, H., "Clustering In Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators", Phys. Rev. A 45, 3516-3530 (1992)
- Sompolinsky, H. and Golomb, D. and Kleinfeld, D., "Cooperative Dynamics In Visual Processing", Phys. Rev. A 43, 6990-7011 (1991)
- Golomb, D. and Rubin, N. and Sompolinsky, H., "Willshaw Model: Associative Memory With Sparse Coding And Low Firing Rates", Phys. Rev. A 41, 1843-1854 (1990)
- Sompolinsky, H. and Golomb, D. and Kleinfeld, D., "Global Processing Of Visual Stimuli In A Neural Network Of Coupled Oscillators.", PNAS 87, 7200-7204 (1990)
- Golomb, D. and Goren, Y. and Ron, A. and Hirshfield, J., "Investigation Of The Saturation Properties Of Gyroamplifiers", IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. 36, 934-938 (1988)