Moshe, Ofer
PhD student

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with Daniel Rich
- Andresen, Juan Carlos And Katzgraber, Helmut G. And Schechter, Moshe, "Random-Field-Induced Disordering Mechanism In A Disordered Ferromagnet: Between The Imry-Ma And The Standard Disordering Mechanism", Physical Review B 96, 214414 (2017)
- Asban, Ofek And Amir, Ariel And Imry, Yoseph And Schechter, Moshe, "Effect Of Interactions And Disorder On The Relaxation Of Two-Level Systems In Amorphous Solids", Physical Review B 95, 144207 (2017)
- Brontvein, Olga And Houben, Lothar And Popovitz-Biro, Ronit And Levy, Moshe And Feuermann, Daniel And Tenne, Reshef And Gordon, Jeffrey M., "Synthesis And Characterization Of Pb@Gas Core-Shell Fullerene-Like Nanoparticles And Nanotubes", Nano 12, 1750030 (2017)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Lisenfeld, Juergen And Bilmes, Alexander And Shnirman, Alexander And Weiss, Georg And Ustinov, Alexey V. And Schechter, Moshe, "Rabi Noise Spectroscopy Of Individual Two-Level Tunneling Defects", Physical Review B 95, 241409 (2017)
- Dayan, Moshe, "The Inward Dispersion Of The Neutron Scattering Experiments In Htsc Cuprates", Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 29, 1987-1995 (2016)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Shnirman, Alexander And Schoen, Gerd And Schechter, Moshe, "Decoherence Of A Quantum Two-Level System By Spectral Diffusion", Physical Review B 93, 134208 (2016)
- Burin, Alexander L. And Matityahu, Shlomi And Schechter, Moshe, "Low-Temperature 1/F Noise In Microwave Dielectric Constant Of Amorphous Dielectrics In Josephson Qubits", Physical Review B 92, 174201 (2015)
- Andresen, Juan Carlos And Katzgraber, Helmut G. And Oganesyan, Vadim And Schechter, Moshe, "Existence Of A Thermodynamic Spin-Glass Phase In The Zero-Concentration Limit Of Anisotropic Dipolar Systems", Physical Review X 4, 041016 (2014)
- Dayan, Moshe, "Pairing Symmetry, Spin Gap, And More In Htsc Cuprates", Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 27, 1973-1981 (2014)
- Pollack, Yoav G. And Schechter, Moshe, "Proposal For Direct Measurement Of Random Fields In The Lihoxy1-Xf4 Crystal", Physical Review B 89, 064414 (2014)
- Andresen, Juan Carlos And Thomas, Creighton K. And Katzgraber, Helmut G. And Schechter, Moshe, "Novel Disordering Mechanism In Ferromagnetic Systems With Competing Interactions", Physical Review Letters 111, 177202 (2013)
- Dayan, Moshe, "The Origin Of The Pseudogap In Underdoped Htsc", Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 26, 2919-2930 (2013)
- Dayan, Moshe, "The Superconductivity Of The Double Correlated Linear Aggregations Of Holes In The Cuprates", Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 26, 575-587 (2013)
- Lu, Hai-Bo And Chan, Benjamin C. Y. And Wang, Xiaolin And Chua, Hui Tong And Raston, Colin L. And Albu-Yaron, Ana And Levy, Moshe And Popowitz-Biro, Ronit And Tenne, Reshef And Feuermann, Daniel And Gordon, Jeffrey M., "High-Yield Synthesis Of Silicon Carbide Nanowires By Solar And Lamp Ablation", Nanotechnology 24, 335603 (2013)
- Yin, Shengyan And Goldovsky, Yulia And Herzberg, Moshe And Liu, Lei And Sun, Hang And Zhang, Yanyan And Meng, Fanben And Cao, Xuebo And Sun, Darren D. And Chen, Hongyu And Kushmaro, Ariel And Chen, Xiaodong, "Functional Free-Standing Graphene Honeycomb Films", Advanced Functional Materials 23, 2972-2978 (2013)
- Gaita-Arino, Alejandro And Schechter, Moshe, "Identification Of Strong And Weak Interacting Two-Level Systems In Kbr:Cn", Physical Review Letters 107, 105504 (2011)
- Moshe, O. And Rich, D. H. And Damilano, B. And Massies, J., "Polarized Light From Excitonic Recombination In Selectively Etched Gan/Aln Quantum Dot Ensembles On Si(111)", Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 44, 505101 (2011)
- Moshe, O. And Rich, D. H. And Damilano, B. And Massies, J., "Selective Control Of Polarized Emission From Patterned Gan/Aln Quantum Dot Ensembles On Si(111)", Applied Physics Letters 98, 061903 (2011)
- Greenberg, Yaron And Yahel, Eyal And Caspi, El'Ad N. And Beuneu, Brigitte And Dariel, Moshe P. And Makov, Guy, "On The Relation Between The Microscopic Structure And The Sound Velocity Anomaly In Elemental Melts Of Groups Iv, V, And Vi", Journal Of Chemical Physics 133, 094506 (2010)
- Moshe, O. And Rich, D. H. And Birner, S. And Povolotskyi, M. And Damilano, B. And Massies, J., "Electronic And Optical Properties Of Gan/Aln Quantum Dots On Si(111) Subject To In-Plane Uniaxial Stresses And Variable Excitation", Journal Of Applied Physics 108, 083510 (2010)
- Moshe, O. And Rich, D. H. And Damilano, B. And Massies, J., "Polarized Emission From Gan/Aln Quantum Dots Subject To Uniaxial Thermal Interfacial Stresses", Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology B 28, C5E25-C5E34 (2010)
- Dayan, Moshe, "Sketching The Theory Of Copper Oxide High Temperature Superconductivity", Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 22, 517-525 (2009)
- Estrin, Y. And Rich, D. H. And Moshe, O. And Bhattacharyya, Sayan And Gedanken, A., "Carrier Relaxation Dynamics Of Znxcd1-Xse/C Core/Shell Nanocrystals With Phase Separation As Studied By Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence", Applied Physics Letters 95, 181903 (2009)
- Bhattacharyya, Sayan And Perelshtein, Ilana And Moshe, Ofer And Rich, Daniel H. And Gedanken, Aharon, "One-Step Solvent-Free Synthesis And Characterization Of Zn1-Xmnxse@C Nanorods And Nanowires", Advanced Functional Materials 18, 1641-1653 (2008)
- Dayan, Moshe, "The Field Perturbation Theory Of The Double Correlated Phase In Htsc", Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 21, 29-38 (2008)
- Moshe, O. And Rich, D. H. And Damilano, B. And Massies, J., "Effect Of Uniaxial Stress On The Polarization Of Light Emitted From Gan/Aln Quantum Dots Grown On Si(111)", Physical Review B 77, 155322 (2008)
- Dayan, Moshe, "Further Establishment Of The Field Perturbation Theory Of The Pseudogaps In Htsc (Vol 20, Pg 239, 2007)", Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 20, 341 (2007)
- Dayan, Moshe, "Further Establishment Of The Field Perturbation Theory Of The Pseudogaps In Htsc", Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 20, 239-247 (2007)
- Sarusi, G. And Moshe, O. And Khatsevich, S. And Rich, D. H. And Damilano, B., "Microcrack-Induced Strain Relief In Gan/Aln Quantum Dots Grown On Si(111)", Physical Review B 75, 075306 (2007)
- Albu-Yaron, Ana And Arad, Talmon And Levy, Moshe And Popovitz-Biro, Ronit And Tenne, Reshef And Gordon, Jeffrey M. And Feuermann, Daniel And Katz, Eugene A. And Jansen, Martin And Muhle, Claus, "Synthesis Of Fullerene-Like Cs2O Nanoparticles By Concentrated Sunlight", Advanced Materials 18, 2993+ (2006)
- Carmeli, Moshe And Hartnett, John G. And Oliveira, Firmin J., "On The Anomalous Acceleration Of Pioneer Spacecrafts", International Journal Of Theoretical Physics 45, 1111-1115 (2006)
- Dayan, Moshe, "Complementary Analysis Of The Field Perturbation Theory Of Superconductivity", Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 19, 477-484 (2006)
- Sarusi, G. And Moshe, O. And Khatsevich, S. And Rich, D. H. And Salzman, J. And Meyler, B. And Shandalov, M. And Golan, Y., "Cathodoluminescence Study Of Micro-Crack-Induced Stress Relief For Ain Films On Si(111)", Journal Of Electronic Materials 35, L15-L19 (2006)
- Eliezer, S And Moshe, E And Eliezer, D, "Laser-Induced Tension To Measure The Ultimate Strength Of Metals Related To The Equation Of State", Laser And Particle Beams 20, 87-92 (2002)
- Moshe, E And Eliezer, S And Henis, Z And Werdiger, M And Dekel, E And Horovitz, Y And Maman, S And Goldberg, Ib And Eliezer, D, "Experimental Measurements Of The Strength Of Metals Approaching The Theoretical Limit Predicted By The Equation Of State", Applied Physics Letters 76, 1555-1557 (2000)
- Moshe, E And Eliezer, S And Dekel, E And Henis, Z And Ludmirsky, A And Goldberg, Ib And Eliezer, D, "Measurements Of Laser Driven Spallation In Tin And Zinc Using An Optical Recording Velocity Interferometer System", Journal Of Applied Physics 86, 4242-4248 (1999)
- Moshe, E And Eliezer, S And Dekel, E And Ludmirsky, A And Henis, Z And Werdiger, M And Goldberg, Ib And Eliaz, N And Eliezer, D, "An Increase Of The Spall Strength In Aluminum, Copper, And Metglas At Strain Rates Larger Than 10(7) S(-1)", Journal Of Applied Physics 83, 4004-4011 (1998)