S Sudheer, C

- cssudhee@post.bgu.ac.il
- Research topics
List of Publications
PhD thesis
Exploring quantum foundations by NMR: Quantum correlations and measurements.
IISER-Pune (2021), India (http://dr.iiserpune.ac.in:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5707).Experimental works
(1) NMR investigation of contextuality in a quantum harmonic oscillator via pseudospin mapping.
Hemant Katiyar, C.S. Sudheer Kumar, and T.S. Mahesh.
Europhysics Letters, 113, 20003 (2016). arXiv:1503.05883 [quant-ph].
(2) Discriminating between Luders and von Neumann measuring devices: An NMR investigation.
C. S. Sudheer Kumar, Abhishek Shukla, and T. S. Mahesh.
Physics Letters A, 380, 3612 (2016). arXiv:1607.05723 [quant-ph].(3) Ancilla-induced amplification of quantum Fisher information.
C. S. Sudheer Kumar, and T. S. Mahesh.
The European Physical Journal Plus (2018) 133: 460. arXiv:1801.01396 [quant-ph].Theoretical works
(4) Frequentist-approach inspired theory of quantum random phenomena predicts signaling.
C. S. Sudheer Kumar, Anup Biswas, Aditi Sen(De), and Ujjwal Sen.
arXiv:1903.12096v2 [quant-ph] (2020).(5) Violation of space-time Bell-CHSH inequality beyond the Tsirelson bound and quantum cryptography.
C. S. Sudheer Kumar.
Pramana Journal of Physics 93, 67 (2019). arXiv:1702.05479 [quant-ph].(6) How many runs ensure quantum fidelity in teleportation experiment?
C. S. Sudheer Kumar, and Ujjwal Sen.
arXiv:2004.14816v1 [quant-ph].Invited book chapter
(7) Quantum Correlations in NMR systems.
T. S. Mahesh, C. S. Sudheer Kumar, and Udaysinh T. Bhosale.
Invited book chapter (Springer)-ISBN 978-3-319-53410-7. arXiv:1608.06579 [quant-ph].Review article
(8) Star-topology Registers: NMR and Quantum Information Perspectives.
T S Mahesh, Deepak Khurana, Krithika V R, Sreejith G J, and C S Sudheer Kumar.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2021), 33: 383002. arXiv:2102.05203 [quant-ph] .
Research Interests
Guided Sagnac matter-wave (cold atom) interferometry, quantum nonlocality, frequentist-inspired quantum mechanics, quantum foundations, and quantum information.