Uzan, David
PhD student

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with Yevgeny Kats -
Prospects for measuring quark polarization and spin correlations in b-bbar and c-cbar samples at the LHC
with Yevgeny KatsAbstract/Description: Quark polarization and spin correlations are properties that have been extensively researched for top quarks at the LHC, but have not yet been fully explored for b, c, and s quarks. These properties can lead to interesting information, for both Standard Model (SM) and Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) interactions. There have been proposals for methods to look into the b, c and s in the process pp to t-tbar with t to W+ b, W+ + to sbar-c. We, on the other hand, want to examine di-jet production pp to q-qbar where q can be b, c or s.
We propose algorithms that will give background and signal events discrimination, based on triggers that exist in CMS and ATLAS. We simulate the above processes to obtain the expected precision of measurements that can be achieved using the suggested algorithms.
We will look at certain baryons of these quarks, and through them it will be possible to measure the polarization and spin correlations of the quarks. Our result from the simulations and analysis shows that the measurements through the muon in the semi-leptonic Lambda_c decay, and the neutrino measurements in Lambda_b semi-leptonic decay will be the best avenues to look into in terms of statistical uncertainty.
We have also estimated the bounds on the dimension-six BSM operators through the charge asymmetry A_C and the cross section measurements of pp to b-bbar and the cross section measurements of pp to c-cbar. The bounds on the new physics scale Lambda (with the dimensionless coefficients set to one) of operators involving b-bbar are around 30-100 GeV (above 1 TeV) for the four(two)-quark operators. For c-cbar we find that the same bounds on the scale are around 50 GeV (above 380 GeV) for four(two)-quark operators. Some of these are stronger than what has previously been found.
We also examine the possible effects of these BSM operators on the polarization and spin correlations, and find that sizeable effects are possible.
- Kats, Y. and Uzan, D., "Prospects For Measuring Quark Polarization And Spin Correlations In $$B\Overline{B }$$ And $$C\Overline{C }$$ Samples At The Lhc", J. High Energ. Phys. 2024, 63 (2024)