Kuzmenko, Igor
Research fellow

- igorkuz@post.bgu.ac.il
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- 54/004
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- 08-6479408
- Kuzmenko, Igor And Kuzmenko, Tetyana And Avishai, Yshai And Jo, Gyu-Boong, "Multipolar Kondo Effect In A S-1(0)-P-3(2) Mixture Of Yb-173 Atoms", Physical Review B 97, 075124 (2018)
- Kuzmenko, Igor And Kuzmenko, Tetyana And Avishai, Yshai And Sato, Masatoshi, "Spin-Orbit Coupling And Topological States In An F=3/2 Cold Fermi Gas", Physical Review B 98, 165139 (2018)
- Kuzmenko, Igor And Kuzmenko, Tetyana And Avishai, Yshai And Jo, Gyu-Boong, "Coqblin-Schrieffer Model For An Ultracold Gas Of Ytterbium Atoms With Metastable State", Physical Review B 93, 115143 (2016)
- Kuzmenko, I. And Kuzmenko, T. And Avishai, Y. And Kikoin, K., "Model For Overscreened Kondo Effect In Ultracold Fermi Gas", Physical Review B 91, 165131 (2015)
- Kuzmenko, Igor And Avishai, Yshai, "Su(12) Kondo Effect In A Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dot", Physical Review B 89, 195110 (2014)
- Kuzmenko, Igor And Avishai, Yshai And Tai Kai Ng, "Anderson Impurity In The Bulk Of Topological Insulators", Physical Review B 89, 035125 (2014)
- Kuzmenko, Igor And Kuzmenko, Tetyana And Avishai, Yshai, "Model For Two-Channel Kondo Effect In Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots", Physical Review B 90, 195129 (2014)
- Kuzmenko, T. And Kikoin, K. And Avishai, Y., "Two-Channel Orbital Kondo Effect In A Quantum Dot With So(N) Symmetry", Physical Review B 88, 125102 (2013)
- Kuzmenko, Igor And Golub, Anatoly And Avishai, Yshai, "Kondo Tunneling Into A Quantum Spin Hall Insulator", Physical Review B 85, 205313 (2012)
- Golub, A. And Kuzmenko, I. And Avishai, Y., "Kondo Correlations And Majorana Bound States In A Metal To Quantum-Dot To Topological-Superconductor Junction", Physical Review Letters 107, 176802 (2011)
- Kikoin, K And Kuzmenko, T And Avishai, Y, "Kondo Effect In Triple Quantum Dots: Interplay Between Continuous And Discrete Symmetries", Physica B-Condensed Matter 378-80, 906-907 (2006)
- Kuzmenko, T And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Magnetically Tunable Kondo-Aharonov-Bohm Effect In A Triangular Quantum Dot", Physical Review Letters 96, 046601 (2006)
- Kuzmenko, T. And Kikoin, K. And Avishai, Y., "Tunneling Through Triple Quantum Dots With Mirror Symmetry", Physical Review B 73, 235310 (2006)
- Avishai, Y And Kuzmenko, T And Kikoin, K, "Dynamical And Point Symmetry Of The Kondo Effect In Triangular Quantum Dot", Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 29, 334-340 (2005)
- Kuzmenko, I, "X-Ray Scattering On Quantum Cross-Bars", Physica B-Condensed Matter 359, 1421-1423 (2005)
- Kuzmenko, I And Gredeskul, S And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Ultraviolet Probing Of Quantum Crossbars", Physical Review B 71, 045421 (2005)
- Kuzmenko, T And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Kondo Effect In Molecules With Strong Correlations", Physica B-Condensed Matter 359, 1460-1462 (2005)
- Kuzmenko, I, "Landau Damping In A Two-Dimensional Electron Gas With Imposed Quantum Grid", Nanotechnology 15, 441-448 (2004)
- Kuzmenko, I And Gredeskul, S And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Infrared Spectroscopy Of Quantum Crossbars", Physical Review B 69, 165402 (2004)
- Kuzmenko, T And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Kondo Effect In Systems With Dynamical Symmetries", Physical Review B 69, 195109 (2004)
- Gredeskul, S And Kuzmenko, I And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Spectrum, Correlations And Dimensional Crossover In Triple 2D Quantum Crossbars", Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 17, 187-188 (2003)
- Kikoin, K And Kuzmenko, T And Avishai, Y, "Unconventional Mechanisms Of Resonance Tunneling Through Complex Quantum Dots", Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 17, 149-151 (2003)
- Kuzmenko, I And Gredeskul, S And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Plasmon Excitations And One- To Two-Dimensional Crossover In Quantum Crossbars", Physical Review B 67, 115331 (2003)
- Kuzmenko, T And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Towards Two-Channel Kondo Effect In Triple Quantum Dot", Europhysics Letters 64, 218-224 (2003)
- Carmeli, M And Kuzmenko, T, "Value Of The Cosmological Constant In The Cosmological Relativity Theory", International Journal Of Theoretical Physics 41, 131-135 (2002)
- Kuzmenko, I And Gredeskul, S And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Electronic Excitations And Correlations In Quantum Bars", Low Temperature Physics 28, 539-546 (2002)
- Kuzmenko, T And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Dynamical Symmetries In Kondo Tunneling Through Complex Quantum Dots", Physical Review Letters 89, 156602 (2002)