Kaganovich, Alexander
Research fellow

- alexk@bgu.ac.il
- Office
- 54/322
- Phone
- 08-6472177
- Website
- http://profiler.bgu.ac.il/frontoffice/ShowUser.aspx?id=1249
- Research type
- Theoretical
- Guendelman, E. I. And Kaganovich, A. B., "Neutrino Generated Dynamical Dark Energy With No Dark Energy Field", Physical Review D 87, 044021 (2013)
- Guendelman, Eduardo And Kaganovich, Alexander And Nissimov, Emil And Pacheva, Svetlana, "Dynamical Couplings, Dynamical Vacuum Energy And Confinement/Deconfinement From R-2-Gravity", Physics Letters B 718, 1099-1104 (2013)
- Del Campo, Sergio And Guendelman, Eduardo I. And Kaganovich, Alexander B. And Herrera, Ramon And Labrana, Pedro, "Emergent Universe From Scale Invariant Two Measures Theory", Physics Letters B 699, 211-216 (2011)
- Guendelman, Eduardo And Kaganovich, Alexander And Nissimov, Emil And Pacheva, Svetlana, "Asymptotically De Sitter And Anti-De Sitter Black Holes With Confining Electric Potential (Vol 704, Pg 230, 2011)", Physics Letters B 705, 545 (2011)
- Guendelman, Eduardo And Kaganovich, Alexander And Nissimov, Emil And Pacheva, Svetlana, "Asymptotically De Sitter And Anti-De Sitter Black Holes With Confining Electric Potential", Physics Letters B 704, 230-233 (2011)
- Guendelman, Eduardo And Kaganovich, Alexander And Nissimov, Emil And Pacheva, Svetlana, "Hiding And Confining Charges Via ``Tube- Like″ Wormholes", International Journal Of Modern Physics A 26, 5211-5239 (2011)
- Guendelman, Eduardo And Kaganovich, Alexander And Nissimov, Emil And Pacheva, Svetlana, "Space-Time Compactification/Decompactification Transitions Via Lightlike Branes", General Relativity And Gravitation 43, 1487-1513 (2011)
- Guendelman, Eduardo And Kaganovich, Alexander And Nissimov, Emil And Pacheva, Svetlana, "Nonsingular Black Holes From Gravity-Matter-Brane Lagrangians", International Journal Of Modern Physics A 25, 1571-1596 (2010)
- Guendelman, Eduardo And Kaganovich, Alexander And Nissimov, Emil And Pacheva, Svetlana, "Spherically Symmetric And Rotating Wormholes Produced By Lightlike Branes", International Journal Of Modern Physics A 25, 1405-1428 (2010)
- Kaganovich, Alexander And Lyubarsky, Yuri, "Curvature-Drift Instability Fails To Generate Pulsar Radio Emission", Astrophysical Journal 721, 1164-1173 (2010)
- Guendelman, E. I. And Kaganovich, A. And Nissimov, E. And Pacheva, S., "Lightlike Branes As Natural Candidates For Wormhole Throats", Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress Of Physics 57, 566-572 (2009)
- Guendelman, Eduardo And Kaganovich, Alexander And Nissimov, Emil And Pacheva, Svetlana, "Einstein-Rosen ``Bridge″ Needs Lightlike Brane Source", Physics Letters B 681, 457-462 (2009)
- Guendelman, Eduardo And Kaganovich, Alexander And Nissimov, Emil And Pacheva, Svetlana, "Variable-Tension Lightlike Brane As A Gravitational Source Of Traversable Misner-Wheeler-Type Wormholes", Physics Letters B 673, 288-292 (2009)
- Guendelman, Eduardo I. And Kaganovich, Alexander B. And Nissimov, Emil R. And Pacheva, Svetlana J., "``Mass Inflation″ With Lightlike Branes", Central European Journal Of Physics 7, 668-676 (2009)
- Guendelman, E. I. And Kaganovich, A. B., "Dark Energy And The Fifth Force Problem", Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical 41, 164053 (2008)
- Guendelman, E. I. And Kaganovich, A. B., "Transition To Zero Cosmological Constant And Phantom Dark Energy As Solutions Involving Change Of Orientation Of Spacetime Manifold", Classical And Quantum Gravity 25, 235015 (2008)
- Guendelman, E. I. And Kaganovich, A. B., "Absence Of The Fifth Force Problem In A Model With Spontaneously Broken Dilatation Symmetry", Annals Of Physics 323, 866-882 (2008)
- Guendelman, E. I. And Kaganovich, A. And Nissimov, E. And Pacheva, S., "Weyl-Invariant Lightlike Branes And Soldering Of Black Hole Space-Times", Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress Of Physics 55, 579-584 (2007)
- Guendelman, E. I. And Kaganovich, A. B., "Fine-Tuning Free Paradigm Of Two-Measures Theory: K-Essence, Absence Of Initial Singularity Of The Curvature, And Inflation With Graceful Exit To The Zero Cosmological Constant State", Physical Review D 75, 083505 (2007)
- Guendelman, E. I. And Kaganovich, A. B., "Exotic Low Density Fermion States In The Two Measures Field Theory: Neutrino Dark Energy", International Journal Of Modern Physics A 21, 4373-4406 (2006)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, A And Nissimov, E And Pacheva, S, "Weyl-Conformally-Invariant Lightlike P-Brane Theories: New Aspects In Black Hole Physics And Kaluza-Klein Dynamics", Physical Review D 72, 086011 (2005)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "New Physics At Low Energies And Dark Matter-Dark Energy Transmutation", International Journal Of Modern Physics A 20, 1140-1147 (2005)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Dark Energy, Dark Matter And Fermion Families In The Two Measures Theory", International Journal Of Modern Physics A 19, 5325-5332 (2004)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, A And Nissimov, E And Pacheva, S, "String And Brane Models With Spontaneously Or Dynamically Induced Tension", Physical Review D 66, 046003 (2002)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Ssb Of Scale Symmetry, Fermion Families And Quintessence Without The Long-Range Force Problem", International Journal Of Modern Physics A 17, 417-433 (2002)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Fermion Families And Long-Range Force Problems: Interrelation And Resolution", International Journal Of Modern Physics D 11, 1591-1595 (2002)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Quintessential Potential, Fermion Families And Spontaneous Breaking Of Scale Symmetry", International Journal Of Modern Physics A 17, 4419-4424 (2002)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Geometrical Origin Of Fermion Families In Su(2) X U(1) Gauge Theory", Modern Physics Letters A 17, 1227-1237 (2002)
- Kaganovich, Ab, "Field Theory Model Giving Rise To ``Quintessential Inflation″ Without The Cosmological Constant And Other Fine-Tuning Problems", Physical Review D 63, 025022 (2001)
- Kaganovich, Ab, "Quintessence Without The Fine Tuning Problem Of The Potential", Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 87, 496-497 (2000)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Dynamical Measure And Field Theory Models Free Of The Cosmological Constant Problem", Physical Review D 60, 065004 (1999)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "From Inflation To A Zero Cosmological Constant Phase Without Fine-Tuning", Physical Review D 57, 7200-7203 (1998)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Gravity, Cosmology And Particle Physics Without The Cosmological Constant Problem", Modern Physics Letters A 13, 1583-1586 (1998)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Gravitational Theory Without The Cosmological Constant Problem", Physical Review D 55, 5970-5980 (1997)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Gravitational Theory Without The Cosmological Constant Problem", Modern Physics Letters A 12, 2421-2424 (1997)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Gravitational Theory Without The Cosmological Constant Problem, Symmetries Of Space-Filling Branes, And Higher Dimensions", Physical Review D 56, 3548-3554 (1997)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Principle Of Nongravitating Vacuum Energy And Some Of Its Consequences", Physical Review D 53, 7020-7025 (1996)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "Dilaton Induced Quantum Inflation-Compactification And Possibility Of Transition To Classical Era", Modern Physics Letters A 9, 1141-1150 (1994)
- Guendelman, Ei And Kaganovich, Ab, "The Boost-Like Symmetry Of Kaluza-Klein Cosmologies", Physics Letters B 301, 15-19 (1993)