Griv, Evgeny
Research fellow

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Astronomy; Astrophysics
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- Griv, Evgeny And Jiang, Ing-Guey And Hou, Li-Gang And Ngeow, Chow-Choong, "The Lin Shu Type Density Wave Structure Of The Galaxy: Line-Of-Sight Velocities Of Selected 37354 Rave Dr5 Stars", New Astronomy 66, 1-8 (2019)
- Griv, E. And Jiang, I. -G. And Hou, L. -G. And Ngeow, C. -C., "The Nearby Spiral Density-Wave Structure Of The Galaxy: Line-Of-Sight And Longitudinal Velocities Of 61 Masers", Astronomische Nachrichten 338, 729-739 (2017)
- Griv, Evgeny And Hou, Li-Gang And Jiang, Ing-Guey And Ngeow, Chow-Choong, "The Nearby Spiral Density-Wave Structure Of The Galaxy: Line-Of-Sight And Longitudinal Velocities Of 223 Cepheids", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 464, 4495-4508 (2017)
- Griv, Evgeny And Jiang, Ing-Guey And Hou, Li-Gang, "The Nearby Spiral Density-Wave Structure Of The Galaxy", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 468, 3361-3367 (2017)
- Griv, Evgeny And Jiang, Ing-Guey And Hou, Li-Gang, "The Spiral Arm Segments Of The Galaxy Within 3 Kpc From The Sun: A Statistical Approach", Astrophysical Journal 844, 118 (2017)
- Jiang, Ing-Guey And Lai, Chien-Yo And Savushkin, Alexander And Mkrtichian, David And Antonyuk, Kirill And Griv, Evgeny And Hsieh, He-Feng And Yeh, Li-Chin, "The Possible Orbital Decay And Transit Timing Variations Of The Planet Wasp-43B", Astronomical Journal 151, 17 (2016)
- Griv, E. And Hou, L. -G. And Jiang, I. -G., "The Lin-Shu Type Density Wave Structure Of Our Galaxy: Line-Of-Sight Velocities Of 396 Hii Regions", Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy 123, 305-323 (2015)
- Griv, E. And Jiang, I-G., "A Model For The Lin-Shu Type Density-Wave Structure Of Our Galaxy: Line-Of-Sight And Transverse-Longitudinal Velocities Of 242 Optically Visible Open Clusters", Astronomische Nachrichten 336, 196-207 (2015)
- Griv, Evgeny And Jiang, Ing-Guey And Russeil, Delphine, "Parameters Of The Galactic Density-Wave Spiral Structure: Line-Of-Sight Velocities Of 156 Star-Forming Regions", New Astronomy 35, 40-47 (2015)
- Griv, Evgeny And Kharchenko, Nina V. And Piskunov, Anatoly E. And Hou, Li-Gang And Jiang, Ing-Guey, "Spectrum Of Lin-Shu-Type Density Waves In The Galaxy: A Number Of Discrete Spiral Modes Of Collective Oscillations?", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 453, 1981-1989 (2015)
- Griv, Evgeny And Lin, Chien-Cheng And Ngeow, Chow-Choong And Jiang, Ing-Guey, "The Spiral Density-Wave Structure Of Our Own Galaxy As Traced By Open Clusters: Least-Squares Analysis Of Line-Of-Sight Velocities", New Astronomy 29, 9-17 (2014)
- Griv, Evgeny And Wang, Hsiang-Hsu, "Density Wave Formation In Differentially Rotating Disk Galaxies: Hydrodynamic Simulation Of The Linear Regime", New Astronomy 30, 8-27 (2014)
- Griv, Evgeny And Ngeow, Chow-Choong And Jiang, Ing-Guey, "Fitting The Lin-Shu-Type Density-Wave Theory For Our Own Galaxy Star", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 433, 2511-2516 (2013)
- Griv, Evgeny And Gedalin, Michael, "Stability Of Galactic Discs: Finite Arm-Inclination And Finite-Thickness Effects", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 422, 600-609 (2012)
- Griv, Evgeny, "Sausage And Kink Oscillations In Astrophysical Disk Configurations", Physical Review Letters 106, 191103 (2011)
- Griv, Evgeny, "Formation Of Moonlets In Saturn'S Rings: The Role Of The Constructive Interference Of Lin-Shu-Type Circular And Spiral Density Waves", Astrophysical Journal 733, 43 (2011)
- Griv, Evgeny, "Velocity-Anisotropy-Driven Bending Instability In The Rapidly Rotating Stellar Discs", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 415, 1259-1265 (2011)
- Griv, E. And Gedalin, M., "Fine-Scale Density Wave Structure Of Saturn'S Rings: A Hydrodynamic Theory", Astronomy & Astrophysics 521, A46 (2010)
- Griv, Evgeny, "Origin Of The Galactic Center S-Stars: Gravitational Torques From Lin-Shu-Type Spiral Density Waves", Astrophysical Journal 709, 597-604 (2010)
- Griv, Evgeny, "Origin Of The Galactic Center S-Stars", Astrophysical Journal Letters 702, L1-L4 (2009)
- Griv, Evgeny And Gedalin, Michael And Eichler, David, "The Stellar Velocity Distribution In The Solar Neighborhood: Deviations From The Schwarzschild Distribution", Astronomical Journal 137, 3520-3528 (2009)
- Griv, Evgeny And Jiang, Ing-Guey, "Formation Of The Resonant Populations In The Kuiper Belt: Gas-Drag-Induced Resonant Capture", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 396, 1032-1037 (2009)
- Griv, Evgeny And Liverts, Edward And Mond, Michael, "Angular Momentum Transport In Astrophysical Disks", Astrophysical Journal Letters 672, L127-L130 (2008)
- Griv, Evgeny, "Gravitationally Unstable Protoplanetary Disks", Planetary And Space Science 55, 203-222 (2007)
- Griv, Evgeny, "Formation Of A Star And Planets Around It Through A Gravitational Instability In A Disk Of Gas And Dust", Planetary And Space Science 55, 547-568 (2007)
- Griv, Evgeny, "The Torque At A Lindblad Vertical Resonance", Astrophysical Journal 665, 866-873 (2007)
- Griv, E, "Gravitationally Unstable Gaseous Disks Of Flat Galaxies", Astronomy & Astrophysics 449, 573-U29 (2006)
- Griv, E, "Gravitationally Unstable Protoplanetary Discs", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 365, 1007-1011 (2006)
- Griv, E. And Gedalin, M. And Lyubarsky, Yu., "Prediction Of The Fine-Scale Irregular Structure In Saturn'S A, B, And C Rings", Advances In Space Research 38, 770+ (2006)
- Griv, Evgeny And Gedalin, Michael, "Turbulent Viscosity And Lifetime Of Saturn'S Rings", Planetary And Space Science 54, 794-807 (2006)
- Griv, E, "Origin Of The Cartwheel Galaxy: Disk Instability?", Astrophysics And Space Science 299, 371-385 (2005)
- Griv, E And Gedalin, M, "Exploring Local N-Body Simulations Of Saturn'S Rings", Planetary And Space Science 53, 461-472 (2005)
- Griv, E And Gedalin, M, "Changes Of Angular Momentum And Entropy Induced By Jeans-Unstable Density Waves In Stellar Disks Of Flat Galaxies", Astronomical Journal 128, 1965-1973 (2004)
- Griv, E And Gedalin, M, "The Fine-Scale Spiral Structure Of Low And Moderately High Optical Depth Regions Of Saturn'S Main Rings: A Review", Planetary And Space Science 51, 899-927 (2003)
- Griv, E And Gedalin, M And Yuan, C, "On The Stability Of Saturn'S Rings To Gravity Disturbances", Astronomy & Astrophysics 400, 375-383 (2003)
- Griv, E And Gedalin, M And Yuan, C, "On The Stability Of Saturn'S Rings: A Quasi-Linear Kinetic Theory", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 342, 1102-1116 (2003)
- Griv, E And Gedalin, M And Yuan, C, "The First Detection Of Warping Of Outer Stellar Disks In N-Body Simulations Of Isolated And Rapidly Rotating Disk-Shaped Galaxies", Astrophysical Journal 580, L27-L30 (2002)
- Griv, E And Gedalin, M And Yuan, C, "Quasi-Linear Theory Of The Jeans Instability In Disk-Shaped Galaxies", Astronomy & Astrophysics 383, 338-351 (2002)
- Griv, E And Gedalin, M And Eichler, D, "On The Schwarzschild Velocity Distribution Of The Local Stellar Disk", Astrophysical Journal 555, L29-L32 (2001)
- Griv, E And Gedalin, M And Eichler, D And Yuan, C, "A Gas-Kinetic Stability Analysis Of Self-Gravitating And Collisional Particulate Disks With Application To Saturn'S Rings", Planetary And Space Science 48, 679-698 (2000)
- Griv, E And Gedalin, M And Eichler, D And Yuan, C, "Landau Excitation Of Spiral Density Waves In An Inhomogeneous Disk Of Stars", Physical Review Letters 84, 4280-4283 (2000)
- Griv, E And Gedalin, M And Eichler, D And Yuan, C, "Linear Kinetic Theory Of Instabilities Of A Gravitating Stellar Disk", Astrophysics And Space Science 271, 21-58 (2000)
- Liverts, E And Griv, E And Eichler, D And Gedalin, M, "Local Stability Criterion For A Self-Gravitating Gaseous Disk Of Spiral Galaxies", Astrophysics And Space Science 274, 315-320 (2000)
- Gedalin, M And Griv, E, "Role Of Overshoots In The Formation Of The Downstream Distribution Of Adiabatic Electrons", Journal Of Geophysical Research-Space Physics 104, 14821-14825 (1999)
- Gedalin, M And Griv, E, "Collisionless Electrons In A Thin High Mach Number Shock: Dependence On Angle And Beta", Annales Geophysicae-Atmospheres Hydrospheres And Space Sciences 17, 1251-1259 (1999)
- Griv, E And Yuan, C And Gedalin, M, "Small-Amplitude Density Waves In Galactic Discs With Radial Gradients", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 307, 1-23 (1999)
- Griv, E, "Local Stability Criterion For The Saturnian Ring System", Planetary And Space Science 46, 615-628 (1998)
- Griv, E And Yuan, C, "Resonant Excitation Of Density Waves In Saturn'S Rings: The Effect Of Interparticle Collisions", Planetary And Space Science 44, 1185-1190 (1996)
- Griv, E And Chiueh, Th And Peter, W, "The Weakly Nonlinear-Theory Of Density Waves In A Stellar Disk", Physica A 205, 299-306 (1994)