Gerdskoll, Sergei

- Website
- Research type
- Theoretical
- Research topics
Quantum Hall effect; Incoherent mesoscopics; Vortices in superconductors
- Asatryan, Ara A. And Botten, Lindsay C. And Byrne, Michael A. And Freilikher, Valentin D. And Gredeskul, Sergey A. And Shadrivov, Ilya V. And Mcphedran, Ross C. And Kivshar, Yuri S., "Transmission And Anderson Localization In Dispersive Metamaterials", Physical Review B 85, 045122 (2012)
- Bliokh, Konstantin Y. And Gredeskul, Sergey A. And Rajan, Puvanesvari And Shadrivov, Ilya V. And Kivshar, Yuri S., "Nonreciprocal Anderson Localization In Magneto-Optical Random Structures", Physical Review B 85, 014205 (2012)
- Gredeskul, Sergey A. And Kivshar, Yuri S. And Asatryan, Ara A. And Bliokh, Konstantin Y. And Bliokh, Yuri P. And Freilikher, Valentin D. And Shadrivov, Ilya V., "Anderson Localization In Metamaterials And Other Complex Media (Review Article)", Low Temperature Physics 38, 570-602 (2012)
- Kulinich, S. I. And Gorelik, L. Y. And Gredeskul, S. A. And Shekhter, R. I. And Jonson, M., "Umklapp-Assisted Electron Transport Oscillations In Metal Superlattices", Physical Review B 85, 184202 (2012)
- Prilepsky, Jaroslaw E. And Derevyanko, Stanislav A. And Gredeskul, Sergey A., "Controlling Soliton Refraction In Optical Lattices", Physical Review Letters 107, 083901 (2011)
- Asatryan, Ara A. And Botten, Lindsay C. And Byrne, Michael A. And Freilikher, Valentin D. And Gredeskul, Sergey A. And Shadrivov, Ilya V. And Mcphedran, Ross C. And Kivshar, Yuri S., "Effects Of Polarization On The Transmission And Localization Of Classical Waves In Weakly Scattering Metamaterials", Physical Review B 82, 205124 (2010)
- Asatryan, Ara A. And Gredeskul, Sergey A. And Botten, Lindsay C. And Byrne, Michael A. And Freilikher, Valentin D. And Shadrivov, Ilya V. And Mcphedran, Ross C. And Kivshar, Yuri S., "Anderson Localization Of Classical Waves In Weakly Scattering Metamaterials", Physical Review B 81, 075124 (2010)
- Gredeskul, Sergey A. And Derevyanko, Stanislav A. And Kovalev, Alexander S. And Prilepsky, Jaroslaw E., "Soliton Propagation Through A Disordered System: Statistics Of The Transmission Delay", Physical Review E 81, 036608 (2010)
- Kovalev, A. S. And Prilepsky, J. E. And Gredeskul, S. A. And Derevyanko, S. A., "Soliton Transmission Through A Disordered System", Low Temperature Physics 34, 559-563 (2008)
- Asatryan, Ara A. And Botten, Lindsay C. And Byrne, Michael A. And Freilikher, Valentin D. And Gredeskul, Sergey A. And Shadrivov, Ilya V. And Mcphedran, Ross C. And Kivshar, Yuri S., "Suppression Of Anderson Localization In Disordered Metamaterials", Physical Review Letters 99, 193902 (2007)
- Gorkunov, Maxim V. And Gredeskul, Sergey A. And Shadrivov, Ilya V. And Kivshar, Yuri S., "Effect Of Microscopic Disorder On Magnetic Properties Of Metamaterials", Physical Review E 73, 056605 (2006)
- Gredeskul, Sa And Kivshar, Ys, "Stability Of Atomic-Molecular Coherent States Of Hybrid Bose-Einstein Condensates", Journal Of Optics B-Quantum And Semiclassical Optics 7, 151-155 (2005)
- Kuzmenko, I And Gredeskul, S And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Ultraviolet Probing Of Quantum Crossbars", Physical Review B 71, 045421 (2005)
- Kuzmenko, I And Gredeskul, S And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Infrared Spectroscopy Of Quantum Crossbars", Physical Review B 69, 165402 (2004)
- Gredeskul, S And Kuzmenko, I And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Spectrum, Correlations And Dimensional Crossover In Triple 2D Quantum Crossbars", Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 17, 187-188 (2003)
- Kuzmenko, I And Gredeskul, S And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Plasmon Excitations And One- To Two-Dimensional Crossover In Quantum Crossbars", Physical Review B 67, 115331 (2003)
- Kuzmenko, I And Gredeskul, S And Kikoin, K And Avishai, Y, "Electronic Excitations And Correlations In Quantum Bars", Low Temperature Physics 28, 539-546 (2002)
- Braverman, Gm And Gredeskul, Sa And Avishai, Y, "Magnetic Properties Of Irradiated Quasi-2D Type-Ii Superconductors", Low Temperature Physics 27, 747-751 (2001)
- Braverman, Gm And Gredeskul, Sa And Avishai, Y, "Magnetic Properties Of Conventional Superconductors With Columnar Defects", Low Temperature Physics 25, 614-624 (1999)
- Samelsohn, G And Gredeskul, Sa And Mazar, R, "Resonances And Localization Of Classical Waves In Random Systems With Correlated Disorder", Physical Review E 60, 6081-6090 (1999)
- Braverman, Gm And Gredeskul, Sa And Avishai, Y, "Multiquantum Vortices In Conventional Superconductors With Columnar Defects Near The Upper Critical Field", Physical Review B 57, 13899-13906 (1998)
- Gredeskul, S And Avishai, Y And Azbel, My, "Two-Dimensional Electron Gas In A Magnetic Field And Point Potentials", Low Temperature Physics 23, 15-26 (1997)
- Gredeskul, Sa And Zusman, M And Avishai, Y And Azbel, My, "Spectral Properties And Localization Of An Electron In A Two-Dimensional System With Point Scatterers In A Magnetic Field", Physics Reports-Review Section Of Physics Letters 288, 223-257 (1997)
- Gredeskul, Sa And Azbel, My, "2-Dimensional Short-Range Scatterer In A Magnetic-Field", Physical Review B 49, 2323-2326 (1994)
- Avishai, Y And Azbel, My And Gredeskul, Sa, "Electron In A Magnetic-Field Interacting With Point Impurities", Physical Review B 48, 17280-17295 (1993)
- Avishai, Y And Gredeskul, Sa, "Dynamics Of Fermions In An Accessible Flux Tube", Physical Review B 47, 6395-6398 (1993)
- Gredeskul, Sa And Avishai, Y And Azbel, My, "Extended States On The Landau-Levels With Disorder", Europhysics Letters 21, 489-494 (1993)
- Zusman, M And Avishai, Y And Gredeskul, Sa, "Fluctuation Spectrum Of The Electron-States In A 2-Dimensional System With A Gaussian Potential And A Transverse Magnetic-Field", Physical Review B 48, 17922-17925 (1993)
- Gredeskul, Sa And Kivshar, Ys, "Propagation And Scattering Of Nonlinear-Waves In Disordered-Systems", Physics Reports-Review Section Of Physics Letters 216, 1-61 (1992)
- Gredeskul, Sa And Kivshar, Ys And Maslov, Lk And Sanchez, A And Vazquez, L, "Kink Propagation Through Disordered Media", Physical Review A 45, 8867-8873 (1992)