Golub, Anatoly
Research fellow

- agolub@bgu.ac.il
- Office
- 54/330
- Phone
- 08-6428228
- Website
- http://www.bgu.ac.il/~agolub
- Research type
- Theoretical
- Research topics
Quantum Hall effect; Hall effect in unconventional superconductors.
- Researcher identification
- Google Scholar
- Golub, A., "Shot Noise In Ns Junctions With A Weyl Superconductor", Physical Review B 94, 115133 (2016)
- Golub, Anatoly, "Multiple Andreev Reflections In S-Wave Superconductor-Quantum Dot-Topological Superconductor Tunnel Junctions And Majorana Bound States", Physical Review B 91, 205105 (2015)
- Golub, Anatoly And Horovitz, Baruch, "Interferometric Resonance Signatures Of Majorana Bound States", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 27, 265302 (2015)
- Golub, Anatoly And Horovitz, Baruch, "Nanoscopic Interferometer Model For Spin Resonance In Current Noise", Physical Review B 88, 115423 (2013)
- Golub, Anatoly And Grosfeld, Eytan, "Charge Resistance In A Majorana Rc Circuit", Physical Review B 86, 241105 (2012)
- Kuzmenko, Igor And Golub, Anatoly And Avishai, Yshai, "Kondo Tunneling Into A Quantum Spin Hall Insulator", Physical Review B 85, 205313 (2012)
- Golub, A. And Kuzmenko, I. And Avishai, Y., "Kondo Correlations And Majorana Bound States In A Metal To Quantum-Dot To Topological-Superconductor Junction", Physical Review Letters 107, 176802 (2011)
- Golub, Anatoly And Horovitz, Baruch, "Shot Noise In A Majorana Fermion Chain", Physical Review B 83, 153415 (2011)
- Golub, Anatoly And Horovitz, Baruch, "Shot Noise In Graphene With Long-Range Coulomb Interaction And Local Fermi Distribution", Physical Review B 81, 245424 (2010)
- Golub, A., "Impact Of Coulomb Interaction And Kondo Effect On Transport In Quantum Dots", Physical Review B 75, 155313 (2007)
- Golub, Anatoly, "Shot Noise And Transport Current In The Interacting Spinless Resonance-Level Model", Physical Review B 76, 193307 (2007)
- Golub, A, "Shot Noise Near The Unitary Limit Of A Kondo Quantum Dot", Physical Review B 73, 233310 (2006)
- Golub, A. And Aono, T. And Meir, Yigal, "Suppression Of Shot Noise In Quantum Point Contacts In The ``0.7 Regime″", Physical Review Letters 97, 186801 (2006)
- Golub, A, "High-Order Current Correlation Functions In The Kondo Systems", Physical Review B 72, 075331 (2005)
- Aono, T And Golub, A And Avishai, Y, "Kondo Effect In P-Wave Superconducting Junctions", Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 22, 542-545 (2004)
- Golub, A And Avishai, Y, "Fano Effect Of A Strongly Interacting Quantum Dot In Contact With A Superconductor", Physical Review B 69, 165325 (2004)
- Aono, T And Golub, A And Avishai, Y, "Quantum Dot In The Kondo Regime Coupled To P-Wave Superconductors", Physical Review B 68, 045312 (2003)
- Avishai, Y And Golub, A And Zaikin, Ad, "Superconductor-Quantum Dot-Superconductor Junction In The Kondo Regime", Physical Review B 67, 041301 (2003)
- Golub, A And Avishai, Y And Zaikin, Aa, "Current And Shot Noise In Superconducting Junctions With A Quantum Dot In The Kondo Regime", Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 18, 73-74 (2003)
- Horovitz, B And Golub, A, "Superconductors With Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry: Spontaneous Magnetization And Quantum Hall Effects", Physical Review B 68, 214503 (2003)
- Horovitz, B And Golub, A, "Spontaneous Magnetization And Hall Effect In Superconductors With Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry", Europhysics Letters 57, 892-897 (2002)
- Meir, Y And Golub, A, "Shot Noise Through A Quantum Dot In The Kondo Regime", Physical Review Letters 88, 116802 (2002)
- Avishai, Y And Golub, A And Zaikin, Ad, "Tunneling Through An Anderson Impurity Between Superconductors", Physical Review B 63, 134515 (2001)
- Avishai, Y And Golub, A And Zaikin, Ad, "Quantum Dot Between Two Superconductors", Europhysics Letters 54, 640-646 (2001)
- Avishai, Y And Golub, A And Zaikin, Ad, "Shot Noise In Superconducting Junctions With Weak Link Formed By Anderson Impurity", Europhysics Letters 55, 397-403 (2001)
- Avishai, Y And Golub, A, "Josephson Current In Unconventional Superconductors Through An Anderson Impurity", Physical Review B 61, 11293-11296 (2000)
- Golub, A And Horovitz, B, "Glass Phases Of Flux Lattices In Layered Superconductors", Europhysics Letters 39, 79-84 (1997)
- Horovitz, B And Golub, A, "Disorder In Two-Dimensional Josephson Junctions", Physical Review B 55, 14499-14512 (1997)
- Horovitz, B And Golub, A, "Glass Phases And Melting Of Flux Lattices In Layered Superconductors", Physica C 282, 1963-1964 (1997)
- Golub, A, "Tunneling In Two-Channel Kondo Superconducting Junctions", Physical Review B 54, 3640-3644 (1996)
- Golub, A, "Andreev Reflections And Resonance Tunneling In Josephson-Junctions", Physical Review B 52, 7458-7468 (1995)
- Golub, A And Horovitz, B, "Multiple Andreev And Elastic Interface Scattering In Superconductor-Normal-Metal-Superconductor Junctions", Physical Review B 50, 15882-15889 (1994)
- Golub, A And Horovitz, B, "Optimization Of Superconductor Normal-Metal Superconductor Josephson-Junctions For High Critical-Current Density", Physical Review B 49, 4222-4234 (1994)
- Horovitz, B And Golub, A And Sonin, Eb And Zaikin, Ad, "Thermodynamics Of 2-Dimensional Josephson-Junctions", Europhysics Letters 25, 699-704 (1994)
- Golub, A And Horovitz, B And Froumin, N And Benyaakov, A And Polak, M, "Optimizing Sns Josephson-Junctions For High Critical Current-Density In Bisrcacuo-Metal Composites", Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications 209, 207-210 (1993)
- Golub, A, "Villain Approximation For The Coulomb Blockade Problem In Small Tunnel-Junctions", Physica B 179, 94-102 (1992)
- Golub, I And Shuker, R And Erez, G, "Anomalous Blue Shifted Emission Near The D1 Transition From Laser-Excited Sodium Vapor", Journal Of Physics B-Atomic Molecular And Optical Physics 20, L63-L68 (1987)
- Golub, I And Erez, G And Shuker, R, "Cherenkov Emission Due To Laser-Induced Moving Polarization In Sodium", Journal Of Physics B-Atomic Molecular And Optical Physics 19, L115-L120 (1986)
- Golub, I And Shuker, R And Erez, G, "Collinear Nondegenerate 4-Wave-Mixing By A 3-Level System", Applied Physics B-Photophysics And Laser Chemistry 41, 39-41 (1986)
- Golub, I And Erez, G And Shuker, R, "Simultaneous Operation Of Distributed Feedback And Grating Tuned Dye-Lasers", Applied Physics B-Photophysics And Laser Chemistry 31, 75-78 (1983)