Rich, Daniel
Faculty (retired)

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- Research type
- Experimental
- Research topics
Optical and structural properties of Quantum Nanostructures; III-V (arsenides and nitrides) semiconductor thin films; Quantum wells.
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Past graduate students *
- Marat Spektor, PhD (2022)
- Hamody Agbaria, PhD (2021)
- Eli Gudinetsky, MSc (2021)
- Gal Amit, PhD (2019)
- Ofer Moshe, PhD (2018)
- Yevgeni Estrin, PhD (2018)
- Yevgeni Estrin, MSc (2013)
- Estrin, Y. And Rich, D. H. And Keller, S. And Denbaars, S. P., "Observations Of Exciton-Surface Plasmon Polariton Coupling And Exciton-Phonon Coupling In Ingan/Gan Quantum Wells Covered With Au, Ag, And Al Films", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 27, 265802 (2015)
- Estrin, Y. And Rich, D. H. And Keller, S. And Denbaars, S. P., "Temperature Dependence Of Exciton-Surface Plasmon Polariton Coupling In Ag, Au, And Al Films On Inxga1-Xn/Gan Quantum Wells Studied With Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence (Vol 117, 043105, 2015)", Journal Of Applied Physics 117, 099902 (2015)
- Estrin, Y. And Rich, D. H. And Keller, S. And Denbaars, S. P., "Temperature Dependence Of Exciton-Surface Plasmon Polariton Coupling In Ag, Au, And Al Films On Inxga1-Xn/Gan Quantum Wells Studied With Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence", Journal Of Applied Physics 117, 043105 (2015)
- Estrin, Y. And Rich, D. H. And Rozenfeld, N. And Arad-Vosk, N. And Ron, A. And Sa'Ar, A., "Enhancement In The Excitonic Spontaneous Emission Rates For Si Nanocrystal Multi-Layers Covered With Thin Films Of Au, Ag, And Al", Nanotechnology 26, 435701 (2015)
- Estrin, Yevgeni And Rich, Daniel H. And Kretinin, Andrey V. And Shtrikman, Hadas, "Influence Of Metal Deposition On Exciton-Surface Plasmon Polariton Coupling In Gaas/Alas/Gaas Core-Shell Nanowires Studied With Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence", Nano Letters 13, 1602-1610 (2013)
- Alima, Dana And Estrin, Yevgeni And Rich, Daniel H. And Bar, Ilana, "The Structural And Optical Properties Of Supercontinuum Emitting Si Nanocrystals Prepared By Laser Ablation In Water", Journal Of Applied Physics 112, 114312 (2012)
- Hu, Zhan And Singha, Sima And Rich, Daniel H. And Gordon, Robert J., "Optical Generation Of Polarized Photoluminescence From Gaas(100)", Applied Physics Letters 100, 141102 (2012)
- Moshe, O. And Rich, D. H. And Damilano, B. And Massies, J., "Polarized Light From Excitonic Recombination In Selectively Etched Gan/Aln Quantum Dot Ensembles On Si(111)", Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 44, 505101 (2011)
- Moshe, O. And Rich, D. H. And Damilano, B. And Massies, J., "Selective Control Of Polarized Emission From Patterned Gan/Aln Quantum Dot Ensembles On Si(111)", Applied Physics Letters 98, 061903 (2011)
- Moshe, O. And Rich, D. H. And Birner, S. And Povolotskyi, M. And Damilano, B. And Massies, J., "Electronic And Optical Properties Of Gan/Aln Quantum Dots On Si(111) Subject To In-Plane Uniaxial Stresses And Variable Excitation", Journal Of Applied Physics 108, 083510 (2010)
- Moshe, O. And Rich, D. H. And Damilano, B. And Massies, J., "Polarized Emission From Gan/Aln Quantum Dots Subject To Uniaxial Thermal Interfacial Stresses", Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology B 28, C5E25-C5E34 (2010)
- Estrin, Y. And Rich, D. H. And Moshe, O. And Bhattacharyya, Sayan And Gedanken, A., "Carrier Relaxation Dynamics Of Znxcd1-Xse/C Core/Shell Nanocrystals With Phase Separation As Studied By Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence", Applied Physics Letters 95, 181903 (2009)
- Bhattacharyya, Sayan And Perelshtein, Ilana And Moshe, Ofer And Rich, Daniel H. And Gedanken, Aharon, "One-Step Solvent-Free Synthesis And Characterization Of Zn1-Xmnxse@C Nanorods And Nanowires", Advanced Functional Materials 18, 1641-1653 (2008)
- Khatsevich, S. And Rich, D. H., "The Effects Of Crystallographic Orientation And Strain On The Properties Of Excitonic Emission From Wurtzite Ingan/Gan Quantum Wells", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 20, 215223 (2008)
- Moshe, O. And Rich, D. H. And Damilano, B. And Massies, J., "Effect Of Uniaxial Stress On The Polarization Of Light Emitted From Gan/Aln Quantum Dots Grown On Si(111)", Physical Review B 77, 155322 (2008)
- Schenk, H. P. D. And Borenstain, S. I. And Berezin, A. And Schoen, A. And Cheifetz, E. And Khatsevich, S. And Rich, D. H., "Band Gap Narrowing And Radiative Efficiency Of Silicon Doped Gan", Journal Of Applied Physics 103, 103502 (2008)
- Khatsevich, S. And Rich, D. H. And Keller, S. And Denbaars, S. P., "Carrier Relaxation Dynamics And Steady-State Charge Distributions In Coupled Ingan/Gan Multiple And Single Quantum Wells", Journal Of Applied Physics 101, 093515 (2007)
- Khatsevich, S. And Rich, D. H. And Keller, S. And Denbaars, S. P., "Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence Study Of Carrier Relaxation, Transfer, Collection, And Filling In Coupled Inxga1-Xn/Gan Multiple And Single Quantum Wells", Physical Review B 75, 035324 (2007)
- Khatsevich, S. And Rich, D. H. And Zhang, X. And Dapkus, P. D., "Correlating Exciton Localization With Compositional Fluctuations In Ingan/Gan Quantum Wells Grown On Gan Planar Surfaces And Facets Of Gan Triangular Prisms", Journal Of Applied Physics 102, 093502 (2007)
- Sarusi, G. And Moshe, O. And Khatsevich, S. And Rich, D. H. And Damilano, B., "Microcrack-Induced Strain Relief In Gan/Aln Quantum Dots Grown On Si(111)", Physical Review B 75, 075306 (2007)
- Sarusi, G. And Moshe, O. And Khatsevich, S. And Rich, D. H. And Salzman, J. And Meyler, B. And Shandalov, M. And Golan, Y., "Cathodoluminescence Study Of Micro-Crack-Induced Stress Relief For Ain Films On Si(111)", Journal Of Electronic Materials 35, L15-L19 (2006)
- Khatsevich, S And Rich, Dh And Kim, Et And Madhukar, A, "Cathodoluminescence Imaging And Spectroscopy Of Excited States In Inas Self-Assembled Quantum Dots", Journal Of Applied Physics 97, 123520 (2005)
- Khatsevich, S And Rich, Dh And Zhang, X And Zhou, W And Dapkus, Pd, "Temperature Dependence Of Excitonic Recombination In Lateral Epitaxially Overgrown Ingan/Gan Quantum Wells Studied With Cathodoluminescence", Journal Of Applied Physics 95, 1832-1842 (2004)