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Moreh, Raymond

Faculty (Emeritus)
Moreh, Raymond
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  1. Finkelstein, Y. And Moreh, R. And Shchur, Ya., "Anisotropy Of The Proton Kinetic Energy In Csh2Po4 And Kh2Po4", Surface Science 668, 112-116 (2018)
  2. Kahane, Sylvian And Finkelstein, Yacov And Moreh, Raymond, "New Method For Measuring The Time Integral Of Neutron Flux In A Reactor", Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 908, 155-158 (2018)
  3. Finkelstein, Y. And Moreh, R. And Shang, S. L. And Wang, Y. And Liu, Z. K., "Quantum Behavior Of Water Nano-Confined In Beryl", Journal Of Chemical Physics 146, 124307 (2017)
  4. Ben-Galim, Y. And Wengrowicz, U. And Moreh, R. And Orion, I. And Raveh, A., "Using The Doppler Broadened Gamma Line Of The B-10(N,Alpha Gamma)Li-7 Reaction For Thermal Neutron Detection", Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 810, 140-143 (2016)
  5. Finkelstein, Y. And Moreh, R., "Proton Dynamics In Hydrogen-Bonded Systems", Molecular Physics 114, 2108-2114 (2016)
  6. Finkelstein, Y. And Moreh, R. And Shang, S. L. And Shchur, Ya. And Wang, Y. And Liu, Z. K., "On The Mean Kinetic Energy Of The Proton In Strong Hydrogen Bonded Systems", Journal Of Chemical Physics 144, 054302 (2016)
  7. Moreh, R. And Finkelstein, Y. And Vos, M., "Electron Scattering As A Tool To Study Zero-Point Kinetic Energies Of Atoms In Molecules", Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 354, 37-41 (2015)
  8. Vos, M. And Marmitt, G. G. And Finkelstein, Y. And Moreh, R., "Determining The Band Gap And Mean Kinetic Energy Of Atoms From Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectra", Journal Of Chemical Physics 143, 104203 (2015)
  9. Finkelstein, Y. And Moreh, R., "Temperature Dependence Of The Proton Kinetic Energy In Water Between 5 And 673 K", Chemical Physics 431, 58-63 (2014)
  10. Finkelstein, Y. And Moreh, R., "Proton Dynamics In Ice Vii At High Pressures", Journal Of Chemical Physics 139, 044716 (2013)
  11. Vos, M. And Weigold, E. And Moreh, R., "Elastic Electron Scattering From Water Vapor And Ice At High Momentum Transfer (Vol 138, 044307, 2013)", Journal Of Chemical Physics 138, 079901 (2013)
  12. Vos, M. And Weigold, E. And Moreh, R., "Elastic Electron Scattering From Water Vapor And Ice At High Momentum Transfer", Journal Of Chemical Physics 138, 044307 (2013)
  13. Moreh, R., "On Deviations From Theory Of Electron-Atom Elastic Scattering Cross Sections", Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 279, 49-52 (2012)
  14. Moreh, R. And Nemirovsky, D. And Zabicky, J., "Kinetic Energy Of Structural Protons In Silica Xerogels", Surface Science 606, 1088-1092 (2012)
  15. Vos, M. And Moreh, R. And Toekesi, K., "The Use Of Electron Scattering For Studying Atomic Momentum Distributions: The Case Of Graphite And Diamond", Journal Of Chemical Physics 135, 024504 (2011)
  16. Zwielly, A. And Mordechai, S. And Brkic, G. And Bogomolny, E. And Pelly, I. Z. And Moreh, R. And Gopas, J., "Grading Of Intrinsic And Acquired Cisplatin-Resistant Human Melanoma Cell Lines: An Infrared Atr Study", European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters 40, 795-804 (2011)
  17. Moreh, R. And Nemirovsky, D., "On The Proton Kinetic Energy In H2O And In Nanotube Water", Journal Of Chemical Physics 133, 084506 (2010)
  18. Moreh, R. And Nemirovsky, D., "On Anomalies In Elastic Electron Scattering Cross Sections From Protons", Journal Of Chemical Physics 131, 054305 (2009)
  19. Moreh, R. And Nemirovsky, D., "Doppler Widths In Electron Quasielastic Scattering From Molecular Gases", Journal Of Chemical Physics 130, 174303 (2009)
  20. Zelig, Udi And Kapelushnik, Joseph And Moreh, Raymond And Mordechai, Shaul And Nathan, Ilana, "Diagnosis Of Cell Death By Means Of Infrared Spectroscopy", Biophysical Journal 97, 2107-2114 (2009)
  21. Moreh, R. And Block, R. C. And Danon, Y., "Comment On ``Scattering Of 64 Ev To 3 Kev Neutrons From Polyethylene And Graphite And The Coherence Length Problem″ - Reply", Physical Review Letters 98, 049602 (2007)
  22. Moreh, R. And Block, R. C. And Danon, Y., "Comment On ``Anomalous Neutron Compton Scattering From Molecular Hydrogen″", Physical Review B 75, 057101 (2007)
  23. Moreh, R And Block, Rc And Danon, Y, "Generating A Multi-Line Neutron Beam Using An Electron Linac And A U-Filter", Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 562, 401-406 (2006)
  24. Moreh, R And Block, Rc And Danon, Y And Neuman, M, "Scattering Of 64 Ev To 3 Kev Neutrons From Polyethylene And Graphite And The Coherence Length Problem", Physical Review Letters 96, 055302 (2006)
  25. Moreh, R And Block, Rc And Danon, Y And Neumann, M, "Search For Anomalous Scattering Of Kev Neutrons From H2O-D2O Mixtures", Physical Review Letters 94, 185301 (2005)
  26. Moreh, R And Nemirovsky, D, "Doppler Broadening Of The N-P Capture Gamma Line", Physical Review C 67, 014602 (2003)
  27. Nemirovsky, D And Moreh, R And Kaneko, K And Ohba, T And Mayers, J, "Kinetic Energy Of Neon Atoms Adsorbed On Activated Carbon", Surface Science 526, 282-290 (2003)
  28. Kahane, S And Moreh, R And Bar-Noy, T, "Elastic And Raman Scattering Of 9.0 And 11.4 Mev Photons From Au, Dy, And In", Physical Review C 66, 044316 (2002)
  29. Finkelstein, Y And Moreh, R, "Testing The Lattice Modes Of Nacn By Nuclear Resonance Photon Scattering", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 13, 2473-2479 (2001)
  30. Moreh, R And Nemirovsky, D, "Testing The Uncertainty Principle Using (N,Gamma) Photon Beams And Pulsed Neutron Beams", Radiation Physics And Chemistry 61, 557-558 (2001)
  31. Nemirovsky, D And Moreh, R And Finkelstein, Y And Mayers, J, "Study Of The Anisotrophy In The Atomic Momentum Distributions In A Kapton Film", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 13, 5053-5063 (2001)
  32. Tokuda, K And Kamiyama, T And Kiyanagi, Y And Moreh, R And Ikeda, S, "Direct Observation Of Effective Temperature Of Ta Atom In Layer Compound Tas2 By Neutron Resonance Absorption Spectrometer", Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers 40, 1504-1507 (2001)
  33. Finkelstein, Y And Nemirovsky, D And Moreh, R And Kimmel, G, "Study Of The Papyex Structure Using Neutron Compton Scattering", Physica B 291, 213-218 (2000)
  34. Moreh, R And Finkelstein, Y, "A Practical All-Metal Flange-Seal For High And Low Temperatures", Review Of Scientific Instruments 71, 591-592 (2000)
  35. Moreh, R And Finkelstein, Y, "Nuclear-Resonance Photon Scattering Study Of N2O Multilayers Adsorbed On Grafoil At 12 K", Physical Review B 61, 7700-7705 (2000)
  36. Moreh, R And Finkelstein, Y And Nemirovsky, D, "Nuclear Resonance Photon Scattering Studies Of N-2 Adsorbed On Grafoil And Of Nano2 Single Crystal", Journal Of Research Of The National Institute Of Standards And Technology 105, 159-166 (2000)
  37. Nemirovsky, D And Moreh, R And Andersen, Kh And Mayers, J, "Study Of The Momentum Distribution Of A Zn Single Crystal Using Neutron Compton Scattering", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 12, 4293-4302 (2000)
  38. Finkelstein, Y And Moreh, R And Nemirovsky, D And Shahal, O And Tobias, H, "Adsorption Of N-2 Monolayers On Papyex In The Liquid And Vapor Phases", Surface Science 443, 89-98 (1999)
  39. Finkelstein, Y And Moreh, R And Shahal, O, "Out-Of-Plane Orientation Of Multilayer N-2 Films Adsorbed On Grafoil At 20 K", Surface Science 437, 265-276 (1999)
  40. Finkelstein, Y And Moreh, R And Shahal, O And Volterra, V, "Anisotropic Nuclear-Resonance Photon Scattering From A Single Crystal Of Nano2", Physical Review B 59, 6211-6216 (1999)
  41. Nemirovsky, D And Moreh, R And Andersen, Kh And Mayers, J, "Anomalous Kinetic Energies Of Adsorbed He-4 On Active Carbon Fibre (Acf)", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 11, 6653-6660 (1999)
  42. Finkelstein, Y And Beck, O And Moreh, R And Jager, D And Kneissl, U And Margraf, J And Maser, H And Pitz, Hh, "Nuclear-Resonance-Photon-Scattering Study Of The Effective Temperatures Of Diamond And Of Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite", Physical Review B 58, 4166-4172 (1998)
  43. Finkelstein, Y And Moreh, R, "Effect Of The Temperature Variation Of Gamma-Sources On The Resonance Scattering Cross Section", Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 129, 250-256 (1997)
  44. Moreh, R And Beck, O And Jager, D And Finkelstein, Y And Kneissl, U And Margraf, J And Maser, H And Pitz, Hh, "Effective Temperature Of Amorphous Carbon Studied Using Nuclear-Resonance Photon Scattering", Physical Review B 56, 187-193 (1997)
  45. Kahane, S And Moreh, R And Shahal, O, "Rayleigh Scattering Of E=465-2842 Kev Neutron Capture Gamma-Rays From Ta, In And Cu", Radiation Physics And Chemistry 48, 419-426 (1996)
  46. Moreh, R And Finkelstein, Y And Shechter, H, "No2 Adsorption On Grafoil Between 297 And 12 K", Physical Review B 53, 16006-16012 (1996)
  47. Moreh, R And Pinto, H And Finkelstein, Y And Beguin, F, "Tilt Of N-2 Molecules Physintercalated Into C24K And C24Rb", Journal Of Physics And Chemistry Of Solids 57, 909-913 (1996)
  48. Birenbaum, Y And Berant, Z And Kahane, S And Wolf, A And Moreh, R, "Absolute Cross-Sections For (Gamma,N) Transitions In Lead, Bismuth, And Terbium", Physical Review C 51, 3496-3499 (1995)
  49. Israel, A And Jacob, I And Moreh, R And Shahal, O And Wolf, A And Fogel, M, "Correlation Between Anomalous Hydrogen Absorption And Fe-56-Bonding Strength In The Zr(Alxfe1-X)2 System", Physical Review B 50, 3564-3569 (1994)
  50. Kahane, S And Moreh, R, "Elastic-Scattering Cross-Sections Of 11.4 Mev Photons From Pb-206, Pb-207, Pb-208, Bi-209, And Ta-181", Physical Review C 50, 2000-2009 (1994)
  51. Moreh, R, "Nuclear-Resonance Photon Scattering And The Uncertainty Principle", Physics Letters B 331, 13-18 (1994)
  52. Moreh, R And Beck, O And Bauske, I And Geiger, W And Heil, Rd And Kneissl, U And Margraf, J And Maser, H And Pitz, Hh, "Precise Widths Of The 3089 And 3684 Kev Levels In C-13", Physical Review C 48, 2625-2628 (1993)
  53. Nowik, I And Jacob, I And Moreh, R, "Mossbauer Study Of Crystallographic And Magnetic Phase-Transitions, Phonon Softening, And Hyperfine Interactions In Zr(Alxfe1-X)2", Physical Review B 47, 723-726 (1993)
  54. Kahane, S And Moreh, R And Shahal, O, "Rayleigh-Scattering Of Neutron-Capture Gamma-Rays From Lead", Physical Review A 46, 2489-2494 (1992)
  55. Moreh, R And Fedorowicz, R And Prestwich, Wv And Kennett, Tj And Islam, Ma, "A Strong Dynamic Neutron Source Based On The Bi-209(Gamma, N) Reaction", Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 309, 503-507 (1991)
  56. Moreh, R And Shnieg, N And Zabel, H, "Effective And Debye Temperatures Of Alkali-Metal Atoms In Graphite-Intercalation Compounds", Physical Review B 44, 1311-1317 (1991)
  57. Moreh, R, "Study Of Surface-Molecule Interactions Using Nuclear-Resonance Photon Scattering", Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 51, 203-207 (1990)
  58. Kahane, S And Shahal, O And Moreh, R, "Rayleigh-Scattering Of Neutron-Capture Gamma-Rays From U", Physical Review A 40, 6950-6957 (1989)
  59. Moreh, R And Kennett, Tj And Prestwich, Wv, "H-2(Gamma,N) Absolute Cross-Section At 2754 Kev", Physical Review C 39, 1247-1250 (1989)
  60. Birenbaum, Y And Berant, Z And Wolf, A And Kahane, S And Moreh, R, "Differential Cross-Sections For The D(Gamma,N) Reaction Below 10 Mev", Physical Review Letters 61, 810-813 (1988)
  61. Jacob, I And Moreh, R And Shahal, O And Wolf, A And Gavra, Z, "Anomalous Behavior Of The Ni Bonding Strength In Some Lani5-Xalxhy Compounds", Physical Review B 38, 7806-7809 (1988)
  62. Moreh, R And Sellyey, Wc And Sutton, Dc And Vodhanel, R And Bartouv, J, "Strong Photon Strength In Ar-40 Between 8 And 11 Mev", Physical Review C 37, 2418-2427 (1988)
  63. Jacob, I And Moreh, R And Shahal, O And Wolf, A, "Effective And Debye Temperatures Of Ti In Tic, Tio2, And Tih2", Physical Review B 35, 8-12 (1987)
  64. Moreh, R And Sellyey, Wc And Sutton, Dc And Zabel, H, "Anisotropy Of K-39 Binding In C8K Studied By Nuclear-Resonance Photon Scattering", Physical Review B 35, 821-827 (1987)
  65. Birenbaum, Y And Berant, Z And Kahane, S And Moreh, R And Wolf, A, "E1-E2 Interference In Tb-159(Gamma,N) And Bi-209(Gamma,N) Reactions", Physical Review C 34, 2055-2064 (1986)
  66. Jacob, I And Wolf, A And Shahal, O And Moreh, R, "Vibrational Energies From Nuclear Gamma-Resonant Scattering - Measurement And Comparison With Neutron Inelastic-Scattering", Physical Review B 33, 5042-5045 (1986)
  67. Tyk, R And Felsteiner, J And Gertner, I And Moreh, R, "Compton-Profile Anisotropies In Graphite And Hexagonal Boron-Nitride", Physical Review B 32, 2625-2627 (1985)
  68. Pinto, H And Melamud, M And Shahal, O And Moreh, R And Shaked, H, "Structural-Properties Of Hno3 Graphite-Intercalation Compounds Studied By Neutron-Diffraction And High-Energy Nuclear Photon Scattering", Physica B & C 121, 121-126 (1983)
  69. Birenbaum, Y And Berant, Z And Wolf, A And Moreh, R, "Interference Effects Between Multipole Resonances In The Pb-206(Gamma,N) Reaction", Physics Letters B 88, 239-241 (1979)