Mordechai, Shaul
Faculty (Emeritus)

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- 54/307
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- 08-6461749
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- Research type
- Experimental
- Research topics
FTIR-Microspectroscopy; FTIR-spectroscopy;Fiber Evanescent Wave Spectroscopy
- Researcher identification
- Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearcherID, ResearcherID
Past graduate students *
Past undergraduate students *
* Past students / postdocs data might be incompletePublications
- Huleihel, M. And Shufan, E. And Tsror, L. And Sharaha, U. And Lapidot, I. And Mordechai, S. And Salman, A., "Differentiation Of Mixed Soil-Borne Fungi In The Genus Level Using Infrared Spectroscopy And Multivariate Analysis", Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B-Biology 180, 155-165 (2018)
- Pomerantz, A. And Cohen, Y. And Shufan, E. And Ben-Naim, Y. And Mordechai, S. And Salman, A. And Huleihel, M., "Characterization Of Phytophthora Infestans Resistance To Mefenoxam Using Ftir Spectroscopy", Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B-Biology 141, 308-314 (2014)
- Zelig, Udi And Mordechai, Shaul And Shubinsky, George And Sahu, Ranjit Kumar And Huleihel, Mahmoud And Leibovitz, Eugene And Nathan, Ilana And Kapelushnik, Joseph, "Pre-Screening And Follow-Up Of Childhood Acute Leukemia Using Biochemical Infrared Analysis Of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells", Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects 1810, 827-835 (2011)
- Zwielly, A. And Mordechai, S. And Brkic, G. And Bogomolny, E. And Pelly, I. Z. And Moreh, R. And Gopas, J., "Grading Of Intrinsic And Acquired Cisplatin-Resistant Human Melanoma Cell Lines: An Infrared Atr Study", European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters 40, 795-804 (2011)
- Mark, Shlomo And Salman, Ahmad And Grossman, Nili And Gopas, Jacob And Sahu, Ranjit Kumar And Mordechai, Shaul, "Fluorescence Spectroscopy Of H-Ras Transfected Murine Fibroblasts: A Comparison With Monte Carlo Simulations", Biopolymers 93, 132-140 (2010)
- Bogomolny, E. And Mordechai, Shaul And Zwielly, A. And Huleihel, M., "Early Detection Of Premalignant Changes In Cell Cultures Using Light-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy", European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters 38, 971-980 (2009)
- Zelig, Udi And Kapelushnik, Joseph And Moreh, Raymond And Mordechai, Shaul And Nathan, Ilana, "Diagnosis Of Cell Death By Means Of Infrared Spectroscopy", Biophysical Journal 97, 2107-2114 (2009)
- Bogomolny, Evgeny And Argov, Shmuel And Mordechai, Shaul And Huleihel, Mahmoud, "Monitoring Of Viral Cancer Progression Using Ftir Microscopy: A Comparative Study Of Intact Cells And Tissues", Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects 1780, 1038-1046 (2008)
- Sahu, Ranjit K. And Mordechai, Shaul And Manor, Ester, "Nucleic Acids Absorbance In Mid Ir And Its Effect On Diagnostic Variates During Cell Division: A Case Study With Lymphoblastic Cells", Biopolymers 89, 993-1001 (2008)
- Sokuler, Mordechai And Aronov, Daniel And Rosenman, Gil And Gheber, Levi A., "Tailored Polymer Microlenses On Treated Glass Surfaces", Applied Physics Letters 90, 203106 (2007)
- Sahu, R. K. And Mordechai, S. And Pesakhov, S. And Dagan, R. And Porat, N., "Use Of Ftir Spectroscopy To Distinguish Between Capsular Types And Capsular Quantities In Streptococcus Pneumoniae", Biopolymers 83, 434-442 (2006)
- Argov, S And Sahu, Rk And Bernshtain, E And Salman, A And Shohat, G And Zelig, U And Mordechai, S, "Inflamatory Bowel Diseases As An Intermediate Stage Between Normal And Cancer: A Ftir-Microspectroscopy Approach", Biopolymers 75, 384-392 (2004)
- Mordehai, J And Ramesh, J And Huleihel, M And Cohen, Z And Kleiner, O And Talyshinsky, M And Erukhimovitch, V And Cahana, A And Salman, A And Sahu, Rk And Guterman, H And Mordechai, S, "Studies On Acute Human Infections Using Ftir Microspectroscopy And Cluster Analysis", Biopolymers 73, 494-502 (2004)
- Salman, A And Ramesh, J And Erukhimovitch, V And Talyshinsky, M And Mordechai, S And Huleihel, M, "Ftir Micro Spectroscopy Of Malignant Fibroblasts Transformed By Mouse Sarcoma Virus", Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 55, 141-153 (2003)
- Huleihel, M And Salman, A And Erukhimovitch, V And Ramesh, J And Hammody, Z And Mordechai, S, "Novel Spectral Method For The Study Of Viral Carcinogenesis In Vitro", Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 50, 111-121 (2002)
- Ramesh, J And Argov, S And Salman, A And Yuzhelevski, M And Sinelnikov, I And Goldstein, J And Erukhimovitch, V And Mordechai, S, "Spectroscopic Evidence For Site-Specific Cellular Activity In The Tubular Gland In Human Intestine", European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters 30, 612-616 (2002)
- Ramesh, J And Kapelushnik, J And Mordehai, J And Moser, A And Huleihel, M And Erukhimovitch, V And Levi, C And Mordechai, S, "Novel Methodology For The Follow-Up Of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Using Ftir Microspectroscopy", Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 51, 251-261 (2002)
- Grossman, N And Ilovitz, E And Chaims, O And Salman, A And Jagannathan, R And Mark, S And Cohen, B And Gopas, J And Mordechai, S, "Fluorescence Spectroscopy For Detection Of Malignancy: H-Ras Overexpressing Fibroblasts As A Model", Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 50, 53-63 (2001)
- Ramesh, J And Salman, A And Hammody, Z And Cohen, B And Gopas, J And Grossman, N And Mordechai, S, "Application Of Ftir Microscopy For The Characterization Of Malignancy: H-Ras Transfected Murine Fibroblasts As An Example", Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 50, 33-42 (2001)
- Ramesh, J And Salman, A And Hammody, Z And Cohen, B And Gopas, J And Grossman, N And Mordechai, S, "Ftir Microscopic Studies On Normal And H-Ras Oncogene Transfected Cultured Mouse Fibroblasts", European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters 30, 250-255 (2001)
- Kahrimanis, G And Burleson, G And Chen, Cm And Clark, Bc And Dhuga, K And Ernst, Dj And Faucett, Ja And Fortune, Ht And Hama, S And Hussein, A And Jiang, Mf And Johnson, Kw And Kerr, Lk And Mathews, S And Mcgill, J And Moore, Cf And Mordechai, S And Morris, Cl And Odonnell, J And Snell, M And Rawool, "Pion-Nucleus Elastic Scattering On C-12, Ca-40, Zr-90, And Pb-208 At 400 And 500 Mev", Physical Review C 55, 2533-2540 (1997)
- Fortune, Ht And Liu, Gb And Odonnell, Jm And Silk, Jd And Mordechai, S, "Energy-Dependence Of Ni-58(Pi+,Pi-)Zn-58 Double-Charge-Exchange", Physical Review C 50, 306-308 (1994)
- Bartouv, J And Mordechai, S, "Systematics Of The Double Giant-Dipole Resonances In Nuclei", Physical Review C 45, 197-204 (1992)
- Ashery, D And Lichtenstadt, J And Piasetzky, E And Morris, Cl And Zumbro, Jd And Gilman, R And Rawool, Mw And Mordechai, S And Boyer, B And Fuentes, A And Johnson, K And Mcdonald, Jw And Smithson, Mj And Williams, A And Yoo, Sh And Moore, Cf, "A Search For Pi-Nn Bound Systems", Physics Letters B 215, 41-44 (1988)
- Bartouv, J And Mordechai, S, "A Unified Approach To Statistical-Analysis Of Nuclear-Reactions", Physics Letters B 207, 227-232 (1988)
- Bartouv, J And Mordechai, S, "Open-Shell Linear Response Model And The Systematics Of Octupole States In Ge And Se Isotopes", Journal Of Physics G-Nuclear And Particle Physics 10, 785-789 (1984)
- Mordechai, S And Fortune, Ht And Clement, Cf, "K-43 From The K-41(T,P) Reaction", Physical Review C 30, 507-516 (1984)
- Kalinsky, D And Melnik, D And Smilansky, U And Trautner, N And Watson, Ba And Horowitz, Y And Mordechai, S And Baur, G And Pelte, D, "Nuclear-Reactions Between Oxygen Isotopes", Nuclear Physics A 250, 364-380 (1975)
- Mordechai, S And Friedman, E And Jaffe, Aa And Nir, D And Paul, M, "Study Of Low-Lying States Of As-72 Using Ge-72(P,Normal-Gamma) As-72 Reaction", Nuclear Physics A A230, 343-352 (1974)