Meron, Ehud
Faculty (Adjunct )

- Office
- 54/333
- Phone
- 08-6428229
- Website
- Research type
- Theoretical
- Research topics
Non linear dynamics and pattern formation; Complex systems; Modeling of dryland ecosystems; Ecosystem response to climate change; High-integrity human intervention in ecosystems
- Researcher identification
- ORCID, ResearcherID, Google Scholar
Past graduate students *
- Doron Sivan, MSc (2023)
- Nir Kastin, MSc (2019)
- Yuval Edri, PhD (2019)
- Omer Tzuk, PhD (2019)
- Yuval Edri, MSc (2018)
- Lev Haim, PhD (2018)
- Itay Hayut, MSc (2018)
- Yonatan Berman, MSc (2018)
- Tal Ridnik, MSc (2018)
- Assaf Kletter, PhD (2018)
- Erez Gilad, PhD (2018)
Past undergraduate students *
* Past students / postdocs data might be incompleteResearch highlights
Mechanisms of Species Diversity Change in Stressed Environments
The impacts of environmental changes on species diversity, and thus on ecosystem function and stability, is a central topic of current ecological research. At the landscape scale, where symmetry breaking vegetation patterns appear, a transition from one pattern state to another may take place (Animation). Using a mathematical modeling approach, we developed a theory of plant communities in water limited system, and are currently using it to highlight mechanisms of species diversity change in response to climate changes and disturbances.
Additional research highlights
- Edri, Y. and Meron, E. and Yochelis, A., "Spatial Heterogeneity May Form An Inverse Camel Shaped Arnol’D Tongue In Parametrically Forced Oscillations", Chaos 30, 023120 (2020)
- Fernandez-Oto, C. and Tzuk, O. and Meron, E., "Front Instabilities Can Reverse Desertification", Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 048101 (2019)
- Kastin, N. and Meron, E. and Kolin, A. and Kinast, S., "Nonlinear Stability And Limit Cycles In Xenon-Induced Reactor Oscillations", Progress in Nuclear Energy 116, 168-179 (2019)
- Meron, E., "Vegetation Pattern Formation: The Mechanisms Behind The Forms", Physics Today 72, 30-36 (2019)
- Meron, E. and Bennett, J.J.R. and Fernandez-Oto, C. and Tzuk, O. and Zelnik, Y.R. and Grafi, G., "Continuum Modeling Of Discrete Plant Communities: Why Does It Work And Why Is It Advantageous?", Mathematics 7, 987 (2019)
- Tzuk, O. and Ujjwal, S.R. and Fernandez-Oto, C. and Seifan, M. and Meron, E., "Interplay Between Exogenous And Endogenous Factors In Seasonal Vegetation Oscillations", Sci Rep 9, 354 (2019)
- Tzuk, O. and Ujjwal, S.R. and Fernandez-Oto, C. and Seifan, M. and Meron, E., "Period Doubling As An Indicator For Ecosystem Sensitivity To Climate Extremes", Sci Rep 9, 19577 (2019)
- Edri, Yuval And Bozovic, Dolores And Meron, Ehud And Yochelis, Arik, "Molding The Asymmetry Of Localized Frequency-Locking Waves By A Generalized Forcing And Implications To The Inner Ear", Physical Review E 98, 020202 (2018)
- Meron, Ehud, "From Patterns To Function In Living Systems: Dryland Ecosystems As ACase Study", Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 9, 79-103 (2018)
- Zelnik, Y.R. and Meron, E., "Regime Shifts By Front Dynamics", Ecological Indicators 94, 544-552 (2018)
- Zelnik, Yuval R. And Gandhi, Punit And Knobloch, Edgar And Meron, Ehud, "Implications Of Tristability In Pattern-Forming Ecosystems", Chaos 28, 033609 (2018)
- Zelnik, Y.R. and Uecker, H. and Feudel, U. and Meron, E., "Desertification By Front Propagation?", Journal of Theoretical Biology 418, 27-35 (2017)
- Getzin, S. and Yizhaq, H. and Bell, B. and Erickson, T.E. and Postle, A.C. and Katra, I. and Tzuk, O. and Zelnik, Y.R. and Wiegand, K. and Wiegand, T. and Meron, E., "Discovery Of Fairy Circles In Australia Supports Self-Organization Theory", Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113, 3551-3556 (2016)
- Meron, E., "Pattern Formation – A Missing Link In The Study Of Ecosystem Response To Environmental Changes", Mathematical Biosciences 271, 1-18 (2016)
- Nathan, J. and Osem, Y. and Shachak, M. and Meron, E., "Linking Functional Diversity To Resource Availability And Disturbance: A Mechanistic Approach For Water-Limited Plant Communities", J Ecol 104, 419-429 (2016)
- Yizhaq, H. and Portnov, B.A. and Meron, E., "A Mathematical Model Of Segregation Patterns In Residential Neighbourhoods", Environ Plan A 36, 149-172 (2016)
- Zelnik, Y.R. and Meron, E. and Bel, G., "Localized States Qualitatively Change The Response Of Ecosystems To Varying Conditions And Local Disturbances", Ecological Complexity 25, 26-34 (2016)
- Haim, Lev And Hagberg, Aric And Meron, Ehud, "Non-Monotonic Resonance In A Spatially Forced Lengyel-Epstein Model", Chaos 25, 064307 (2015)
- Mau, Yair And Haim, Lev And Meron, Ehud, "Reversing Desertification As A Spatial Resonance Problem", Physical Review E 91, 012903 (2015)
- Zelnik, Y.R. and Meron, E. and Bel, G., "Gradual Regime Shifts In Fairy Circles", Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112, 12327-12331 (2015)
- Getzin, S. and Wiegand, K. and Wiegand, T. and Yizhaq, H. and Von Hardenberg, J. and Meron, E., "Adopting A Spatially Explicit Perspective To Study The Mysterious Fairy Circles Of Namibia", Ecography 38, 1-11 (2014)
- Haim, Lev And Hagberg, Aric And Nagao, Raphael And Steinberg, Asher Preska And Dolnik, Milos And Epstein, Irving R. And Meron, Ehud, "Fronts And Patterns In A Spatially Forced Cdima Reaction", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16, 26137-26143 (2014)
- Haim, Lev And Mau, Yair And Meron, Ehud, "Spatial Forcing Of Pattern-Forming Systems That Lack Inversion Symmetry", Physical Review E 90, 022904 (2014)
- Kinast, S. and Ashkenazy, Y. and Meron, E., "A Coupled Vegetation–Crust Model For Patchy Landscapes", Pure Appl. Geophys. 173, 983-993 (2014)
- Kinast, Shai And Zelnik, Yuval R. And Bel, Golan And Meron, Ehud, "Interplay Between Turing Mechanisms Can Increase Pattern Diversity", Physical Review Letters 112, 078701 (2014)
- Kinast, Shai And Meron, Ehud And Yizhaq, Hezi And Ashkenazy, Yosef, "Biogenic Crust Dynamics On Sand Dunes", Physical Review E 87, 020701 (2013)
- Mau, Yair And Haim, Lev And Hagberg, Aric And Meron, Ehud, "Competing Resonances In Spatially Forced Pattern-Forming Systems", Physical Review E 88, 032917 (2013)
- Nathan, J. and Von Hardenberg, J. and Meron, E., "Spatial Instabilities Untie The Exclusion-Principle Constraint On Species Coexistence", Journal of Theoretical Biology 335, 198-204 (2013)
- Zelnik, Y.R. and Kinast, S. and Yizhaq, H. and Bel, G. and Meron, E., "Regime Shifts In Models Of Dryland Vegetation", Proc. R. Soc. A 371, 20120358 (2013)
- Bel, G. and Hagberg, A. and Meron, E., "Gradual Regime Shifts In Spatially Extended Ecosystems", Theor Ecol 5, 591-604 (2012)
- Mau, Yair And Hagberg, Aric And Meron, Ehud, "Spatial Periodic Forcing Can Displace Patterns It Is Intended To Control", Physical Review Letters 109, 034102 (2012)
- Meron, E., "Pattern-Formation Approach To Modelling Spatially Extended Ecosystems", Ecological Modelling 234, 70-82 (2012)
- Sheffer, E. and Von Hardenberg, J. and Yizhaq, H. and Shachak, M. and Meron, E., "Emerged Or Imposed: A Theory On The Role Of Physical Templates And Self-Organisation For Vegetation Patchiness", Ecol Lett 16, 127-139 (2012)
- Sheffer, E. and Yizhaq, H. and Shachak, M. and Meron, E., "Mechanisms Of Vegetation-Ring Formation In Water-Limited Systems", Journal of Theoretical Biology 273, 138-146 (2011)
- Meron, E., "Modeling Dryland Landscapes", Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 6, 163-187 (2010)
- Von Hardenberg, J. and Kletter, A.Y. and Yizhaq, H. and Nathan, J. and Meron, E., "Periodic Versus Scale-Free Patterns In Dryland Vegetation", Proc. R. Soc. B 277, 1771-1776 (2010)
- Kletter, A. and Von Hardenberg, J. and Meron, E. and Provenzale, A., "Patterned Vegetation And Rainfall Intermittency", Journal of Theoretical Biology 256, 574-583 (2009)
- Manor, Rotem And Hagberg, Aric And Meron, Ehud, "Wavenumber Locking And Pattern Formation In Spatially Forced Systems", New Journal Of Physics 11, 063016 (2009)
- Mau, Yair And Hagberg, Aric And Meron, Ehud, "Dual-Mode Spiral Vortices", Physical Review E 80, 065203 (2009)
- Manor, R. And Hagberg, A. And Meron, E., "Wave-Number Locking In Spatially Forced Pattern-Forming Systems", Epl 83, 10005 (2008)
- Shachak, M. and Boeken, B. and Groner, E. and Kadmon, R. and Lubin, Y. and Meron, E. and Ne'Eman, G. and Perevolotsky, A. and Shkedy, Y. and Ungar, E.D., "Woody Species As Landscape Modulators And Their Effect On Biodiversity Patterns", BioScience 58, 209-221 (2008)
- Gilad, E. and Shachak, M. and Meron, E., "Dynamics And Spatial Organization Of Plant Communities In Water-Limited Systems", Theoretical Population Biology 72, 214-230 (2007)
- Gilad, E. and Von Hardenberg, J. and Provenzale, A. and Shachak, M. and Meron, E., "A Mathematical Model Of Plants As Ecosystem Engineers", Journal of Theoretical Biology 244, 680-691 (2007)
- Lampert, A. And Meron, E., "Localized Structures As Spatial Hosts For Unstable Modes", Epl 78, 14002 (2007)
- Meron, Ehud And Yizhaq, Hezi And Gilad, Erez, "Localized Structures In Dryland Vegetation: Forms And Functions", Chaos 17, 037109 (2007)
- Sheffer, E. and Yizhaq, H. and Gilad, E. and Shachak, M. and Meron, E., "Why Do Plants In Resource-Deprived Environments Form Rings?", Ecological Complexity 4, 192-200 (2007)
- Hagberg, A. And Yochelis, A. And Yizhaq, H. And Elphick, C. And Pismen, L. And Meron, E., "Linear And Nonlinear Front Instabilities In Bistable Systems", Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 217, 186-192 (2006)
- Marts, Bradley And Hagberg, Aric And Meron, Ehud And Lin, Anna L., "Resonant And Nonresonant Patterns In Forced Oscillators", Chaos 16, 037113 (2006)
- Hagberg, A And Marts, B And Lin, Al And Meron, E, "Bloch-Front Turbulence: Theory And Experiments", Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications 356, 88-94 (2005)
- Yizhaq, H And Gilad, E And Meron, E, "Banded Vegetation: Biological Productivity And Resilience", Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications 356, 139-144 (2005)
- Yochelis, A And Elphick, C And Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "Frequency Locking In Extended Systems: The Impact Of A Turing Mode", Europhysics Letters 69, 170-176 (2005)
- Gilad, E And Von Hardenberg, J And Provenzale, A And Shachak, M And Meron, E, "Ecosystem Engineers: From Pattern Formation To Habitat Creation", Physical Review Letters 93, 098105 (2004)
- Lin, Al And Hagberg, A And Meron, E And Swinney, Hl, "Resonance Tongues And Patterns In Periodically Forced Reaction-Diffusion Systems", Physical Review E 69, 066217 (2004)
- Marts, B And Hagberg, A And Meron, E And Lin, Al, "Bloch-Front Turbulence In A Periodically Forced Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction", Physical Review Letters 93, 108305 (2004)
- Meron, E And Gilad, E And Von Hardenberg, J And Shachak, M And Zarmi, Y, "Vegetation Patterns Along A Rainfall Gradient", Chaos Solitons & Fractals 19, 367-376 (2004)
- Yochelis, A And Elphick, C And Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "Two-Phase Resonant Patterns In Forced Oscillatory Systems: Boundaries, Mechanisms And Forms", Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 199, 201-222 (2004)
- Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "Vortex-Pair Dynamics In Anisotropic Bistable Media: A Kinematic Approach", Physical Review Letters 91, 224503 (2003)
- Bar, M And Meron, E And Utzny, C, "Pattern Formation On Anisotropic And Heterogeneous Catalytic Surfaces", Chaos 12, 204-214 (2002)
- Bär, M. and Hardenberg, J. and Meron, E. and Provenzale, A., "Modelling The Survival Of Bacteria In Drylands: The Advantage Of Being Dormant", Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 269, 937-942 (2002)
- Yochelis, Arik And Hagberg, Aric And Meron, Ehud And Lin, Anna L. And Swinney, Harry L., "Development Of Standing-Wave Labyrinthine Patterns", Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems 1, 236-247 (2002)
- Von Hardenberg, J And Meron, E And Shachak, M And Zarmi, Y, "Diversity Of Vegetation Patterns And Desertification", Physical Review Letters 87, 198101 (2001)
- Bar, M And Hagberg, A And Meron, E And Thiele, U, "Front Propagation And Pattern Formation In Anisotropic Bistable Media", Physical Review E 62, 366-374 (2000)
- Hagberg, A And Meron, E And Passot, T, "Phase Dynamics Of Nearly Stationary Patterns In Activator-Inhibitor Systems", Physical Review E 61, 6471-6476 (2000)
- Lin, Al And Hagberg, A And Ardelea, A And Bertram, M And Swinney, Hl And Meron, E, "Four-Phase Patterns In Forced Oscillatory Systems", Physical Review E 62, 3790-3798 (2000)
- Bar, M And Hagberg, A And Meron, E And Thiele, U, "Stratified Spatiotemporal Chaos In Anisotropic Reaction-Diffusion Systems", Physical Review Letters 83, 2664-2667 (1999)
- Elphick, C And Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "Multiphase Patterns In Periodically Forced Oscillatory Systems", Physical Review E 59, 5285-5291 (1999)
- Elphick, C And Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "Phase Front Instability In Periodically Forced Oscillatory Systems", Physical Review Letters 80, 5007-5010 (1998)
- Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "Kinematic Equations For Front Motion And Spiral-Wave Nucleation", Physica A 249, 118-124 (1998)
- Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "Order Parameter Equations For Front Transitions: Nonuniformly Curved Fronts", Physica D 123, 460-473 (1998)
- Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "Propagation Failure In Excitable Media", Physical Review E 57, 299-303 (1998)
- Elphick, C And Hagberg, A And Malomed, Ba And Meron, E, "On The Origin Of Traveling Pulses In Bistable Systems", Physics Letters A 230, 33-37 (1997)
- Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "The Dynamics Of Curved Fronts: Beyond Geometry", Physical Review Letters 78, 1166-1169 (1997)
- Hagberg, A And Meron, E And Rubinstein, I And Zaltzman, B, "Order Parameter Equations For Front Transitions: Planar And Circular Fronts", Physical Review E 55, 4450-4457 (1997)
- Hagberg, A And Meron, E And Rubinstein, I And Zaltman, B, "Controlling Domain Patterns Far From Equilibrium", Physical Review Letters 76, 427-430 (1996)
- Haim, D And Li, G And Ouyang, Q And Mccormick, Wd And Swinney, Hl And Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "Breathing Spots In A Reaction-Diffusion System", Physical Review Letters 77, 190-193 (1996)
- Elphick, C And Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "Dynamic Front Transitions And Spiral-Vortex Nucleation", Physical Review E 51, 3052-3058 (1995)