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Meidan, Dganit

Meidan, Dganit
Research type
Research topics

Topological phases of matter; interactions in lowdimensional systems.

Researcher identification
ResearcherID, ORCID

Research group

  1. MSc student, Roei Rabaniam
  2. PhD student, Gal Cohen

Past postdocs *

  1. Ritu Ritu (2024)
  2. Ranjani Seshadri (2023)
  3. Ilias Amanatidis (2020)

Past graduate students *

  1. Roee Avni, MSc (2024)
  2. Tal Gur, MSc (2019)

Past undergraduate students *

  1. Gal Cohen (2022)
* Past students / postdocs data might be incomplete


  1. Kells, G. And Moran, N. And Meidan, D., "Localization Enhanced And Degraded Topological Order In Interacting P-Wave Wires", Physical Review B 97, 085425 (2018)
  2. Shapira, Dekel And Meidan, Dganit And Cohen, Doron, "Localization Due To Topological Stochastic Disorder In Active Networks", Physical Review E 98, 012107 (2018)
  3. Liu, Zhao And Bergholtz, Emil J. And Romito, Alessandro And Meidan, Dganit, "Interacting Majorana Chain: Transport Properties And Signatures Of An Emergent Two-Dimensional Weak Topological Phase", Physical Review B 96, 205442 (2017)
  4. Matveeva, P. G. And Aristov, D. N. And Meidan, D. And Gutman, D. B., "Shot Noise In Weyl Semimetals", Physical Review B 96, 165406 (2017)
  5. Meidan, D. And Berg, E. And Stern, Ady, "Classification Of Topological Phases Of Parafermionic Chains With Symmetries", Physical Review B 95, 205104 (2017)
  6. Meidan, Dganit And Romito, Alessandro And Brouwer, Piet W., "Transport Signatures Of Interacting Fermions In Quasi-One-Dimensional Topological Superconductors", Physical Review B 93, 125433 (2016)
  7. Meidan, Dganit And Romito, Alessandro And Brouwer, Piet W., "Scattering Matrix Formulation Of The Topological Index Of Interacting Fermions In One-Dimensional Superconductors", Physical Review Letters 113, 057003 (2014)