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Lublinsky, Michael

Lublinsky, Michael
Research type
Research topics

Quantum Chromo-Dynamics; Heavy Ion Collisions;
Collider (LHC,RHIC,EIC) Phenomenology
Fluid-Gravity correspondence (gauge-string duality).

Researcher identification
ResearcherID, ORCID

Research group

  1. MSc student, Hadas Tzarfati
  2. Postdoc, Timofey Solomko

Past postdocs *

  1. Naveena Kumara Athithamoole (2022)
  2. Karthik Inbasekar (2022)
  3. Lin Dai (2022)
  4. Tuna Demircik (2021)
  5. Douglas Evan Wertepny (2021)

Past graduate students *

  1. Yair Mulian, PhD (2018)

Past undergraduate students *

  1. Hadas Tzarfati (2024)
  2. ניר בן אבו (2022)
* Past students / postdocs data might be incomplete

Research highlights

QCD at High Energies

QCD at High Energies
Different resolution of the proton structure as probed by virtual photons in ep collisions.

We have entered the fascinating era of the Large Hadron Collider.
The microscopic theory describing the structure of protons and nuclei is the theory of strong interactions, known as Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD). Even though the fundamental theory is known, it is extremely difficult to deduce results of collision processes from first principle QCD calculations. This is due to complexity of the theory involving mutual interactions between gluons, the "photons" of strong interactions.

Fluid-Gravity Correspondence

Illustration of a collision of two gold nuclei at RHIC.

Quark Ggluon Plasma (QGP) is created in Heavy Ion Collisions at
the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and LHC. A striking discovery of RHIC is that QGP produced there is strongly coupled and behaves like a nearly perfect fluid with relativistic hydrodynamics being an appropriate description of the observed phenomena.

Remarkably, hydrodynamical properties of QGP could be studied using gravitational theory of Black Holes in curved five-dimensional spaces. The fluid/gravity correspondence relates graviton`s absorption by a Black Hole to dissipation taking place in the QGP.

Additional research highlights


  1. Michael Lublinsky and Jared Reiten and Andrey V. Sadofyev, "Magnetic Monopole In A Chiral Plasma: Chiral Dyon", Physical Review D , (2021)
  2. Tolga Altinoluk and Néstor Armesto and Alex Kovner and Michael Lublinsky and Vladimir V. Skokov, Angular Correlations In Pa Collisions From Cgc: Multiplicity And MeanTransverse Momentum Dependence Of $V_2$, arXiv:2012.01810 (2021)
  3. Yanyan Bu and Tuna Demircik and Michael Lublinsky, "All Order Effective Action For Charge Diffusion From Schwinger-KeldyshHolography", JHEP , (2021)
  4. Kovner, A. and Levin, E. and Li, M. and Lublinsky, M., "The Jimwlk Evolution And The S-Channel Unitarity", J. High Energ. Phys. 2020, 199 (2020)
  5. Kovner, A. and Levin, E. and Li, M. and Lublinsky, M., "Reggeon Field Theory And Self Duality: Making Ends Meet", J. High Energ. Phys. 2020, 185 (2020)
  6. Bu, Y. and Demircik, T. and Lublinsky, M., "Nonlinear Chiral Transport From Holography", J. High Energ. Phys. 2019, 78 (2019)
  7. Bu, Y. and Demircik, T. and Lublinsky, M., "Gradient Resummation For Nonlinear Chiral Transport: An Insight From Holography", Eur. Phys. J. C 79, 54 (2019)
  8. Bu, Y. and Demircik, T. and Lublinsky, M., "Chiral Transport In Strong Fields From Holography", J. High Energ. Phys. 2019, 71 (2019)
  9. Kovner, A. and Lublinsky, M. and Serino, M., "Entanglement Entropy, Entropy Production And Time Evolution In High Energy Qcd", Physics Letters B 792, 4-15 (2019)
  10. Altinoluk, Tolga And Armesto, Nestor And Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael, "Double And Triple Inclusive Gluon Production At Mid Rapidity: Quantum Interference In P-A Scattering", European Physical Journal C 78, 702 (2018)
  11. Altinoluk, Tolga And Armesto, Nestor And Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael And Petreska, Elena, "Soft Photon And Two Hard Jets Forward Production In Proton-Nucleus Collisions", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 063 (2018)
  12. Altinoluk, Tolga And Armesto, Nestor And Beuf, Guillaume And Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael, "Quark Correlations In The Color Glass Condensate: Pauli Blocking And The Ridge", Physical Review D 95, 034025 (2017)
  13. Bu, Yanyan And Lublinsky, Michael And Sharon, Amir, "Anomalous Transport From Holography: Part Ii", European Physical Journal C 77, 194 (2017)
  14. Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael And Skokov, Vladimir, "Initial State Qqg Correlations As A Background For The Chiral Magnetic Effect In Collision Of Small Systems", Physical Review D 96, 096003 (2017)
  15. Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael And Skokov, Vladimir, "Exploring Correlations In The Cgc Wave Function: Odd Azimuthal Anisotropy", Physical Review D 96, 016010 (2017)
  16. Lublinsky, Michael And Mulian, Yair, "High Energy Qcd At Nlo: From Light-Cone Wave Function To Jimwlk Evolution", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 097 (2017)
  17. Altinoluk, Tolga And Armesto, Nestor And Beuf, Guillaume And Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael, "Hanbury-Brown-Twiss Measurements At Large Rapidity Separations, Or Can We Measure The Proton Radius In P-A Collisions?", Physics Letters B 752, 113-121 (2016)
  18. Altinoluk, Tolga And Armesto, Nestor And Beuf, Guillaume And Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael, "Heavy Quarks In Proton-Nucleus Collisions: The Hybrid Formalism", Physical Review D 93, 054049 (2016)
  19. Bu, Yanyan And Lublinsky, Michael And Sharon, Amir, "Anomalous Transport From Holography. Part I", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 093 (2016)
  20. Bu, Yanyan And Lublinsky, Michael And Sharon, Amir, "U(1) Current From The Ads/Cft: Diffusion, Conductivity And Causality", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 136 (2016)
  21. Kovner, Alex And Levin, Eugene And Lublinsky, Michael, "Qcd Unitarity Constraints On Reggeon Field Theory", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 031 (2016)
  22. Altinoluk, Tolga And Armesto, Nestor And Beuf, Guillaume And Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael, "Bose Enhancement And The Ridge", Physics Letters B 751, 448-452 (2015)
  23. Altinoluk, Tolga And Armesto, Nestor And Beuf, Guillaume And Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael, "Single Inclusive Particle Production In Proton-Nucleus Collisions At Next-To-Leading Order In The Hybrid Formalism", Physical Review D 91, 094016 (2015)
  24. Bu, Yanyan And Lublinsky, Michael, "Linearly Resummed Hydrodynamics In A Weakly Curved Spacetime", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 136 (2015)
  25. Bu, Yanyan And Lublinsky, Michael And Sharon, Amir, "Hydrodynamics Dual To Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity: All-Order Gradient Resummation", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 162 (2015)
  26. Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael, "Entanglement Entropy And Entropy Production In The Color Glass Condensate Framework", Physical Review D 92, 034016 (2015)
  27. Altinoluk, Tolga And Armesto, Nestor And Kovner, Alex And Levin, Eugene And Lublinsky, Michael, "Klwmij Reggeon Field Theory Beyond The Large N-C Limit", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 007 (2014)
  28. Altinoluk, Tolga And Kovner, Alex And Levin, Eugene And Lublinsky, Michael, "Reggeon Field Theory For Large Pomeron Loops", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 075 (2014)
  29. Bu, Yanyan And Lublinsky, Michael, "Linearized Fluid/Gravity Correspondence: From Shear Viscosity To All Order Hydrodynamics", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 064 (2014)
  30. Bu, Yanyan And Lublinsky, Michael, "All Order Linearized Hydrodynamics From Fluid-Gravity Correspondence", Physical Review D 90, 086003 (2014)
  31. Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael And Mulian, Yair, "Jalilian-Marian, Iancu, Mclerran, Weigert, Leonidov, Kovner Evolution At Next To Leading Order", Physical Review D 89, 061704 (2014)
  32. Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael And Mulian, Yair, "Nlo Jimwlk Evolution Unabridged", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 114 (2014)
  33. Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael And Mulian, Yair, "Conformal Symmetry Of Jimwlk Evolution At Nlo", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 030 (2014)
  34. Lublinsky, Michael, "Remarks On Diffractive Dissociation Within Jimwlk Evolution At Nlo", Physics Letters B 735, 200-203 (2014)
  35. Altinoluk, Tolga And Contreras, Carlos And Kovner, Alex And Levin, Eugene And Lublinsky, Michael And Shulkin, Arthur, "Qcd Reggeon Calculus From Klwmij/Jimwlk Evolution: Vertices, Reggeization And All", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 115 (2013)
  36. Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael, "Angular And Long Range Rapidity Correlations In Particle Production At High Energy", International Journal Of Modern Physics E 22, (2013)
  37. Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael, "Classicalization And Unitarity", Journal Of High Energy Physics , 030 (2012)
  38. Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael, "Angular Correlations In Gluon Production At High Energy", Physical Review D 83, 034017 (2011)
  39. Kovner, Alex And Lublinsky, Michael, "Angular Correlations And High Energy Evolution", Physical Review D 84, 094011 (2011)
  40. Lublinsky, M., "Electromagnetic Radiation From Qgp With Chromo-Magnetic Monopoles", Nuclear Physics A 855, 277-280 (2011)
  41. Lublinsky, M. And Shuryak, E., "Universal Hydrodynamics And Charged Hadron Multiplicity At Energies Available At The Cern Large Hadron Collider", Physical Review C 84, 061901 (2011)
  42. Lublinsky, Michael And Ratti, Claudia And Shuryak, Edward, "Radiation Of An Electric Charge In The Field Of A Magnetic Monopole", Physical Review D 81, 014008 (2010)
  43. Lublinsky, Michael And Zahed, Ismail, "Anomalous Chiral Superfluidity", Physics Letters B 684, 119-122 (2010)