Waxman, Amir
PhD student

- amirwaxm@post.bgu.ac.il
Title is not available
with Ron Folman
- Schlussel, Yechezkel And Lenz, Till And Rohner, Dominik And Bar-Haim, Yaniv And Bougas, Lykourgos And Groswasser, David And Kieschnick, Michael And Rozenberg, Evgeny And Thiel, Lucas And Waxman, Amir And Meijer, Jan And Maletinsky, Patrick And Budker, Dmitry And Folman, Ron, "Wide-Field Imaging Of Superconductor Vortices With Electron Spins In Diamond", Physical Review Applied 10, 034032 (2018)
- Keshet, Uri And Kushnir, Doron And Loeb, Abraham And Waxman, Eli, "Preliminary Evidence For A Virial Shock Around The Coma Galaxy Cluster", Astrophysical Journal 845, 24 (2017)
- Waxman, A. And Schlussel, Y. And Groswasser, D. And Acosta, V. M. And Bouchard, L. -S. And Budker, D. And Folman, R., "Diamond Magnetometry Of Superconducting Thin Films", Physical Review B 89, 054509 (2014)
- Ando, Shin'Ichiro And Baret, Bruny And Bartos, Imre And Bouhou, Boutayeb And Chassande-Mottin, Eric And Corsi, Alessandra And Di Palma, Irene And Dietz, Alexander And Donzaud, Corinne And Eichler, David And Finley, Chad And Guetta, Dafne And Halzen, Francis And Jones, Gareth And Kandhasamy, Shivaraj, "Colloquium: Multimessenger Astronomy With Gravitational Waves And High-Energy Neutrinos", Reviews Of Modern Physics 85, 1401-1420 (2013)
- Acosta, V. M. And Bauch, E. And Ledbetter, M. P. And Waxman, A. And Bouchard, L-S. And Budker, D., "Temperature Dependence Of The Nitrogen-Vacancy Magnetic Resonance In Diamond", Physical Review Letters 104, 070801 (2010)
- Waxman, Eli And Shvarts, Dov, "Asymptotic Self-Similar Solutions With A Characteristic Timescale", Astrophysical Journal 721, 1928-1932 (2010)
- Groswasser, D. And Waxman, A. And Givon, M. And Aviv, G. And Japha, Y. And Keil, M. And Folman, R., "Retroreflecting Polarization Spectroscopy Enabling Miniaturization", Review Of Scientific Instruments 80, 093103 (2009)
- Waxman, A. And Givon, M. And Aviv, G. And Groswasser, D. And Folman, R., "Modulation Enhancement Of A Laser Diode In An External Cavity", Applied Physics B-Lasers And Optics 95, 301-305 (2009)
- Eichler, D And Waxman, E, "The Efficiency Of Electron Acceleration In Collisionless Shocks And Gamma-Ray Burst Energetics", Astrophysical Journal 627, 861-867 (2005)
- Kushnir, D And Waxman, E And Shvarts, D, "The Stability Of Decelerating Shocks Revisited", Astrophysical Journal 634, 407-418 (2005)
- Sari, R And Waxman, E And Shvarts, D, "Shock Wave Stability In Steep Density Gradients", Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 127, 475-479 (2000)