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Vasihoun, Mahary

PhD student


  • 2013- 2018, PhD Conf ining Theory In Curved Space-Time
    with Eduardo Guendelman
  • 2011- 2013, MSc Elementary particles as the origin of both child universes and non-singular black holes
    with Eduardo Guendelman


  1. Vasihoun, Mahary And Guendelman, Eduardo, "Bag Formation From Gauge Condensate", International Journal Of Modern Physics A 30, 1550009 (2015)
  2. Vasihoun, Mahary And Guendelman, Eduardo, "Gravitational And Topological Effects On Root-F-2 Confinement Dynamics", International Journal Of Modern Physics A 29, 1430042 (2014)
  3. Guendelman, E. I. And Olmo, Gonzalo J. And Rubiera-Garcia, D. And Vasihoun, M., "Nonsingular Electrovacuum Solutions With Dynamically Generated Cosmological Constant", Physics Letters B 726, 870-875 (2013)
  4. Guendelman, E. I. And Vasihoun, M., "Fully Explorable Horned Particles Hiding Charge", Classical And Quantum Gravity 29, 095004 (2012)