Raveh, Yael
MSc student

- ravehya@post.bgu.ac.il
Signatures of HyperCharge Axions in future Colliders
with Ram Brustein
- Brustein, Rain And Raveh, Yael, "Signatures Of Hypercharge Axions At Contemporary And Future Colliders", Physical Review D 98, 055010 (2018)
- Ben-Galim, Y. And Wengrowicz, U. And Moreh, R. And Orion, I. And Raveh, A., "Using The Doppler Broadened Gamma Line Of The B-10(N,Alpha Gamma)Li-7 Reaction For Thermal Neutron Detection", Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 810, 140-143 (2016)
- Zukerman, I. And Raveh, A. And Landau, Y. And Weiss, R. And Shneck, R. And Shneor, Y. And Kalman, H. And Klemberg-Saphieha, J. E. And Martinu, L., "Tribological Properties Of Duplex Treated Tin/Ticn Coatings On Plasma Nitrided Ph15-5 Steel", Surface & Coatings Technology 201, 6171-6175 (2007)
- Zukerman, I. And Raveh, A. And Shneor, Y. And Shneck, R. And Klemberg-Saphieha, J. E. And Martinu, L., "Internal Stress In Tialbn At High Temperatures", Surface & Coatings Technology 201, 6161-6166 (2007)
- Raveh, A And Danon, A And Hayon, J And Rubinshtein, A And Shneck, R And Klemberg-Sapieha, Je And Martinu, L, "Characterization Of Carburized Tantalum Layers Prepared In Inductive Rf Plasma", Thin Solid Films 392, 56-64 (2001)
- Rubinshtein, A And Shneck, R And Raveh, A And Klemberg-Sapieha, Je And Martinu, L, "Carburizing Of Tantalum By Radio-Frequency Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition", Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology A-Vacuum Surfaces And Films 18, 2017-2022 (2000)
- Raveh, A And Hansen, Pl And Avni, R And Grill, A, "Microstructure And Composition Of Plasma-Nitrided Ti-6Al-4V Layers", Surface & Coatings Technology 38, 339-351 (1989)