Matityahu, Shlomi
PhD student

Effects of Spin-Orbit Interaction and Tunneling Two-Level Systems in Mesoscopic Systems
with Ora Entin-Wohlman and Amnon Aharony and Moshe Schechter -
The magnetoelectric phase diagram of multiferroic Mn-x(Fe,Zn)xWO4
with Ora Entin-Wohlman and Amnon Aharony
- Emuna, M. And Matityahu, S. And Yahel, E. And Makov, G. And Greenberg, Y., "A Reversible Transition In Liquid Bi Under Pressure", Journal Of Chemical Physics 148, 034505 (2018)
- Matityahu, S. And Aharony, A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Balseiro, C. A., "Spin Filtering In All-Electrical Three-Terminal Interferometers", Physical Review B 95, 085411 (2017)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Lisenfeld, Juergen And Bilmes, Alexander And Shnirman, Alexander And Weiss, Georg And Ustinov, Alexey V. And Schechter, Moshe, "Rabi Noise Spectroscopy Of Individual Two-Level Tunneling Defects", Physical Review B 95, 241409 (2017)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Shnirman, Alexander And Schoen, Gerd And Schechter, Moshe, "Decoherence Of A Quantum Two-Level System By Spectral Diffusion", Physical Review B 93, 134208 (2016)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Utsumi, Yasuhiro And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Balseiro, Carlos A., "Spin-Dependent Transport Through A Chiral Molecule In The Presence Of Spin-Orbit Interaction And Nonunitary Effects", Physical Review B 93, 075407 (2016)
- Burin, Alexander L. And Matityahu, Shlomi And Schechter, Moshe, "Low-Temperature 1/F Noise In Microwave Dielectric Constant Of Amorphous Dielectrics In Josephson Qubits", Physical Review B 92, 174201 (2015)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Emuna, Moran And Yahel, Eyal And Makov, Guy And Greenberg, Yaron, "Novel Experimental Design For High Pressure-High Temperature Electrical Resistance Measurements In A ``Paris-Edinburgh″ Large Volume Press", Review Of Scientific Instruments 86, 043902 (2015)
- Salem, Ran And Matityahu, Shlomi And Melchior, Aviva And Nikolaevsky, Mark And Noked, Ori And Sterer, Eran, "Image Analysis Of Speckle Patterns As A Probe Of Melting Transitions In Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments", Review Of Scientific Instruments 86, 093907 (2015)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Katsumoto, Shingo, "Robustness Of Spin Filtering Against Current Leakage In A Rashba-Dresselhaus-Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer", Physical Review B 87, 205438 (2013)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Tarucha, Seigo, "Spin Filtering In A Rashba-Dresselhaus-Aharonov-Bohm Double-Dot Interferometer", New Journal Of Physics 15, 125017 (2013)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora, "Landau Theory For The Phase Diagram Of Multiferroic Mn1-X(Fe,Zn,Mg)(X)Wo4", Physical Review B 85, 174408 (2012)