Marom, Ran
PhD student

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with Salman (Zamik) Rosenwaks
- Marom, Ran And Levi, Chen And Weiss, Tal And Rosenwaks, Salman And Zeiri, Yehuda And Kosloff, Ronnie And Bar, Ilana, "Quantum Tunneling Of Hydrogen Atom In Dissociation Of Photoexcited Methylamine", Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 114, 9623-9627 (2010)
- Marom, Ran And Weiss, Tal And Rosenwaks, Salman And Bar, Ilana, "Site-Dependent Photodissociation Of Vibronically Excited Cd3Nh2 Molecules", Journal Of Chemical Physics 132, 244310 (2010)
- Marom, Ran And Weiss, Tal And Rosenwaks, Salman And Bar, Ilana, "Site-Dependent Photodissociation Of Vibrationally Excited Cd3Nh2", Journal Of Chemical Physics 130, 164312 (2009)
- Marom, Ran And Zecharia, Uzi And Rosenwaks, Salman And Bar, Ilana, "Vibrational Overtone Spectra Of N-H Stretches And Intramolecular Dynamics On The Ground And Electronically Excited States Of Methylamine", Journal Of Chemical Physics 128, 154319 (2008)
- Marom, Ran And Zecharia, Uzi And Rosenwaks, Salman And Bar, Ilana, "Propensity Towards H Photofragments In The Photodissociation Of Cd3Nh2 Pre-Excited To The First N-H Stretch Overtone", Molecular Physics 106, 213-222 (2008)
- Marom, Ran And Zecharia, Uzi And Rosenwaks, Salman And Bar, Ilana, "Nonstatistical Energy Flow In The First N-H Stretch Overtone Region Of Methylamine", Chemical Physics Letters 440, 194-198 (2007)
- Marom, R And Golan, A And Rosenwaks, S And Bar, I, "Intramolecular Dynamics In The Photofragmentation Of Initially Vibrationally Excited Ch2Cl2", Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 108, 8089-8095 (2004)
- Marom, R And Golan, A And Rosenwaks, S And Bar, I, "Photodissociation Dynamics Of Vibrationally Excited Ch2Cl2 Molecules", Chemical Physics Letters 378, 305-312 (2003)
- Chen, Xl And Marom, R And Rosenwaks, S And Bar, I And Einfeld, T And Maul, C And Gericke, Kh, "Evidence For The Onset Of Three-Body Decay In Photodissociation Of Vibrationally Excited Chfcl2", Journal Of Chemical Physics 114, 9033-9039 (2001)
- Einfeld, T And Maul, C And Gericke, Kh And Marom, R And Rosenwaks, S And Bar, I, "Dynamics Of Vibrationally Mediated Photodissociation Of Ch3Cfcl2", Journal Of Chemical Physics 115, 6418-6425 (2001)