Levy, Daniel
PhD student

- levyda@post.bgu.ac.il
- Website
- http://www.bgu.ac.il/~levyda
Title is not available
with Ram Brustein
- Brontvein, Olga And Houben, Lothar And Popovitz-Biro, Ronit And Levy, Moshe And Feuermann, Daniel And Tenne, Reshef And Gordon, Jeffrey M., "Synthesis And Characterization Of Pb@Gas Core-Shell Fullerene-Like Nanoparticles And Nanotubes", Nano 12, 1750030 (2017)
- Argaman, Uri And Eidelstein, Eitan And Levy, Ohad And Makov, Guy, "Ab Initio Study Of The Phononic Origin Of Negative Thermal Expansion", Physical Review B 94, 174305 (2016)
- Friedman, Y. And Nowik, I. And Felner, I. And Steiner, J. M. And Yudkin, E. And Livshitz, S. And Wille, H. -C. And Wortmann, G. And Arogeti, S. And Levy, R. And Chumakov, A. I. And Ruffer, R., "Impact Of Non-Random Vibrations In Mossbauer Rotor Experiments Testing Time Dilation", Epl 114, 50010 (2016)
- Lu, Hai-Bo And Chan, Benjamin C. Y. And Wang, Xiaolin And Chua, Hui Tong And Raston, Colin L. And Albu-Yaron, Ana And Levy, Moshe And Popowitz-Biro, Ronit And Tenne, Reshef And Feuermann, Daniel And Gordon, Jeffrey M., "High-Yield Synthesis Of Silicon Carbide Nanowires By Solar And Lamp Ablation", Nanotechnology 24, 335603 (2013)
- Levy, Daniel And Brustein, Ram, "Constraining The Expansion History Of The Universe From The Red Shift Evolution Of Cosmic Shear", Journal Of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics , 003 (2010)
- Levy, Daniel And Brustein, Ram, "Expressing The Equation Of State Parameter In Terms Of The Three Dimensional Cosmic Shear", Journal Of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics , 026 (2009)
- Albu-Yaron, Ana And Arad, Talmon And Levy, Moshe And Popovitz-Biro, Ronit And Tenne, Reshef And Gordon, Jeffrey M. And Feuermann, Daniel And Katz, Eugene A. And Jansen, Martin And Muhle, Claus, "Synthesis Of Fullerene-Like Cs2O Nanoparticles By Concentrated Sunlight", Advanced Materials 18, 2993+ (2006)
- Sadot, O And Levy, K And Yosef-Hai, A And Cartoon, D And Elbaz, Y And Srebro, Y And Ben-Dor, G And Shvarts, D, "Studying Hydrodynamic Instability Using Shock-Tube Experiments", Astrophysics And Space Science 298, 305-312 (2005)
- Gordon, Jm And Feuermann, D And Huleihil, M And Mizrahi, S And Shaco-Levy, R, "Solar Surgery", Journal Of Applied Physics 93, 4843-4851 (2003)
- Levy, K And Sadot, O And Rikanati, A And Kartoon, D And Srebro, Y And Yosef-Hai, A And Ben-Dor, G And Shvarts, D, "Scaling In The Shock-Bubble Interaction", Laser And Particle Beams 21, 335-339 (2003)