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Hurowitz, Daniel

PhD student


  • 2012- 2016, PhD Non Equilibrium Dynamics of Sparse Systems
    with Doron Cohen

    Abstract/Description: We study the non equilibrium steady state (NESS) of sparse systems. Sparse systems are of glassy nature, in the sense that the transition rates in the system span many time scales. Our main achievement thus far is in understanding that sparse systems reach a non trivial steady state: It is of glassy nature and does not resemble, in any way, the canonical steady state. Still, we show that it is possible to generalize the fluctuation-dissipation phenomenology for the study of energy absorption. If the system has non trivial topology, then the dependence of the induced current on the driving intensity reflects signatures of Sinai spreading.

  • 2010- 2012, MSc Title is not available
    with Doron Cohen


  1. Hurowitz, Daniel And Cohen, Doron, "Relaxation Rate Of A Stochastic Spreading Process In A Closed Ring", Physical Review E 93, 062143 (2016)
  2. Hurowitz, Daniel And Cohen, Doron, "Nonequilibrium Version Of The Einstein Relation", Physical Review E 90, 032129 (2014)
  3. Hurowitz, Daniel And Rahav, Saar And Cohen, Doron, "Nonequilibrium Steady State And Induced Currents Of A Mesoscopically Glassy System: Interplay Of Resistor-Network Theory And Sinai Physics", Physical Review E 88, 062141 (2013)
  4. Hurowitz, Daniel And Rahav, Saar And Cohen, Doron, "The Non-Equilibrium Steady State Of Sparse Systems With Non-Trivial Topology", Epl 98, 20002 (2012)
  5. Hurowitz, D. And Cohen, D., "Non-Equilibrium Steady State Of Sparse Systems", Epl 93, 60002 (2011)