Haim, Lev
PhD student

- haimle@post.bgu.ac.il
- Website
- http://physics.bgu.ac.il/~haimle/
Title is not available
with Ehud Meron
- Koren, Yogev And Raanan, Yoav And Parmet, Yisrael And Bar-Haim, Simona, "Treading On The Unknown-The Feasibility Of A Novel Approach To Investigating The Motor Control Of Walking", Physiological Measurement 39, 04NT01 (2018)
- Schlussel, Yechezkel And Lenz, Till And Rohner, Dominik And Bar-Haim, Yaniv And Bougas, Lykourgos And Groswasser, David And Kieschnick, Michael And Rozenberg, Evgeny And Thiel, Lucas And Waxman, Amir And Meijer, Jan And Maletinsky, Patrick And Budker, Dmitry And Folman, Ron, "Wide-Field Imaging Of Superconductor Vortices With Electron Spins In Diamond", Physical Review Applied 10, 034032 (2018)
- Haim, Lev And Hagberg, Aric And Meron, Ehud, "Non-Monotonic Resonance In A Spatially Forced Lengyel-Epstein Model", Chaos 25, 064307 (2015)
- Mau, Yair And Haim, Lev And Meron, Ehud, "Reversing Desertification As A Spatial Resonance Problem", Physical Review E 91, 012903 (2015)
- Haim, Lev And Hagberg, Aric And Nagao, Raphael And Steinberg, Asher Preska And Dolnik, Milos And Epstein, Irving R. And Meron, Ehud, "Fronts And Patterns In A Spatially Forced Cdima Reaction", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16, 26137-26143 (2014)
- Haim, Lev And Mau, Yair And Meron, Ehud, "Spatial Forcing Of Pattern-Forming Systems That Lack Inversion Symmetry", Physical Review E 90, 022904 (2014)
- Mau, Yair And Haim, Lev And Hagberg, Aric And Meron, Ehud, "Competing Resonances In Spatially Forced Pattern-Forming Systems", Physical Review E 88, 032917 (2013)
- Yizhaq, Hezi And Ashkenazy, Yosef And Levin, Noam And Tsoar, Haim, "Spatiotemporal Model For The Progression Of Transgressive Dunes", Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications 392, 4502-4515 (2013)
- Haim, L. And Gedalin, M. And Spitkovsky, A. And Krasnoselskikh, V. And Balikhin, M., "Nonlinear Waves And Shocks In Relativistic Two-Fluid Hydrodynamics", Journal Of Plasma Physics 78, 295-302 (2012)
- Yizhaq, Hezi And Ashkenazy, Yosef And Tsoar, Haim, "Why Do Active And Stabilized Dunes Coexist Under The Same Climatic Conditions?", Physical Review Letters 98, 188001 (2007)
- Haim, D And Li, G And Ouyang, Q And Mccormick, Wd And Swinney, Hl And Hagberg, A And Meron, E, "Breathing Spots In A Reaction-Diffusion System", Physical Review Letters 77, 190-193 (1996)