Estrin, Yevgeni
PhD student

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with Daniel Rich -
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with Daniel Rich
- Estrin, Y. And Rich, D. H. And Keller, S. And Denbaars, S. P., "Temperature Dependence Of Exciton-Surface Plasmon Polariton Coupling In Ag, Au, And Al Films On Inxga1-Xn/Gan Quantum Wells Studied With Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence", Journal Of Applied Physics 117, 043105 (2015)
- Estrin, Y. And Rich, D. H. And Keller, S. And Denbaars, S. P., "Temperature Dependence Of Exciton-Surface Plasmon Polariton Coupling In Ag, Au, And Al Films On Inxga1-Xn/Gan Quantum Wells Studied With Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence (Vol 117, 043105, 2015)", Journal Of Applied Physics 117, 099902 (2015)
- Estrin, Y. And Rich, D. H. And Keller, S. And Denbaars, S. P., "Observations Of Exciton-Surface Plasmon Polariton Coupling And Exciton-Phonon Coupling In Ingan/Gan Quantum Wells Covered With Au, Ag, And Al Films", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 27, 265802 (2015)
- Estrin, Y. And Rich, D. H. And Rozenfeld, N. And Arad-Vosk, N. And Ron, A. And Sa'Ar, A., "Enhancement In The Excitonic Spontaneous Emission Rates For Si Nanocrystal Multi-Layers Covered With Thin Films Of Au, Ag, And Al", Nanotechnology 26, 435701 (2015)
- Estrin, Yevgeni And Rich, Daniel H. And Kretinin, Andrey V. And Shtrikman, Hadas, "Influence Of Metal Deposition On Exciton-Surface Plasmon Polariton Coupling In Gaas/Alas/Gaas Core-Shell Nanowires Studied With Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence", Nano Letters 13, 1602-1610 (2013)
- Alima, Dana And Estrin, Yevgeni And Rich, Daniel H. And Bar, Ilana, "The Structural And Optical Properties Of Supercontinuum Emitting Si Nanocrystals Prepared By Laser Ablation In Water", Journal Of Applied Physics 112, 114312 (2012)
- Estrin, Y. And Rich, D. H. And Moshe, O. And Bhattacharyya, Sayan And Gedanken, A., "Carrier Relaxation Dynamics Of Znxcd1-Xse/C Core/Shell Nanocrystals With Phase Separation As Studied By Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence", Applied Physics Letters 95, 181903 (2009)