Faiman, David
Faculty (Emeritus)

- faiman@bgu.ac.il
- Website
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Faiman
- Research type
- Experimental
- Strobach, Ehud And Faiman, David And Kabalo, Shlomo And Bokobza, Dov And Melnichak, Vladimir And Gombert, Andreas And Gerstmaier, Tobias And Roettger, Michael, "Modeling A Grid-Connected Concentrator Photovoltaic System", Progress In Photovoltaics 23, 582-592 (2015)
- Faiman, David, "Assessing The Outdoor Operating Temperature Of Photovoltaic Modules", Progress In Photovoltaics 16, 307-315 (2008)
- Loeckenhoff, R. And Dimroth, F. And Oliva, E. And Ohm, A. And Wilde, J. And Faiman, David And Biryukov, Sergey And Melnichak, Vladimir And Kabalo, Shlomo And Bokobza, Dov And Bett, A. W., "Development, Characterisation And 1000 Suns Outdoor Tests Of Gaas Monolithic Interconnected Module (Mim) Receivers", Progress In Photovoltaics 16, 101-112 (2008)
- Faiman, D And Berman, D And De Held, E And Oldenkamp, H, "Study Of Ac-Module Inverters Under Extreme Desert Conditions", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 75, 629-635 (2003)
- Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Iakoubovskii, K And Isakina, A And Yagotintsev, Ka And Strzhemechny, Ma And Balberg, I, "Effect Of The Disorder/Order Phase Transition On The Electrical And Photoelectrical Properties Of C-60 Thin Films", Journal Of Applied Physics 93, 3401-3406 (2003)
- Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Mishori, B And Shapira, Y And Isakina, A And Strzhemechny, Ma, "Disorder/Order Phase Transition In C-60 Thin Films Studied By Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy", Journal Of Applied Physics 94, 7173-7177 (2003)
- Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Tuladhar, Sm And Shtutina, S And Froumin, N And Polak, M And Strzhemechny, Y, "Diffusion Processes For Doping Of C-60 (Fullerene) Thin Films", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 75, 421-426 (2003)
- Faiman, D And Jacob, S And Karnieli, A, "Concerning The Relationship Between Clear-Sky, Global And Direct-Beam, Solar Spectra", Progress In Photovoltaics 10, 527-532 (2002)
- Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Tuladhar, Sm And Shtutina, S And Froumin, N And Polak, M, "Electrodiffusion Phenomena In C-60 Thin Films", Physics Of The Solid State 44, 493-496 (2002)
- Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Shtutina, S And Froumin, N And Polak, M And Isakina, Ap And Yagotintsev, Ka And Strzhemechny, Ma And Strzhemechny, Ym And Zaitsev, Vv And Schwarz, Sa, "Structural And Chemical Modifications In Cu-Supported C-60 Thin Films Exposed To An Atmosphere Of Air Or Iodine", Physica B 304, 348-356 (2001)
- Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Tuladhar, Sm And Kroon, Jm And Wienk, Mm And Fromherz, T And Padinger, F And Brabec, Cj And Sariciftci, Ns, "Temperature Dependence For The Photovoltaic Device Parameters Of Polymer-Fullerene Solar Cells Under Operating Conditions", Journal Of Applied Physics 90, 5343-5350 (2001)
- Katz, Ea And Tuladhar, Sm And Faiman, D And Shames, Ai And Shtutina, S, "Grain Boundary Diffusion In C-60 Thin Films", Interface Science 9, 331-335 (2001)
- Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Shtutina, S And Isakina, A, "Deposition And Structural Characterization Of High Quality Textured C-60 Thin Films", Thin Solid Films 368, 49-54 (2000)
- Berman, D And Faiman, D And Farhi, B, "Sinusoidal Spectral Correction For High Precision Outdoor Module Characterization", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 58, 253-264 (1999)
- Katz, Ea And Shames, Ai And Faiman, D And Shtutina, S And Cohen, Y And Goren, S And Kempinski, W And Piekara-Sady, L, "Do Structural Defects Affect Semiconducting Properties Of Fullerene Thin Films?", Physica B-Condensed Matter 273-4, 934-937 (1999)
- Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Goren, S And Shtutina, S And Mishori, B And Shapira, Y, "A Photovoltaic C-60-Si Heterojunction", Fullerene Science And Technology 6, 103-111 (1998)
- Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Mishori, B And Shapira, Y And Shames, Ai And Shtutina, S And Goren, S, "Changes In The Photoelectrical Properties And Generation Of Photoinduced Defects Under Light/Air Exposure Of C-60 Thin Films", Journal Of Applied Physics 84, 3333-3337 (1998)
- Licht, S And Khaselev, O And Ramakrishnan, Pa And Faiman, D And Katz, Ea And Shames, A And Goren, S, "Fullerene Photoelectrochemical Solar Cells", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 51, 9-19 (1998)
- Licht, S And Khaselev, O And Ramakrishnan, Pa And Faiman, D And Katz, Ea And Shames, A And Goren, S, "Photoelectrochemical Investigation Of Fullerenes", Fullerene Science And Technology 6, 125-136 (1998)
- Licht, S And Ramakrishnan, Pa And Faiman, D And Katz, Ea And Shames, A And Goren, S, "Photoaction, Temperature And O-2 Depletion Effects In Fullerene Photoelectrochemical Solar Cells", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 56, 45-56 (1998)
- Mishori, B And Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Belu-Marian, A And Shapira, Y, "Electronic Properties Of C-60 Thin Films", Fullerene Science And Technology 6, 113-124 (1998)
- Faiman, D And Goren, S And Katz, Ea And Koltun, M And Melnik, N And Shames, A And Shtutina, S, "Structure And Optical Properties Of C-60 Thin Films", Thin Solid Films 295, 283-286 (1997)
- Mishori, B And Katz, Ea And Faiman, D And Shapira, Y, "Studies Of Electron Structure Of C-60 Thin Films By Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy", Solid State Communications 102, 489-492 (1997)
- Shames, Ai And Katz, Ea And Goren, Sd And Faiman, D And Shtutina, S, "An Epr Study Of As-Grown And Photoinduced Defects In C-60 Thin Films", Materials Science And Engineering B-Solid State Materials For Advanced Technology 45, 134-139 (1997)
- Katz, Ea And Lyubin, V And Faiman, D And Shtutina, S And Shames, A And Goren, S, "Persistent Photoelectric Phenomena In Oxygenated C-60 Thin Films", Solid State Communications 100, 781-784 (1996)
- Koltun, M And Faiman, D And Goren, S And Katz, Ea And Kunoff, E And Shames, A And Shtutina, S And Uzan, B, "Solar Cells From Carbon", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 44, 485-491 (1996)