David, Tal
PhD student

- taldavid@post.bgu.ac.il
Title is not available
with Ron FolmanAbstract/Description: Magnetic Interactions of Ultra-Cold Atoms Near Surfaces
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 2004-2009 -
Title is not available
withAbstract/Description: Zinc Oxide Thin Film Production and Characterization, Using Filtered Vacuum Arc Deposition
Tel Aviv University 2004
- Bahamonde, Sebastian And Benisty, David And Guendelman, I, Eduardo, "Linear Potentials In Galaxy Halos By Asymmetric Wormholes", Universe 4, 112 (2018)
- Benisty, David And Guendelman, Eduardo I., "Inflation Compactification From Dynamical Spacetime", Physical Review D 98, 043522 (2018)
- Benisty, David And Guendelman, Eduardo I., "Correspondence Between The First And Second Order Formalism By A Metricity Constraint", Physical Review D 98, 044023 (2018)
- Benisty, David And Guendelman, Eduardo I. And Vasak, David And Struckmeier, Jurgen And Stoecker, Horst, "Quadratic Curvature Theories Formulated As Covariant Canonical Gauge Theories Of Gravity", Physical Review D 98, 106021 (2018)
- Benisty, David And Guendelman, I, Eduardo, "A Transition Between Bouncing Hyper-Inflation To Acdm From Diffusive Scalar Fields", International Journal Of Modern Physics A 33, 1850119 (2018)
- Benisty, David And Guendelman, I, Eduardo, "Unified Dark Energy And Dark Matter From Dynamical Spacetime", Physical Review D 98, 023506 (2018)
- Elofsson, Arne And Joo, Keehyoung And Keasar, Chen And Lee, Jooyoung And Maghrabi, Ali H. A. And Manavalan, Balachandran And Mcguffin, Liam J. And Hurtado, David Menendez And Mirabello, Claudio And Pilstal, Robert And Sidi, Tomer And Uziela, Karolis And Wallner, Bjorn, "Methods For Estimation Of Model Accuracy In Casp12", Proteins-Structure Function And Bioinformatics 86, 361-373 (2018)
- Fuks, David And Gryaznov, Denis And Kotomin, Eugene And Chesnokov, Andrew And Maier, Joachim, "Dopant Solubility In Ceria: Alloy Thermodynamics Combined With The Dft Plus U Calculations", Solid State Ionics 325, 258-264 (2018)
- Gupta, Siddhartha And Nath, Biman B. And Sharma, Prateek And Eichler, David, "Lack Of Thermal Energy In Superbubbles: Hint Of Cosmic Rays?", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 473, 1537-1553 (2018)
- Hayward, Christopher C. And Chapman, Scott C. And Steidel, Charles C. And Golob, Anneya And Casey, Caitlin M. And Smith, Daniel J. B. And Zitrin, Adi And Blain, Andrew W. And Bremer, Malcolm N. And Chen, Chian-Chou And Coppin, Kristen E. K. And Farrah, Duncan And Ibar, Eduardo And Michalowski, Micha, "Observational Constraints On The Physical Nature Of Submillimetre Source Multiplicity: Chance Projections Are Common", Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 476, 2278-2287 (2018)
- Schlussel, Yechezkel And Lenz, Till And Rohner, Dominik And Bar-Haim, Yaniv And Bougas, Lykourgos And Groswasser, David And Kieschnick, Michael And Rozenberg, Evgeny And Thiel, Lucas And Waxman, Amir And Meijer, Jan And Maletinsky, Patrick And Budker, Dmitry And Folman, Ron, "Wide-Field Imaging Of Superconductor Vortices With Electron Spins In Diamond", Physical Review Applied 10, 034032 (2018)
- Zitrin, Adi And Eichler, David, "Observing Cosmological Processes In Real Time With Repeating Fast Radio Bursts", Astrophysical Journal 866, 101 (2018)
- Akbulatov, Azat F. And Frolova, Lyubov A. And Griffin, Monroe P. And Gearba, Ioana R. And Dolocan, Andrei And Vanden Bout, David A. And Tsarev, Sergey And Katz, Eugene A. And Shestakov, Alexander F. And Stevenson, Keith J. And Troshin, Pavel A., "Effect Of Electron-Transport Material On Light-Induced Degradation Of Inverted Planar Junction Perovskite Solar Cells", Advanced Energy Materials 7, 1700476 (2017)
- Benisty, David And Guendelman, E. I., "Unified De-Dm With Diffusive Interactions Scenario From Scalar Fields", International Journal Of Modern Physics D 26, 1743021 (2017)
- Benisty, David And Guendelman, E. I., "Interacting Diffusive Unified Dark Energy And Dark Matter From Scalar Fields", European Physical Journal C 77, 396 (2017)
- Eichler, David, "An Alternative Explanation Of The Varying Boron-To-Carbon Ratio In Galactic Cosmic Rays", Astrophysical Journal 842, 50 (2017)
- Eichler, David, "Nanolensed Fast Radio Bursts", Astrophysical Journal 850, 159 (2017)
- Eichler, David, "Testing The Viewing Angle Hypothesis For Short Grbs With Ligo Events", Astrophysical Journal Letters 851, L32 (2017)
- Kumar, Rahul And Eichler, David And Gaspari, Massimo And Spitkovsky, Anatoly, "Preferential Heating And Acceleration Of Heavy Ions In Impulsive Solar Flares", Astrophysical Journal 835, 295 (2017)
- Benisty, David And Guendelman, E. I., "Radiation-Like Scalar Field And Gauge Fields In Cosmology For A Theory With Dynamical Time", Modern Physics Letters A 31, 1650188 (2016)
- Eichler, David And Globus, Noemie And Kumar, Rahul And Gavish, Eyal, "Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays: A Galactic Origin?", Astrophysical Journal Letters 821, L24 (2016)
- Gavish, Eyal And Eichler, David, "On Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays And Their Resultant Gamma-Rays", Astrophysical Journal 822, 56 (2016)
- Globus, Noemie And Eichler, David, "Lifetime Of A Cosmic-Ray Spot", Astrophysical Journal Letters 833, L17 (2016)
- Jiang, Ing-Guey And Lai, Chien-Yo And Savushkin, Alexander And Mkrtichian, David And Antonyuk, Kirill And Griv, Evgeny And Hsieh, He-Feng And Yeh, Li-Chin, "The Possible Orbital Decay And Transit Timing Variations Of The Planet Wasp-43B", Astronomical Journal 151, 17 (2016)
- Zhou, Shuyu And Groswasser, David And Keil, Mark And Japha, Yonathan And Folman, Ron, "Robust Spatial Coherence 5 Mu M From A Room-Temperature Atom Chip", Physical Review A 93, 063615 (2016)
- Eichler, David, "The Significance Of The Non-Detection Of Grb-Associated Uhe Neutrinos", Astrophysical Journal Letters 813, L10 (2015)
- Kumar, Rahul And Eichler, David And Gedalin, Michael, "Electron Heating In A Relativistic, Weibel-Unstable Plasma", Astrophysical Journal 806, 165 (2015)
- Strobach, Ehud And Faiman, David And Kabalo, Shlomo And Bokobza, Dov And Melnichak, Vladimir And Gombert, Andreas And Gerstmaier, Tobias And Roettger, Michael, "Modeling A Grid-Connected Concentrator Photovoltaic System", Progress In Photovoltaics 23, 582-592 (2015)
- Eichler, David, "Ultraheavy Element Enrichment In Impulsive Solar Flares", Astrophysical Journal 794, 6 (2014)
- Eichler, David, "Cloaked Gamma-Ray Bursts", Astrophysical Journal Letters 787, L32 (2014)
- Galperin, Boris And Young, Roland M. B. And Sukoriansky, Semion And Dikovskaya, Nadejda And Read, Peter L. And Lancaster, Andrew J. And Armstrong, David, "Cassini Observations Reveal A Regime Of Zonostrophic Macroturbulence On Jupiter", Icarus 229, 295-320 (2014)
- Khoury, George A. And Liwo, Adam And Khatib, Firas And Zhou, Hongyi And Chopra, Gaurav And Bacardit, Jaume And Bortot, Leandro O. And Faccioli, Rodrigo A. And Deng, Xin And He, Yi And Krupa, Pawel And Li, Jilong And Mozolewska, Magdalena A. And Sieradzan, Adam K. And Smadbeck, James And Wirecki, Tom, "Wefold: A Coopetition For Protein Structure Prediction", Proteins-Structure Function And Bioinformatics 82, 1850-1868 (2014)
- Kumar, Rahul And Eichler, David, "The Isotropy Problem Of Sub-Ankle Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays", Astrophysical Journal 781, 47 (2014)
- Kumar, Rahul And Eichler, David, "Large-Scale Anisotropy Of Tev-Band Cosmic Rays", Astrophysical Journal 785, 129 (2014)
- Madsen, Morten V. And Gevorgyan, Suren A. And Pacios, R. And Ajuria, J. And Etxebarria, I. And Kettle, Jeff And Bristow, Noel D. And Neophytou, Marios And Choulis, Stelios A. And Roman, Lucimara Stolz And Yohannes, Teketel And Cester, Andrea And Cheng, Pei And Zhan, Xiaowei And Wu, Jiang And Xie, Zh, "Worldwide Outdoor Round Robin Study Of Organic Photovoltaic Devices And Modules", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 130, 281-290 (2014)
- Zhou, Shuyu And Chabe, Julien And Salem, Ran And David, Tal And Groswasser, David And Keil, Mark And Japha, Yonathan And Folman, Ron, "Phase Space Tomography Of Cold-Atom Dynamics In A Weakly Corrugated Potential", Physical Review A 90, 033620 (2014)
- Ando, Shin'Ichiro And Baret, Bruny And Bartos, Imre And Bouhou, Boutayeb And Chassande-Mottin, Eric And Corsi, Alessandra And Di Palma, Irene And Dietz, Alexander And Donzaud, Corinne And Eichler, David And Finley, Chad And Guetta, Dafne And Halzen, Francis And Jones, Gareth And Kandhasamy, Shivaraj, "Colloquium: Multimessenger Astronomy With Gravitational Waves And High-Energy Neutrinos", Reviews Of Modern Physics 85, 1401-1420 (2013)
- Daniel, Anat And Agou, Ruti And Amit, Omer And Groswasser, David And Japha, Yonathan And Folman, Ron, "Damping Of Local Rabi Oscillations In The Presence Of Thermal Motion", Physical Review A 87, 063402 (2013)
- Eichler, David And Kumar, Rahul And Pohl, Martin, "Is The Galactic Cosmic-Ray Spectrum Constant In Time?", Astrophysical Journal 769, 138 (2013)
- Fuks, David And Weizman, Amir And Kotomin, Eugene, "Phase Competition In (La1-C,Sr-C)Coo3 Solid Solutions: Ab Initio Thermodynamic Study", Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 250, 864-869 (2013)
- Pohl, Martin And Eichler, David, "Understanding Tev-Band Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy", Astrophysical Journal 766, 4 (2013)
- Eichler, David And Mordecai, David, "Comet Encounters And Carbon 14", Astrophysical Journal Letters 761, L27 (2012)
- Fuks, David L. And Kiv, Arnold E. And Shapiro, Dina V. And Golovanov, Vyacheslav V. And Smatko, Vasilij N. And Donchev, Ivan I., "Degradation Processes In Surface Layers Of Indium Oxide", Ieee Transactions On Device And Materials Reliability 12, 133-138 (2012)
- Henderson, Richard And Sali, Andrej And Baker, Matthew L. And Carragher, Bridget And Devkota, Batsal And Downing, Kenneth H. And Egelman, Edward H. And Feng, Zukang And Frank, Joachim And Grigorieff, Nikolaus And Jiang, Wen And Ludtke, Steven J. And Medalia, Ohad And Penczek, Pawel A. And Rosenthal,, "Outcome Of The First Electron Microscopy Validation Task Force Meeting", Structure 20, 205-214 (2012)
- Rogachevskii, Igor And Kleeorin, Nathan And Brandenburg, Axel And Eichler, David, "Cosmic-Ray Current-Driven Turbulence And Mean-Field Dynamo Effect", Astrophysical Journal 753, 6 (2012)
- Shaisultanov, Rashid And Lyubarsky, Yuri And Eichler, David, "Stream Instabilities In Relativistically Hot Plasma", Astrophysical Journal 744, 182 (2012)
- Eichler, David, "Standard Gamma-Ray Bursts, Dirty Fireballs, And The Excluded Middle", Astrophysical Journal 730, 41 (2011)
- Eichler, David And Pohl, Martin, "Can Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Rays Come From Gamma-Ray Bursts? Cosmic Rays Below The Ankle And Galactic Gamma-Ray Bursts", Astrophysical Journal Letters 738, L21 (2011)
- Fuks, David And Shapiro, Dina And Kiv, Arnold And Golovanov, Vyacheslav And Liu, Chung-Chiun, "Ab Initio Calculations Of Surface Electronic States In Indium Oxide", International Journal Of Quantum Chemistry 111, 1902-1906 (2011)
- Gogus, Ersin And Guever, Tolga And Oezel, Feryal And Eichler, David And Kouveliotou, Chryssa, "Long-Term Radiative Behavior Of Sgr 1900+14", Astrophysical Journal 728, 160 (2011)
- Gusarov, Alexander And Levron, David And Baranga, Andrei Ben-Amar And Paperno, Eugene And Shuker, Reuben, "An All-Optical Scalar And Vector Spin-Exchange Relaxation-Free Magnetometer Employing On-Off Pump Modulation", Journal Of Applied Physics 109, 07E507 (2011)
- Pohl, Martin And Eichler, David, "Origin Of Ultra-High-Energy Galactic Cosmic Rays: The Isotropy Problem", Astrophysical Journal 742, 114 (2011)
- Reese, Matthew O. And Gevorgyan, Suren A. And Jorgensen, Mikkel And Bundgaard, Eva And Kurtz, Sarah R. And Ginley, David S. And Olson, Dana C. And Lloyd, Matthew T. And Moryillo, Pasquale And Katz, Eugene A. And Elschner, Andreas And Haillant, Olivier And Currier, Travis R. And Shrotriya, Vishal And, "Consensus Stability Testing Protocols For Organic Photovoltaic Materials And Devices", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 95, 1253-1267 (2011)
- Shaisultanov, Rashid And Eichler, David, "Dispersion Relations For A General Anisotropic Distribution Function Represented As A Sum Over Legendre Polynomials", Physics Of Plasmas 18, 034501 (2011)
- Boettner, Harald And Yang, Jihui And Johnson, David C. And Chen, Lidong And Gelbstein, Yaniv, "Ict/Ect Proceedings: Foreword", Journal Of Electronic Materials 39, 1371-1372 (2010)
- Eichler, David And Guetta, Dafne And Pohl, Martin, "The High Energy Budget Allocations In Shocks And Gamma Ray Bursts", Astrophysical Journal 722, 543-549 (2010)
- Eichler, David And Shaisultanov, Rashid, "Dynamical Oscillations And Glitches In Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars", Astrophysical Journal Letters 715, L142-L145 (2010)
- Guetta, Dafne And Eichler, David, "Wide Angle X-Ray Sky Monitoring For Corroborating Non-Electromagnetic Cosmic Transients", Astrophysical Journal 712, 392-396 (2010)
- Mandal, Samir And Eichler, David, "How Unusual Is Xrf 060218?", Astrophysical Journal Letters 713, L55-L58 (2010)
- Pohl, Martin And Eichler, David, "Fermi Constrains Dark-Matter Origin Of High-Energy Positron Anomaly", Astrophysical Journal Letters 712, L53-L57 (2010)
- Putzel, G. Garbes And Andelman, David And Tsori, Yoav And Schick, M., "Ionic Effects On The Electric Field Needed To Orient Dielectric Lamellae", Journal Of Chemical Physics 132, 164903 (2010)
- Eichler, David, "Constraints On Nonluminous Matter From Higher Order Pulsar Period Derivatives", Astrophysical Journal Letters 694, L95-L97 (2009)
- Eichler, David And Guetta, Dafne And Manis, Hadar, "A Universal Central Engine Hypothesis For Short And Long Gamma-Ray Bursts", Astrophysical Journal Letters 690, L61-L64 (2009)
- Fink, Dietmar And Klinkovich, Irina And Bukelman, Ohad And Marks, Robert S. And Kiv, Arik And Fuks, David And Fahrner, Wolfgang R. And Alfonta, Lital, "Glucose Determination Using A Re-Usable Enzyme-Modified Ion Track Membrane Sensor", Biosensors & Bioelectronics 24, 2702-2706 (2009)
- Gilboa, Barak And Gillo, David And Farago, Oded And Bernheim-Groswasser, Anne, "Bidirectional Cooperative Motion Of Myosin-Ii Motors On Actin Tracks With Randomly Alternating Polarities", Soft Matter 5, 2223-2231 (2009)
- Gillo, David And Gilboa, Barak And Gurka, Roi And Bernheim-Groswasser, Anne, "The Fusion Of Actin Bundles Driven By Interacting Motor Proteins", Physical Biology 6, 036003 (2009)
- Gillo, David And Gur, Barak And Bernheim-Groswasser, Anne And Farago, Oded, "Cooperative Molecular Motors Moving Back And Forth", Physical Review E 80, 021929 (2009)
- Griv, Evgeny And Gedalin, Michael And Eichler, David, "The Stellar Velocity Distribution In The Solar Neighborhood: Deviations From The Schwarzschild Distribution", Astronomical Journal 137, 3520-3528 (2009)
- Gusarov, Alexander And Levron, David And Paperno, Eugene And Shuker, Reuben And Baranga, Andrei Ben-Amar, "Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field Measurements In A Single Serf Atomic-Magnetometer Cell", Ieee Transactions On Magnetics 45, 4478-4481 (2009)
- Krebs, Frederik C. And Gevorgyan, Suren A. And Gholamkhass, Bobak And Holdcroft, Steven And Schlenker, Cody And Thompson, Mark E. And Thompson, Barry C. And Olson, Dana And Ginley, David S. And Shaheen, Sean E. And Alshareef, Husam N. And Murphy, John W. And Youngblood, W. Justin And Heston, Nathan , "A Round Robin Study Of Flexible Large-Area Roll-To-Roll Processed Polymer Solar Cell Modules", Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 93, 1968-1977 (2009)
- Petrov, P. G. And Machluf, S. And Younis, S. And Macaluso, R. And David, T. And Hadad, B. And Japha, Y. And Keil, M. And Joselevich, E. And Folman, R., "Trapping Cold Atoms Using Surface-Grown Carbon Nanotubes", Physical Review A 79, 043403 (2009)
- Shaisultanov, Rashid And Eichler, David, "What Magnetar Seismology Can Teach Us About Magnetic Fields", Astrophysical Journal Letters 702, L23-L26 (2009)
- David, T. And Japha, Y. And Dikovsky, V. And Salem, R. And Henkel, C. And Folman, R., "Magnetic Interactions Of Cold Atoms With Anisotropic Conductors", European Physical Journal D 48, 321-332 (2008)
- Eichler, David And Manis, Hadar, "Spectral Lags Explained As Scattering From Accelerated Scatterers", Astrophysical Journal Letters 689, L85-L88 (2008)
- Faiman, David, "Assessing The Outdoor Operating Temperature Of Photovoltaic Modules", Progress In Photovoltaics 16, 307-315 (2008)
- Japha, Y. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And David, T. And Salem, R. And Aigner, S. And Schmiedmayer, J. And Folman, R., "Model For Organized Current Patterns In Disordered Conductors", Physical Review B 77, 201407 (2008)
- Loeckenhoff, R. And Dimroth, F. And Oliva, E. And Ohm, A. And Wilde, J. And Faiman, David And Biryukov, Sergey And Melnichak, Vladimir And Kabalo, Shlomo And Bokobza, Dov And Bett, A. W., "Development, Characterisation And 1000 Suns Outdoor Tests Of Gaas Monolithic Interconnected Module (Mim) Receivers", Progress In Photovoltaics 16, 101-112 (2008)
- Eichler, David And Manis, Hadar, "A Model For Fast Rising, Slowly Decaying Subpulses In Gamma-Ray Bursts", Astrophysical Journal 669, L65-L68 (2007)
- Zhukovskii, Yuri F. And Fuks, David And Kotomin, Eugene A. And Ellis, Donald E., "Differences In The Metallic Film Growth Mode Between Perfect And Defective Mgo Surfaces", Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 255, 219-222 (2007)
- Eichler, David And Levinson, Amir, "Are The Radiative Properties Of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts Universal?", Astrophysical Journal 649, L5-L8 (2006)
- Fuks, David And Kotomin, Eugene A. And Zhukovskii, Yuri F. And Stoneham, A. Marshall, "Size And Shape Of Three-Dimensional Cu Clusters On A Mgo(001) Substrate: Combined Ab Initio And Thermodynamic Approach", Physical Review B 74, 115418 (2006)
- Fuks, David And Zhukovskii, Yuri F. And Kotomin, Eugene A. And Ellis, Donald E., "Metal Film Growth On Regular And Defective Mgo(001) Surface: A Comparative Ab Initio Simulation And Thermodynamic Study", Surface Science 600, L99-L104 (2006)
- Lyubarsky, Yuri And Eichler, David, "Are Gamma-Ray Burst Shocks Mediated By The Weibel Instability?", Astrophysical Journal 647, 1250-1254 (2006)
- Eichler, David And Beskin, Gregory, "Optical Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence With Air Cerenkov Telescopes", Astrobiology 1, 489-493 (2001)
- Arusiparpar, T And Cohen, Y And David, D And Bar, I And Rosenwaks, S, "Utilization Of Stimulated Raman Excitation And Coherent Anti-Stokes-Raman Scattering In Studies Of Bond-Selective And Mode-Selective Chemistry", Journal De Physique Iv 4, 725-728 (1994)
- Bar, I And David, D And Rosenwaks, S, "Rotationally Mediated Vector Correlations In The Photodissociation Of H2O (1,0,0)", Chemical Physics 187, 21-33 (1994)
- David, D And Bar, I And Rosenwaks, S, "Control Of Fragment Alignment Via Photodissociation From Different Types Of Parent Rotation", Journal Of Chemical Physics 99, 4218-4221 (1993)
- David, D And Strugano, A And Bar, I And Rosenwaks, S, "State-To-State Photodissociation Of The Fundamental Symmetrical Stretch Vibration Of Water Prepared By Stimulated Raman Excitation", Journal Of Chemical Physics 98, 409-419 (1993)
- Bar, I And Cohen, Y And David, D And Arusiparpar, T And Rosenwaks, S And Valentini, Jj, "Mode-Specificity In Photodissociation Of Fundamental Stretchings Of Hod", Journal De Physique Iv 1, 651-654 (1991)
- Bar, I And Cohen, Y And David, D And Arusiparpar, T And Rosenwaks, S And Valentini, Jj, "Mode-Selective Bond Fission - Comparison Between The Photodissociation Of Hod (0,0,1) And Hod (1,0,0)", Journal Of Chemical Physics 95, 3341-3346 (1991)
- Bar, I And Cohen, Y And David, D And Rosenwaks, S And Valentini, Jj, "Direct Observation Of Preferential Bond Fission By Excitation Of A Vibrational Fundamental - Photodissociation Of Hod (0,0,1)", Journal Of Chemical Physics 93, 2146-2148 (1990)