Dahan, Zadok
MSc student

- dahanza@post.bgu.ac.il
- Website
- http://physweb.bgu.ac.il/~dahanza/
Title is not available
with Salman (Zamik) Rosenwaks
- Dahan, D. And Ahari, M. Tanhayi And Ortiz, G. And Seradjeh, B. And Grosfeld, E., "Non-Abelian Fermion Parity Interferometry Of Majorana Bound States In A Fermi Sea", Physical Review B 95, 201114 (2017)
- Katz, A. And Dahan, Z. And Rybalkin, V. And Waichman, K. And Barmashenko, B. D. And Rosenwaks, S., "Power Enhancement In Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Lasers By Iodine Predissociation Via Corona/Glow Discharge", Applied Physics Letters 90, 161122 (2007)
- Waichman, K. And Rybalkin, V. And Katz, A. And Dahan, Z. And Barmashenko, B. D. And Rosenwaks, S., "Toward Understanding The Dissociation Of I-2 In Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Lasers: Combined Experimental And Theoretical Studies", Journal Of Applied Physics 102, 013108 (2007)
- Rybalkin, V. And Katz, A. And Waichman, K. And Vingurt, D. And Dahan, Z. And Barmashenko, B. D. And Rosenwaks, S., "How Many O-2((1)Delta) Molecules Are Consumed Per Dissociated I-2 In Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Lasers?", Applied Physics Letters 89, 021115 (2006)
- Dahan, P And Vagner, I, "Resonant Spikes Of The Nuclear Spin Qubits Relaxation Rate In Quantum-Hall Systems With Magnetic Impurities", Ieee Transactions On Nanotechnology 4, 52-56 (2005)
- Dahan, P And Fleurov, V And Kikoin, K And Vagner, Id, "Localized States In Two-Dimensional Semiconductors Doped With Magnetic Impurities In A Quantizing Magnetic Field", Physical Review B 65, 165313 (2002)