Entin-Wohlman, Ora
Faculty (Emeritus)

- oraentin@bgu.ac.il
- Office
- 54/309
- Phone
- 08-6477558
- Website
- http://physics.bgu.ac.il/~oraentin
- Research type
- Theoretical
- Research topics
Condensed matter theory; Spintronics.
- Researcher identification
- Google Scholar
Past graduate students *
- Netanel Gabdank, MSc (2018)
- Shlomi Matityahu, PhD (2018)
- Tal Peer, MSc (2018)
- Shlomi Matityahu, MSc (2013)
Research highlights

*** Molecular junctions and thermoelectricity: studying transport of electrons and of heat through single-molecule bridges (e.g. nano-tubes). Finding bounds on the thermoelectric efficiencies.
*** Superconducting-insulator transition: studying the way the conductance of hybrid systems are modified as part of the sample goes superconducting.
*** Persistent current in metalic rings: Superconducting fluctuations generate persistent currents around rings even above the superconduction temperature, which may be reduced by proximity to normal metals.
- Aharony, A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Jonson, M. And Shekhter, R. I., "Electric And Magnetic Gating Of Rashba-Active Weak Links", Physical Review B 97, 220404 (2018)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Shekhter, R. I. And Jonson, M. And Aharony, A., "Rashba Proximity States In Superconducting Tunnel Junctions", Low Temperature Physics 44, 543-551 (2018)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Chowdhury, D. And Aharony, A. And Dattagupta, S., "Heat Currents In Electronic Junctions Driven By Telegraph Noise", Physical Review B 96, 195435 (2017)
- Matityahu, S. And Aharony, A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Balseiro, C. A., "Spin Filtering In All-Electrical Three-Terminal Interferometers", Physical Review B 95, 085411 (2017)
- Shekhter, R. I. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Jonson, M. And Aharony, A., "Spin Precession In Spin-Orbit Coupled Weak Links: Coulomb Repulsion And Pauli Quenching", Physical Review B 96, 241412 (2017)
- Shekhter, R. I. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Jonson, M. And Aharony, A., "Rashba Spin-Splitting Of Single Electrons And Cooper Pairs", Low Temperature Physics 43, 303-319 (2017)
- Shekhter, R. I. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Jonson, M. And Aharony, A., "Photo-Spintronics Of Spin-Orbit Active Electric Weak Links", Low Temperature Physics 43, 910-913 (2017)
- Ueda, A. And Utsumi, Y. And Tokura, Y. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A., "Ac Transport And Full-Counting Statistics Of Molecular Junctions In The Weak Electron-Vibration Coupling Regime", Journal Of Chemical Physics 146, 092313 (2017)
- Yamamoto, Kaoru And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Hatano, Naomichi, "Thermoelectricity Near Anderson Localization Transitions", Physical Review B 96, 155201 (2017)
- Gurvitz, Shmuel And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora, "Temporal Evolution Of Resonant Transmission Under Telegraph Noise", Physical Review B 94, 075437 (2016)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Utsumi, Yasuhiro And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Balseiro, Carlos A., "Spin-Dependent Transport Through A Chiral Molecule In The Presence Of Spin-Orbit Interaction And Nonunitary Effects", Physical Review B 93, 075407 (2016)
- Shekhter, R. I. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Jonson, M. And Aharony, A., "Rashba Splitting Of Cooper Pairs", Physical Review Letters 116, 217001 (2016)
- Tu, Matisse Wei-Yuan And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Schiller, Avraham And Zhang, Wei-Min, "Transient Probing Of The Symmetry And The Asymmetry Of Electron Interference", Physical Review B 93, 125437 (2016)
- Yamamoto, Kaoru And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Aharony, Amnon And Hatano, Naomichi, "Efficiency Bounds On Thermoelectric Transport In Magnetic Fields: The Role Of Inelastic Processes", Physical Review B 94, 121402 (2016)
- Aharony, Amnon And Biham, Ofer And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Imry, Joe And Spieka, Vaclav, "In Memoriam Of Avi Schiller (1963-2013)", Physica Scripta T165, 010301 (2015)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Imry, Y. And Aharony, A., "Enhanced Performance Of Joint Cooling And Energy Production", Physical Review B 91, 054302 (2015)
- Utsumi, Y. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A. And Kubo, T. And Tokura, Y., "Fluctuation Theorem For A Two-Terminal Conductor Connected To A Thermal Probe", Physica Scripta T165, 014021 (2015)
- Aharony, A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Imry, Y., "Renormalization Of Competing Interactions And Superconductivity On Small Scales", Journal Of Statistical Physics 157, 979-989 (2014)
- Aharony, A. And Takada, S. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Yamamoto, M. And Tarucha, S., "Aharonov-Bohm Interferometry With A Tunnel-Coupled Wire", New Journal Of Physics 16, 083015 (2014)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Imry, Y., "Comment On ``Cooling By Heating: Refrigeration Powered By Photons″", Physical Review Letters 112, 048901 (2014)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Jiang, J. -H. And Imry, Y., "Efficiency And Dissipation In A Two-Terminal Thermoelectric Junction, Emphasizing Small Dissipation", Physical Review E 89, 012123 (2014)
- Rothstein, E. A. And Horovitz, B. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A., "Spin-Polarized Dynamic Transport In Tubular Two-Dimensional Electron Gases", Physical Review B 90, 245425 (2014)
- Shekhter, R. I. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A., "Mechanically Controlled Spin-Selective Transport", Physical Review B 90, 045401 (2014)
- Silvestrov, P. G. And Entin-Wohlman, O., "Wigner Crystal Of A Two-Dimensional Electron Gas With A Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction", Physical Review B 89, 155103 (2014)
- Tu, Matisse Wei-Yuan And Aharony, Amnon And Zhang, Wei-Min And Entin-Wohlman, Ora, "Real-Time Dynamics Of Spin-Dependent Transport Through A Double-Quantum-Dot Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer With Spin-Orbit Interaction", Physical Review B 90, 165422 (2014)
- Utsumi, Y. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A. And Kubo, T. And Tokura, Y., "Fluctuation Theorem For Heat Transport Probed By A Thermal Probe Electrode", Physical Review B 89, 205314 (2014)
- Bary-Soroker, H. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Imry, Y. And Aharony, A., "Scale-Dependent Competing Interactions: Sign Reversal Of The Average Persistent Current", Physical Review Letters 110, 056801 (2013)
- Jiang, Jian-Hua And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Imry, Yoseph, "Three-Terminal Semiconductor Junction Thermoelectric Devices: Improving Performance", New Journal Of Physics 15, 075021 (2013)
- Jiang, Jian-Hua And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Imry, Yoseph, "Hopping Thermoelectric Transport In Finite Systems: Boundary Effects", Physical Review B 87, 205420 (2013)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Katsumoto, Shingo, "Robustness Of Spin Filtering Against Current Leakage In A Rashba-Dresselhaus-Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer", Physical Review B 87, 205438 (2013)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Tarucha, Seigo, "Spin Filtering In A Rashba-Dresselhaus-Aharonov-Bohm Double-Dot Interferometer", New Journal Of Physics 15, 125017 (2013)
- Shekhter, R. I. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A., "Suspended Nanowires As Mechanically Controlled Rashba Spin Splitters", Physical Review Letters 111, 176602 (2013)
- Simons, Yuval B. And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Oreg, Yuval And Imry, Yoseph, "Reply To ``Comment On `Phase Diagram Of Reentrant And Magnetic-Field-Induced Superconducting States With Kondo Impurities In Bulk And Proximity-Coupled Compounds' ``", Physical Review B 87, 136502 (2013)
- Utsumi, Y. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Ueda, A. And Aharony, A., "Full-Counting Statistics For Molecular Junctions: Fluctuation Theorem And Singularities", Physical Review B 87, 115407 (2013)
- Aharony, Amnon And Gurvitz, Shmuel And Tokura, Yasuhiro And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Dattagupta, Sushanta, "Partial Decoherence In Mesoscopic Systems", Physica Scripta T151, 014018 (2012)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A., "Three-Terminal Thermoelectric Transport Under Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry", Physical Review B 85, 085401 (2012)
- Jiang, Jian-Hua And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Imry, Yoseph, "Thermoelectric Three-Terminal Hopping Transport Through One-Dimensional Nanosystems", Physical Review B 85, 075412 (2012)
- Matityahu, Shlomi And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora, "Landau Theory For The Phase Diagram Of Multiferroic Mn1-X(Fe,Zn,Mg)(X)Wo4", Physical Review B 85, 174408 (2012)
- Simons, Yuval B. And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Oreg, Yuval And Imry, Yoseph, "Phase Diagram Of Reentrant And Magnetic-Field-Induced Superconducting States With Kondo Impurities In Bulk And Proximity-Coupled Compounds", Physical Review B 86, 064509 (2012)
- Tu, Matisse Wei-Yuan And Zhang, Wei-Min And Jin, Jinshuang And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A., "Transient Quantum Transport In Double-Dot Aharonov-Bohm Interferometers", Physical Review B 86, 115453 (2012)
- Aharony, Amnon And Tokura, Yasuhiro And Cohen, Guy Z. And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Katsumoto, Shingo, "Filtering And Analyzing Mobile Qubit Information Via Rashba-Dresselhaus-Aharonov-Bohm Interferometers", Physical Review B 84, 035323 (2011)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Bary-Soroker, H. And Aharony, A. And Imry, Y. And Harris, J. G. E., "Normal Persistent Currents In Proximity-Effect Bilayers", Physical Review B 84, 184519 (2011)
- Gabdank, N. And Rothstein, E. A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A., "Noise Spectra Of An Interacting Quantum Dot", Physical Review B 84, 235435 (2011)
- Ueda, A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A., "Effects Of Coupling To Vibrational Modes On The Ac Conductance Of Molecular Junctions", Physical Review B 83, 155438 (2011)
- Ueda, Akiko And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Aharony, Amnon, "Effect Of Phonons On The Ac Conductance Of Molecular Junctions", Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 204 (2011)
- Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Tokura, Yasuhiro And Katsumoto, Shingo, "Spin Filtering Due To Quantum Interference In Periodic Mesoscopic Networks", Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 42, 629-633 (2010)
- Aharony, Amnon And Gurvitz, Shmuel And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Dattagupta, Sushanta, "Retrieving Qubit Information Despite Decoherence", Physical Review B 82, 245417 (2010)
- Bary-Soroker, Hamutal And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Imry, Yoseph, "Persistent Currents Of Noninteracting Electrons In One-, Two-, And Three-Dimensional Thin Rings", Physical Review B 82, 144202 (2010)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A. And Tokura, Y. And Avishai, Y., "Spin-Polarized Electric Currents In Quantum Transport Through Tubular Two-Dimensional Electron Gases", Physical Review B 81, 075439 (2010)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Imry, Y. And Aharony, A., "Three-Terminal Thermoelectric Transport Through A Molecular Junction", Physical Review B 82, 115314 (2010)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Imry, Y. And Aharony, A., "Transport Through Molecular Junctions With A Nonequilibrium Phonon Population", Physical Review B 81, 113408 (2010)
- Ueda, A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Eto, M. And Aharony, A., "Phonon Spectroscopy By Electric Measurements Of Coupled Quantum Dots", Physical Review B 82, 245317 (2010)
- Zhu, Z. And Aharony, A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Stamp, P. C. E., "Pure Phase Decoherence In A Ring Geometry", Physical Review A 81, 062127 (2010)
- Bary-Soroker, Hamutal And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Imry, Yoseph, "Pair-Breaking Effect On Mesoscopic Persistent Currents", Physical Review B 80, 024509 (2009)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Imry, Y. And Aharony, A., "Voltage-Induced Singularities In Transport Through Molecular Junctions", Physical Review B 80, 035417 (2009)
- Rothstein, E. A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A., "Noise Spectra Of A Biased Quantum Dot", Physical Review B 79, 075307 (2009)
- Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora And Tokura, Yasuhiro And Katsumoto, Shingo, "Spin Filtering By A Periodic Spintronic Device", Physical Review B 78, 125328 (2008)
- Bary-Soroker, H. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Imry, Y., "Effect Of Pair Breaking On Mesoscopic Persistent Currents Well Above The Superconducting Transition Temperature", Physical Review Letters 101, 057001 (2008)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Imry, Y. And Aharony, A., "Conductance Of Superconducting-Normal Hybrid Structures", Physical Review B 78, 224510 (2008)
- Harris, A. B. And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora, "Order Parameters And Phase Diagrams Of Multiferroics", Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 20, 434202 (2008)
- Harris, A. B. And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora, "Order Parameters And Phase Diagram Of Multiferroic Rmn(2)O(5)", Physical Review Letters 100, 217202 (2008)
- Harris, A. B. And Kenzelmann, M. And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, O., "Effect Of Inversion Symmetry On The Incommensurate Order In Multiferroic Rmn2O5 (R=Rare Earth)", Physical Review B 78, 014407 (2008)
- Japha, Y. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And David, T. And Salem, R. And Aigner, S. And Schmiedmayer, J. And Folman, R., "Model For Organized Current Patterns In Disordered Conductors", Physical Review B 77, 201407 (2008)
- Ringel, Zohar And Imry, Y. And Entin-Wohlman, O., "Delayed Currents And Interaction Effects In Mesoscopic Capacitors", Physical Review B 78, 165304 (2008)
- Entin-Wohlman, O. And Imry, Y. And Gurvitz, S. A. And Aharony, A., "Steps And Dips In The Ac Conductance And Noise Of Mesoscopic Structures", Physical Review B 75, 193308 (2007)
- Kashcheyevs, Vyacheslavs And Schiller, Avraham And Aharony, Amnon And Entin-Wohlman, Ora, "Unified Description Of Phase Lapses, Population Inversion, And Correlation-Induced Resonances In Double Quantum Dots", Physical Review B 75, 115313 (2007)
- Korenblit, I. Ya. And Aharony, A. And Entin-Wohlman, O., "Quantum Corrections To The Spin-Wave Spectrum Of La2Cuo4 In An External Magnetic Field", Physical Review B 75, 174420 (2007)
- Kozub, V. I. And Zyuzin, A. A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Aharony, A. And Galperin, Y. M. And Vinokur, V., "Point-Contact Spectroscopy Of Hopping Transport: Effects Of A Magnetic Field", Physical Review B 75, 205311 (2007)
- Aharony, A And Entin-Wohlman, O And Oreg, Y And Van Delft, J, "Comment On ``Theoretical Analysis Of The Transmission Phase Shift Of A Quantum Dot In The Presence Of Kondo Correlations″", Physical Review Letters 96, 189705 (2006)
- Aharony, A And Entin-Wohlman, O And Otsuka, T And Katsumoto, S And Aikawa, H And Kobayashi, K, "Breakdown Of Phase Rigidity And Variations Of The Fano Effect In Closed Aharonov-Bohm Interferometers", Physical Review B 73, 195329 (2006)
- Chen, Y. And Lynn, J. W. And Huang, Q. And Woodward, F. M. And Yildirim, T. And Lawes, G. And Ramirez, A. P. And Rogado, N. And Cava, R. J. And Aharony, A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Harris, A. B., "Complex Magnetic Order In The Kagome Staircase Compound Co3V2O8", Physical Review B 74, 014430 (2006)
- Harris, A. B. And Yildirim, T. And Aharony, A. And Entin-Wohlman, O., "Towards A Microscopic Model Of Magnetoelectric Interactions In Ni3V2O8", Physical Review B 73, 184433 (2006)
- Kashcheyevs, V And Aharony, A And Entin-Wohlman, O, "Applicability Of The Equations-Of-Motion Technique For Quantum Dots", Physical Review B 73, 125338 (2006)
- Kenzelmann, M. And Harris, A. B. And Aharony, A. And Entin-Wohlman, O. And Yildirim, T. And Huang, Q. And Park, S. And Lawes, G. And Broholm, C. And Rogado, N. And Cava, R. J. And Kim, K. H. And Jorge, G. And Ramirez, A. P., "Field Dependence Of Magnetic Ordering In Kagome-Staircase Compound Ni3V2O8", Physical Review B 74, 014429 (2006)
- Korenblit, Iy And Aharony, A And Entin-Wohlman, O, "Comment On ``Strong Dependence Of The Interlayer Coupling On The Hole Mobility In Antiferromagnetic La2-Xsrxcuo4 (X < 0.02)″", Physical Review B 73, 106501 (2006)
- Aharony, A And Entin-Wohlman, O, "Measuring The Kondo Effect In The Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer", Physical Review B 72, 073311 (2005)
- Aharony, A And Entin-Wohlman, O And Imry, Y, "Phase Measurements In Open And Closed Aharonov-Bohm Interferometers", Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 29, 283-288 (2005)
- Aharony, A And Entin-Wohlman, O And Korenblit, Iy And Harris, Ab And Yildirim, T, "The Cubic Kugel-Khomskii Model For Triply Degenerate T(2G) Electrons", New Journal Of Physics 7, 49 (2005)
- Entin-Wohlman, O And Aharony, A And Galperin, Ym And Kozub, Vi And Vinokur, V, "Orbital Ac Spin-Hall Effect In The Hopping Regime", Physical Review Letters 95, 086603 (2005)
- Entin-Wohlman, O And Aharony, A And Meir, Y, "Kondo Effect In Complex Mesoscopic Structures", Physical Review B 71, 035333 (2005)
- Imry, Y And Entin-Wohlman, O And Aharony, A, "Landauer Transport With Inelastic Scattering", Europhysics Letters 72, 263-269 (2005)
- Schmitz, R And Entin-Wohlman, O And Aharony, A And Harris, Ab And Muller-Hartmann, E, "Magnetic Structure Of The Jahn-Teller System Latio3", Physical Review B 71, 144412 (2005)
- Simon, P And Entin-Wohlman, O And Aharony, A, "Flux-Dependent Kondo Temperature In An Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer With An In-Line Quantum Dot", Physical Review B 72, 245313 (2005)
- Entin-Wohlman, O And Imry, Y And Aharony, A, "Effects Of External Radiation On Biased Aharonov-Bohm Rings", Physical Review B 70, 075301 (2004)
- Kashcheyevs, V And Aharony, A And Entin-Wohlman, O, "Quantized Charge Pumping By Surface Acoustic Waves In Ballistic Quasi-1D Channels", European Physical Journal B 39, 385-396 (2004)
- Kikoin, K And Entin-Wohlman, O And Fleurov, V And Aharony, A, "Spin Order And Orbital Disorder In Latio3", Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials 272, 346-347 (2004)
- Kikoin, K And Entin-Wohlman, O And Fleurov, V And Aharony, A, "Damped Orbital Excitations In The Titanates", Physical Review B 67, 214418 (2003)