Davidson, Aharon
Faculty (Emeritus)

- davidson@bgu.ac.il
- Office
- 54/327
- Phone
- 08-6461649
- Website
- https://physics.bgu.ac.il/~davidson
- Research type
- Theoretical
- Research topics
Dilaton Gravity, Brane Gravity, Conformal Gravity, General Relativity, Classical/Quantum Cosmology, Kaluza-Klein theory, Grand Unified Theories, The Standard Model.
- Researcher identification
- Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus
Past graduate students *
- Tomer Ygael, PhD (2020)
- Ben Yellin, PhD (2016)
- Tomer Ygael, MSc (2014)
- Ben Yellin, MSc (2011)
- Ilya Gurwich, PhD (2011)
- Shimon Rubin, PhD (2011)
- Nadav Barkai, MSc (2007)
- Ido Reiss, MSc (2006)
- Yoav Lederer, PhD (2003)
- David Karasik, PhD (2001)
- Izhar Neder, MSc (2001)
- Tomer Schwartz, PhD (2000)
- Amir Levinson, MSc (1988)
- Ran Zamir, MSc (1987)
- Davidson, A. and Ygael, T., "Ricci Linear Weyl/Maxwell Mutual Sourcing", Universe 6, 151 (2020)
- Ygael, T. and Davidson, A., "Local Scale Invariant Kaluza-Klein Reduction", Phys. Rev. D 102, 024010 (2020)
- Davidson, A., "From Planck Area To Graph Theory: Topologically Distinct Black Hole Microstates", Phys. Rev. D 100, 081502 (2019)
- Ygael, T. and Davidson, A., "Mini-Superspace Universality And No-Scale Quantum Cosmology", Physics Letters B 798, 134945 (2019)
- Davidson, Aharon, "Hydrogen-Like Spectrum Of Spontaneously Created Brane Universes With De-Sitter Ground State", Physics Letters B 780, 29-33 (2018)
- Davidson, Aharon And Ygael, Tomer, "Frozen Up Dilaton And The Gut/Planck Mass Ratio", Physics Letters B 772, 5-9 (2017)
- Davidson, Aharon And Yellin, Ben, "Is Spacetime Absolutely Or Just Most Probably Lorentzian?", Classical And Quantum Gravity 33, 165009 (2016)
- Davidson, A. And Ygael, T., "From Dewitt Initial Condition To Cosmological Quantum Entanglement", Classical And Quantum Gravity 32, 152001 (2015)
- Davidson, Aharon, "Holographic Shell Model: Stack Data Structure Inside Black Holes?", International Journal Of Modern Physics D 23, 1450041 (2014)
- Davidson, Aharon And Rubin, Shimon, "Normalized General Relativity: Nonclosed Universe And A Zero Cosmological Constant", Physical Review D 89, 024036 (2014)
- Davidson, Aharon And Yellin, Ben, "Quantum Black Hole Wave Packet: Average Area Entropy And Temperature Dependent Width", Physics Letters B 736, 267-271 (2014)
- Davidson, Aharon And Yellin, Ben, "Schwarzschild Mass Uncertainty", General Relativity And Gravitation 46, 1662 (2014)
- Davidson, Aharon And Rubin, Shimon And Verbin, Yosef, "Can An Evolving Universe Host A Static Event Horizon?", Physical Review D 86, 104061 (2012)
- Davidson, Aharon And Yellin, Ben, "Restoring Time Dependence Into Quantum Cosmology", International Journal Of Modern Physics D 21, 1242011 (2012)
- Kadosh, Avihay And Davidson, Aharon And Pallante, Elisabetta, "Slinky Evolution Of Domain Wall Brane Cosmology", Physical Review D 86, 124015 (2012)
- Davidson, A. and Margolis, B. and Robinson, J. and Valin, P., "Light Fermion Masses From Su(3)Color×U(1)E.M.?", Mod. Phys. Lett. A 04, 1159-1167 (2011)
- Davidson, Aharon And Gurwich, Ilya, "Holographic Entropy Packing Inside A Black Hole", Physical Review Letters 106, 151301 (2011)
- Davidson, Aharon And Rubin, Shimon, "Extensible Gravitational Dirac Models Of The Electron", Classical And Quantum Gravity 28, 125005 (2011)
- Davidson, Aharon And Yellin, Ben, "Spontaneously Induced General Relativity: Holographic Interior For Reissner-Nordstrom Exterior", Physical Review D 84, 124003 (2011)
- Davidson, Aharon And Gurwich, Ilya, "Hollowgraphy Driven Holography: Black Hole With Vanishing Volume Interior", International Journal Of Modern Physics D 19, 2345-2351 (2010)
- Davidson, Aharon And Rubin, Shimon, "Brane Gravitational Extension Of Dirac'S `Extensible Model Of The Electron'", Classical And Quantum Gravity 26, 235006 (2009)
- Davidson, Aharon And Rubin, Shimon, "Zero Cosmological Constant From Normalized General Relativity", Classical And Quantum Gravity 26, 235019 (2009)
- Gurwich, Ilya And Davidson, Aharon, "Unified Brane Gravity: Cosmological Dark Matter From A Scale Dependent Newton Constant", Physical Review D 80, 024039 (2009)
- Gurwich, Ilya And Rubin, Shimon And Davidson, Aharon, "On The Problem Of Vacuum Energy In Brane Theories", Physics Letters B 679, 515-518 (2009)
- Davidson, Aharon And George, Damien P. And Kobakhidze, Archil And Volkas, Raymond R. And Wali, Kameshwar C., "Su(5) Grand Unification On A Domain-Wall Brane From An E(6)-Invariant Action", Physical Review D 77, 085031 (2008)
- Davidson, Aharon And Gurwich, Ilya, "Radiation-Driven Inflation", Journal Of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics , 001 (2008)
- Davidson, A. and Gurwich, I., "Einstein Corpuscles And Dark Core Black Holes In Spontaneously Induced General Relativity", AIP Conference Proceedings , (2006)
- Davidson, Aharon And Gurwich, Ilya, "Dirac Relaxation Of The Israel Junction Conditions: Unified Randall-Sundrum Brane Theory", Physical Review D 74, 044023 (2006)
- Dando, G And Davidson, A And George, Dp And Volkas, Rr And Wali, Kc, "Clash Of Symmetries In A Randall-Sundrum-Like Spacetime", Physical Review D 72, 045016 (2005)
- Davidson, A, "Rippled Cosmological Dark Matter From A Damped Oscillating Newton Constant", Classical And Quantum Gravity 22, 1119-1127 (2005)
- Davidson, A And Karasik, D And Lederer, Y, "Geodesic Evolution And Nucleation Of A De Sitter Brane", Physical Review D 72, 064011 (2005)
- Mannheim, Pd And Davidson, A, "Dirac Quantization Of The Pais-Uhlenbeck Fourth Order Oscillator", Physical Review A 71, 042110 (2005)
- Karasik, D And Davidson, A, "Brane Variation Dirac Style", Classical And Quantum Gravity 21, 1295-1302 (2004)
- Karasik, D And Davidson, A, "Geodetic Brane Gravity", Physical Review D 67, 064012 (2003)
- Davidson, A And Toner, Bf And Volkas, Rr And Wali, Kc, "Clash Of Symmetries On The Brane", Physical Review D 65, 125013 (2002)
- Davidson, A And Paz, U, "Extensible Embeddings Of Black-Hole Geometries", Foundations Of Physics 30, 785-794 (2000)
- Davidson, A, "Lambda=0 Cosmology Of A Brane-Like Universe", Classical And Quantum Gravity 16, 653-659 (1999)
- Davidson, A And Karasik, D, "Cosmic Solenoids: Minimal Cross Section And Generalized Flux Quantization", Physical Review D 60, 045002 (1999)
- Davidson, A And Karasik, D And Lederer, Y, "Wavefunction Of A Brane-Like Universe", Classical And Quantum Gravity 16, 1349-1356 (1999)
- Davidson, A And Schwartz, T And Volkas, Rr, "Linking The Geometric Mass Hierarchy With Threefold Family Replication", Journal Of Physics G-Nuclear And Particle Physics 25, 1571-1588 (1999)
- Davidson, A And Karasik, D, "Quantum Gravity Of A Brane-Like Universe", Modern Physics Letters A 13, 2187-2192 (1998)
- Davidson, A And Schwartz, T And Wali, Kc, "Light <-> Heavy Symmetric Geometric Mass Hierarchy", Journal Of Physics G-Nuclear And Particle Physics 24, L55-L62 (1998)
- Davidson, A And Gedalin, E, "Finite Magnetic-Flux Tube As A Black-And-White Dihole", Physics Letters B 339, 304-308 (1994)
- Davidson, A And Michel, L And Sage, Ml And Wali, Kc, "Quark Mass Hierarchies From The Universal Seesaw Mechanism", Physical Review D 49, 1378-1388 (1994)
- Davidson, A And Nielsen, Nk And Verbin, Y, "Kinematical Classification Of Evolving Loops And Bubbles", Nuclear Physics B 412, 391-405 (1994)
- Davidson, A, "Kalb-Ramond-Invariant Locally Nontrivial Upsilon-Term (P/Cp-Violating Superconductivity In 4 Dimensions)", Physics Letters B 314, 64-68 (1993)
- Davidson, A And Paz, U, "Threefold Family Of Charged Spin-1/2 Dirac Bubbles", Physics Letters B 300, 234-240 (1993)
- Davidson, A And Verbin, Y, "Su(N)/Z(N) Self-Interactions Of Closed Strings", Physics Letters B 276, 24-30 (1992)
- Achiman, Y And Davidson, A, "Dynamic Axion For Dynamic Electroweak Symmetry-Breaking", Physics Letters B 261, 431-436 (1991)
- Davidson, A, "Can A 17 Kev Neutrino Be A Genuine Piece Of The Generation Puzzle", Physics Letters B 268, 89-95 (1991)
- Davidson, A And Verbin, Y, "Kaluza-Klein Bottle Coupled To Tolman-Hawking Wormhole", Modern Physics Letters A 6, 1547-1552 (1991)
- Davidson, A And Wali, Kc, "Local And Global Aspects Of Charge-Current Generating World-Sheet Scalar Potentials", Nuclear Physics B 349, 581-597 (1991)
- Levinson, A And Davidson, A, "Generalized Belinsky-Ruffini Geometry", Modern Physics Letters A 6, 2189-2195 (1991)
- Davidson, A, "Visible Effects Of Apparently Invisible Solenoids", Physical Review Letters 65, 145-148 (1990)
- Davidson, A And Guendelman, Ei, "Electric Monopole With Internal Magnetic-Monopole-Like Structure", Physics Letters B 251, 250-253 (1990)
- Davidson, A And Ranfone, S And Wali, Kc, "Quark Masses And Mixing Angles From Universal Seesaw Mechanism", Physical Review D 41, 208-218 (1990)
- Verbin, Y And Davidson, A, "Wormholes From Conformal Matter", Nuclear Physics B 339, 545-559 (1990)
- Davidson, A And Guendelman, Ei, "Gravitational Bags And Solitary Cosmological Evolution", Nuclear Physics B 313, 693-710 (1989)
- Davidson, A And Zamir, R, "Kaluza-Klein Straw As A String-Guide", Physics Letters B 223, 149-152 (1989)
- Davidson, A. and Margolis, B. and Robinson, J.A., "Vub/Vcbsuppression From An Asymmetric Variation Of The Fritzsch Model", Phys. Rev. D 39, 2069-2071 (1989)
- Verbin, Y And Davidson, A, "Quantized Non-Abelian Wormholes", Physics Letters B 229, 364-367 (1989)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Abelian Self-Interaction Of A Test Loop", Physics Letters B 213, 439-442 (1988)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Non-Abelian Self-Interaction Of A Test Loop", Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 1450-1452 (1988)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Family Mass Hierarchy From Universal Seesaw Mechanism", Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 1813-1816 (1988)
- Davidson, A., "Tachyonic Compactification", Phys. Rev. D 35, 1811-1814 (1987)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Su(5)L⊗Su(5)Rhybrid Unification", Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2623-2626 (1987)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Universal Seesaw Mechanism?", Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 393-395 (1987)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Baryon-Number Violation By Chiral-Color Axiinstantons", Physics Letters B 194, 247-250 (1987)
- Davidson, A And Davidson, Z, "Dyonic Bound-States From Local Compactification", Physical Review D 33, 3152-3154 (1986)
- Davidson, A And Guendelman, Ei, "Gravitational Bags", Physical Review D 34, 3264-3267 (1986)
- Davidson, A And Owen, Da, "On The Newton-Coulomb Unification", Physics Letters B 166, 123-126 (1986)
- Davidson, A And Owen, Da, "Elementary-Particles As Higher-Dimensional Tachyons", Physics Letters B 177, 77-81 (1986)
- Davidson, A And Sonnenschein, J And Vozmediano, Ah, "The Effective Early Universe In The Presence Of Extra Dimensions", Physics Letters B 168, 183-186 (1986)
- Davidson, A And Owen, Da, "Black-Holes As Windows To Extra Dimensions", Physics Letters B 155, 247-250 (1985)
- Davidson, A And Sonnenschein, J And Vozmediano, Ah, "Cosmological Compactification", Physical Review D 32, 1330-1332 (1985)
- Davidson, A. and Sonnenschein, J., "Supersymmetric Unified Compositeness And The Quark-Lepton Generation Structure", Phys. Rev. D 31, 1127-1131 (1985)
- Davidson, A And Vozmediano, Ah, "The Horizontal Axion Alternative - The Interplay Of Vacuum-Structure And Flavor Interactions", Nuclear Physics B 248, 647-670 (1984)
- Davidson, A. and Nair, V.P. and Wali, K.C., "Mixing Angles Andcpviolation In The So(10)×U(1)Pqmodel", Phys. Rev. D 29, 1513-1519 (1984)
- Davidson, A. and Nair, V.P. and Wali, K.C., "Peccei-Quinn Symmetry As Flavor Symmetry And Grand Unification", Phys. Rev. D 29, 1504-1512 (1984)
- Davidson, A. and Vozmediano, A., "Domain Walls - Horizontal Epilogue", Physics Letters B 141, 177-180 (1984)
- Davidson, A., "Formulating Weak Cp-Nonconservation In Terms Of Quark Mass Hierarchies", Physics Letters B 122, 412-416 (1983)
- Davidson, A. and Sonnenschein, J., "Hyperleptonic Generations In Unifying Schemes", Phys. Rev. D 27, 2199-2203 (1983)
- Davidson, A. and Sonnenschein, J., "Complex Rishon-Type Unification", Physics Letters B 123, 299-302 (1983)
- Davidson, A. and Sonnenschein, J., "Do 'T Hooft Anomaly Equations Know About Georgi-Glashow Grand Unification?", Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1339-1342 (1983)
- Davidson, A. and Mannheim, P.D. and Wali, K.C., "Hypercolor, Extended Hypercolor, And The Generation Problem", Phys. Rev. D 26, 1133-1156 (1982)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Minimal Flavor Unification Via Multigenerational Peccei-Quinn Symmetry", Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 11-14 (1982)
- Davidson, A. and C. Wali, K., "Nuetrino Masses And The Next Energy Scale", Physics Letters B 98, 183-187 (1981)
- Davidson, A. and Mannheim, P.D. and Wali, K.C., "Extended Hypercolor And The Cabibbo Angle", Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 149-152 (1981)
- Davidson, A. and Mannheim, P.D. and Wali, K.C., "Extended Hypercolor And The Cabibbo Angle.", Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 620-620 (1981)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Horizontal Flavor Chirality, The Canonical Fermion Mass Matrix, And An Alternativecp-Nonconservation Scenario", Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 691-694 (1981)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Multigenerationsu(N)×Su(N)Flavor Unifying Schemes", Phys. Rev. D 23, 477-489 (1981)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Towards A Canonical Fermi Mass Matrix For A Pure Generation Structure", Nuclear Physics B 193, 453-476 (1981)
- Davidson, A., "Vertical-Horizontal Symmetric Minimal Grand-Unification", Physics Letters B 90, 87-90 (1980)
- Davidson, A., "Is The Generation Structure A Signature Of Semi-Simple Grand Unification?", Physics Letters B 93, 183-186 (1980)
- Davidson, A. and Pati, J.C., "The Link Between The Emergence Of The Gim Mechanism And The Nature Of The Neutral-Current Parity Violation", Nuclear Physics B 175, 175-188 (1980)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Horizontal-Quantum-Flavor-Dynamics Approach To The Fermion Mass Spectrum", Phys. Rev. D 21, 787-801 (1980)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C., "Symmetric Versus Antisymmetric Mass Matrices In Grand Unified Theories", Physics Letters B 94, 359-363 (1980)
- Davidson, A. and Wali, K.C. and Mannheim, P.D., "Multigenerational Flavor-Color-Hypercolor Unification", Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 1135-1138 (1980)
- Davidson, A., "Sakata-Like Electro/Weak Model", Physics Letters B 83, 73-76 (1979)
- Davidson, A., "B−Las The Fourth Color Within Ansu(2)L×U(1)R×U(1)Model", Phys. Rev. D 20, 776-783 (1979)
- Davidson, A., "Covariant N2‐Plet Mass Formulas", Journal of Mathematical Physics 20, 757-761 (1979)
- Davidson, A. and Koca, M. and Wali, K.C., "Minimal Anomaly-Free Electroweak Model For Several Generations", Phys. Rev. D 20, 1195-1206 (1979)
- Davidson, A. and Koca, M. and Wali, K.C., "Horizontal Gauge Symmetry As A Natural Cp-Violation Source At The Two-Generation Level", Physics Letters B 86, 47-51 (1979)
- Davidson, A. and Koca, M. and Wali, K.C., "Full Quark-Lepton Correspondence Within A Multigenerationsu(2)L×U(1)-Based Model", Phys. Rev. D 20, 2416-2420 (1979)
- Davidson, A. and Koca, M. and Wali, K.C., "U(1) As The Minimal Horizontal Gauge Symmetry", Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 92-96 (1979)
- Davidson, A. and Dar, A., "Lorentz‐Type Internal Symmetry", Journal of Mathematical Physics 19, 848-855 (1978)