Tenure track positions
Prospective candidates should turn to the group representatives in their respective fields to check the positions availability:
High Energy Physics: Prof. Michael Lublinsky
Astrophysics and Cosmology: Prof. Yuri Lyubarsky
Condensed Matter: Prof. Moshe Schechter
Biophysics and Soft Matter: Prof. Mario Feingold
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics: Prof. Ron Folman
The applicants are requested to provide
- Curriculum Vitae (proposed format is here)
- List of publications
- Proposed research plan
- Teaching statement (~1 page)
- It should be a single PDF file called "Curriculum Vitae" (CV).
- Please do not include in the CV your cover letter.
- Please do not include in the CV any confidential information.
- The PDF should be uploaded using the new BGU portal for academic openings: click here
- Additional required fields are indicted by *
- You are requested to provide names of 4 possible reviewers.
- The portal allows to upload an optional Cover Letter (confidential, will not be delivered to the reviewers).
- Please ignore the optional "add statements / publications" fields (this information should be included in the CV file).
- Please contact chairphysics@bgu.ac.il to confirm submission.
- You are encouraged to CC relevant member(s) of the BGU physics department.
- Please do not initiate requests for recommendation letters yourself.
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the department of Physics encourage women to submit their candidacy for tenure track appointments.
- One of the reviewers should be the candidate's supervisor (MSc / PhD / PostDoc)
- For the rank of Lecturer: 3-4 References, at least 2 "independent" and at least 2 from institutions abroad.
- For the rank of Senior Lecturer: 4-5 References, at least 2 "independent" and at least 2 from institutions abroad.
- For the rank of Professor: 5-6 References, at least 4 "independent" and at least 3 from institutions abroad.
Updated on Oct. 28, 2022
Updated by Krichevsky, Oleg (okrichev)
Created on June 5, 2020
Created by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)