Pumping / Stirring Publications

The scope of the 2003-2006 publications was to place quantum pumping in open systems and quantum stirring in closed systems under the same umbrella of linear response theory (Kubo). The focus was on "ring" geometry (either "two barrier" or "piston" systems). In 2008 there are new works that illuminate the physical results using a heuristic "splitting ratio" approach. This direction has matured at 2013. The simplest model to clarify the idea is a 3-site tight-binding system. Additionally this "splitting ratio" approach has been used to derive some results for the counting statistics. Another direction was to apply the formalism to Bose condensed particles, and to see what is the significance of having interactions.

Quantum pumping and stirring - Kubo formalism

Quantum stirring - prototype models and effects (two-barrier and piston models)
Quantum stirring - Splitting Ratio formalism

Stirring and Counting statistics in a 3 site circuit

Application to BEC (stirring in a 3 site Bose-Hubbard circuit, the significance of interactions)