
Group meeting, April 2022 (from left to right: K. Krochek, S. Libanore, L. Saiegh, T. Shevchuk, J. Flitter, T. Abadi, C. Unal, D. Sarkar, E. Kovetz, G. Shmueli).

What do we do?

Brainstorm new ways to study the Universe

The Standard Model of Cosmology aims to explains the cosmic evolution from a fraction of a second after the Big-Bang singularity to the current period of accelerated expansion with only a handful of parameters. Over the past decade, it has withstood a wide series of observational tests. Yet several gaping holes remain in the theory:
- How did inflation begin and come to an end?
- What makes up the dark matter in the Universe?
- What is the nature of dark energy?
- How did galaxies and clusters of galaxies form and evolve to make up the large scale structure we observe today?
Going forward, we must develop new ways to probe these fundamental questions by accessing the full volume of the observable Universe. This is the focus of our research.

Our group is always looking for new recruits.
If you're interested in an Undergrad, Masters, PhD or Postdoctoral position, let us know!

Caner Unal
Postdoctoral Fellowship
by Israel Academy of Sciences
Sarah Libanore
Postdoctoral Fellowship
by Azrieli Foundation
Jordan Flitter
BGU Negev PhD fellowship
Tal Abadi
BGU Negev PhD fellowship
Gali Shumeli
Masters student
(Dkalim Excellence Program)
Hovav Lazare
Masters student
(Dkalim Excellence Program)
Keren Krochek
Masters student
Debanjan Sarkar
Former Postdoctoral Fellow
Now McGill Prize Fellow
Lilian Saiegh
Former Masters student
(Joint with R. Brustein)
Tanya Shevchuk
Former Masters student
(joint with A. Zitrin)