
Ph.D. in physics (2019-2023)

The Role of Quantum Fluctuations in Phase Transitions of Quantum Magnets
Advisor: Prof. Moshe Schechter

M.Sc. in physics (2017-2019)

Monte Carlo study of LiHoF4 in a weak transverse magnetic field [pdf]
Advisor: Prof. Moshe Schechter

Research Interests

Our group
  • Solid state physics
  • Quantum magnetism
  • Disorder
  • Computational physics
  • Quantum computing


  • LiHoF4 as a spin-half non-standard quantum Ising system
    T. Dollberg and M. Schechter
  • Effect of intrinsic quantum fluctuations on the phase diagram of anisotropic dipolar magnets
    T. Dollberg, J. C. Andresen, M. Schechter
    Phys. Rev. B 105, L180413 (2022)

Talks & Posters

04/2023 Israel Physical Society Annual Meeting (IPS2023), Tel Aviv, Israel
Presentation: "Analytic derivation of a three-body interaction due to off-diagonal dipolar interactions in anisotropic dipolar magnets"
06/2022 "Correlated Days" conference (CED2022), Ein Gedi, Israel
Presentation: "Effect of Intrinsic Quantum Fluctuations on the Phase Diagram of Anisotropic Dipolar Magnets" [pdf]
06/2022 Highly Frustrated Magnetism conference (HFM2022), Paris, France
Poster: "Effect of Intrinsic Quantum Fluctuations on the Phase Diagram of Anisotropic Dipolar Magnets"
12/2020 Winter School on Strongly Correlated Quantum Matter, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
Online Poster: "The effect of intrinsic quantum fluctuations on the phase diagram of anisotropic dipolar magnets"