Ouantum optics seminar 2
Course information
- Credit points
- 1.00
- Lecture hours
- 0.00
- TA hours
- 0.00
- Lab hours
- 0.00
Weakly guest lecturesSyllabus
Attendance is required for those taking the seminar for credit.
Also, student are kindly requested to show up on time, as late arrivals disturb the speaker and the audience.
סמינר באופטיקה קוונטית 2
מתן הרצאות אורח שבועיות על פי פרסום באתר המחלקהסילבוס
Attendance is required for those taking the seminar for credit.
Also, student are kindly requested to show up on time, as late arrivals disturb the speaker and the audience.
Last changed on April 25, 2022 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)