Introduction to Nano-physics


Course information

Credit points
Lecture hours
TA hours
Lab hours
University's course list


The purpose of this course is to provide a broad survey of current research in the fields of (i) optical studies of semiconductor quantum nanostructures, including device applications and (ii) quantum transport in mesoscopic and nanostructure systems with a main focus on quantum dots. The following topics will be addressed:

Growth of strained quantum dots, self-assembly
Optical properties of quantum wells and quantum dots
Two-dimensional electron gases in field-effect transistors
Quantum Interference Effects in Transport Properties
Phase coherence, Dephasing and environmental coupling
Localization: weak localization and Anderson transition
The Quantum Hall Effect
Conduction in channels: Landauer's formulas, quantum point contacts
Coulomb blockade and single electron transistor
Spin qubits, quantum computation


The purpose of this course is to provide a broad survey of current research in the fields of (i) optical studies of semiconductor quantum nanostructures, including device applications and (ii) quantum transport in mesoscopic and nanostructure systems with a main focus on quantum dots. The following topics will be addressed:
  • Growth of strained quantum dots, self-assembly
  • Optical properties of quantum wells and quantum dots
  • Two-dimensional electron gases in field-effect transistors
  • Quantum Interference Effects in Transport Properties
  • Phase coherence, Dephasing and environmental coupling
  • Localization: weak localization and Anderson transition
  • The Quantum Hall Effect
  • Conduction in channels: Landauer's formulas, quantum point contacts
  • Coulomb blockade and single electron transistor
  • Spin qubits, quantum computation

מבוא לננופיסיקה


נתוני קורס

נקודות זכות
שעות הרצאה
שעות תרגול
שעות מעבדה
לקובץ הקורסים


ראה סילבוס לועזי.


The purpose of this course is to provide a broad survey of current research in the fields of (i) optical studies of semiconductor quantum nanostructures, including device applications and (ii) quantum transport in mesoscopic and nanostructure systems with a main focus on quantum dots. The following topics will be addressed:
  • Growth of strained quantum dots, self-assembly
  • Optical properties of quantum wells and quantum dots
  • Two-dimensional electron gases in field-effect transistors
  • Quantum Interference Effects in Transport Properties
  • Phase coherence, Dephasing and environmental coupling
  • Localization: weak localization and Anderson transition
  • The Quantum Hall Effect
  • Conduction in channels: Landauer's formulas, quantum point contacts
  • Coulomb blockade and single electron transistor
  • Spin qubits, quantum computation
Last changed on April 25, 2022 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)