Physics 3


Course information

Credit points
Lecture hours
TA hours
Lab hours
University's course list


Free oscillations of simple systems (including linearity and superposition
principle). Free oscillations of systems with many degrees of freedom
(including vibrations of a string and Fourier analysis). Driven
oscillations. Traveling waves. Reflection and Transmission. Modulations,
pulses, and wave packets. Waves in two and three dimensions.
Polarizations. Linear optics. Interference and diffraction. The particle
properties of waves. The atom and the wave properties of particles.
Elementary particles



  • Free oscillations of simple systems (including linearity and superposition principle)
  • Free oscillations of systems with many degrees of freedom (including vibrations of a string and Fourier analysis)
  • Forced oscillations, resonance
  • Travelling waves (including discussion of phase velocity, dispersion relations and impedance)
  • Reflection and transmission
  • Modulations, pulses, and wave packets (including group velocity, pulses, Fourier analysis of wave packets)
  • Waves in two and three dimensions
  • Polarizations
  • Interference and diffruction (including Huygens' Principle, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, geometrical optics)

Introduction to modern physics:

  • Black body radiation, photoelectric effect
  • Uncertainty principle, duality, de Broglie waves
  • Compton scattering, pairs production
  • Atom (Ratherford scattering, Bohr model)
  • Guest lectures - elementary particles and forces, string theory and cold atoms


Waves, F. Crawford (Berkeley series, no. 3)
Vibrations and Waves, A. P. French (MIT series)
Vibrations and Waves in Physics, I. G. Main
Introduction to modern physics:
Modern Physics, Krane
Concepts of Modern Physics, Bei

פיסיקה 3


נתוני קורס

נקודות זכות
שעות הרצאה
שעות תרגול
שעות מעבדה
לקובץ הקורסים


תנודות חופשיות של מערכות פשוטות ומערכות מרובות דרגות חופש. אנליזת פורייה.
> תנודות מאולצות וגלים נעים. החזרה והעברה. פולסים וחבילות גלים. גלים ב-2 ו-3
> מימדים. פולריזציה. אופטיקה לינארית. התאבכות ועקיפה.
> תכונות חלקיקיות של גלים. תכונות גליות של חומר ומכניקת הקוונטים. האטום
> וחלקיקים אלמנטרים.



  • Free oscillations of simple systems (including linearity and superposition principle)
  • Free oscillations of systems with many degrees of freedom (including vibrations of a string and Fourier analysis)
  • Forced oscillations, resonance
  • Travelling waves (including discussion of phase velocity, dispersion relations and impedance)
  • Reflection and transmission
  • Modulations, pulses, and wave packets (including group velocity, pulses, Fourier analysis of wave packets)
  • Waves in two and three dimensions
  • Polarizations
  • Interference and diffruction (including Huygens' Principle, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, geometrical optics)

Introduction to modern physics:

  • Black body radiation, photoelectric effect
  • Uncertainty principle, duality, de Broglie waves
  • Compton scattering, pairs production
  • Atom (Ratherford scattering, Bohr model)
  • Guest lectures - elementary particles and forces, string theory and cold atoms


Waves, F. Crawford (Berkeley series, no. 3)
Vibrations and Waves, A. P. French (MIT series)
Vibrations and Waves in Physics, I. G. Main
Introduction to modern physics:
Modern Physics, Krane
Concepts of Modern Physics, Bei
Last changed on April 25, 2022 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)