Bosonization duality in Chern-Simons matter theories

by Karthik Inbasekar

Ben-Gurion University
at Particles and Fields Seminar

Mon, 13 Jan 2020, 14:00
Sacta-Rashi Building for Physics (54), room 207


Pure Chern-Simons (CS) theories are topological and have no propagating degrees of freedom. When matter interacts with a CS gauge field it acquires a magnetic flux and adiabatic exchange of such particles lead to Aharanov-Bohm phases and anyonic effects. Since CS gauge fields induces a change in the nature of the statistics of the interacting particle, it is not entirely wild to think that perhaps CS theories interacting with matter of one kind (say bosons) may be related to CS theories interacting with matter of another kind (say fermions). This is concretely realized in the form of a strong-weak bosonization duality in a large class of CS theories interacting with matter in fundamental representation of gauge groups such as U(N), SU(N), O(N), Sp(N). Several observables such as thermal partition functions, Correlation functions of conserved currents and S matrices in these theories can be exactly computed to all orders in the 't Hooft coupling in the planar limit. I will motivate some of these observables, how to compute them using Dyson-Schwinger methods in the large N limit and show that they are invariant under the duality. These observables serve as important and rigorous evidence in the form of precision checks of the duality. If time permits, I will describe some unique results in supersymmetric Chern-Simons matter theories.

Some references for students: (basics of CS) (duality)

Created on 06-01-2020 by Kats, Yevgeny (katsye)
Updaded on 06-01-2020 by Kats, Yevgeny (katsye)