Optical atomic clocks based on ultracold atoms and ions: history, state of the art and prospects

by Prof. Alexey Taichenachev

Russian Academy Of Science
at Quantum optics seminar

Wed, 18 Dec 2019, 15:00
Sacta-Rashi Building for Physics (54), room 207


Preface from Ron (abstract below): Prof. Taichenachev is a theoretician and the director of the Institute for Laser Physics in Novosibirsk. He received the European Frequency and Time Award . They work on a wide variety of cutting edge science and technology related to, optical frequency standards, cold ions and atoms, chip scale CPT atomic clocks, femtosecond pulses, laser induced plasma, lasers for medicine and biology, and have recently inaugurated a lab for quantum sensors. Prof. Taichenachev will also give a more technical seminar regarding advanced Ramsey sequences, on Monday the 16th at 16:00 in the meeting room in bldg. 95, second floor (next to betihut). If many people will be interested in this technical seminar (please let me know if you intend to come) we will move it to a larger room.

Abstract: In this talk we will review historical roots, recent advances and future prospects of modern optical frequency standards. New methods and approaches in precision laser spectroscopy of forbidden transitions in ultracold atoms and ions will be also discussed with an emphasis on contributions of Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS.
Presently, laser spectroscopy and fundamental metrology are among the most important and actively developed directions in modern physics. Frequency and time are the most precisely measured physical quantities, which, apart from practical applications (in navigation and information systems), play critical roles in tests of fundamental physical theories (such as QED, QCD, unification theories, and cosmology) [1,2]. Now, laser metrology is confronting the challenging task of creating an optical clock with fractional inaccuracy and instability at the level of 10−18 and better. Indeed, considerable progress has already been achieved along this path for both ion-trap [3,4] and atomic-lattice-based [5,6] clocks.
Work in this direction has stimulated the development of novel spectroscopic methods such as spectroscopy using quantum logic [7], magnetically induced spectroscopy [8], hyper-Ramsey spectroscopy [9], spectroscopy of “synthetic” frequency [10] and others [11-14]. Part of these methods was developed in order to excite and detect strongly forbidden optical transitions. The other part fights with frequency shifts of various origins. In the present talk we will review both parts with a special emphasis on methods developed and studied in Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk. The history and present status of experimental works devoted to the optical frequency standards will be discussed.

[1] A. Ludlow, et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 637 (2015); T. Tokano, et al., Nature Photonics 10, 662 (2016).
[2] S.A. Diddams et al., Science 306, 1318 (2004).
[3] T. Rosenband et al., Science 319, 1808 (2008); C.W. Chou et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 070802 (2010); S.W. Brewer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 033201 (2019).
[4] N. Huntemann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 063001 (2016).
[5] T. Akatsuka,M. Takamoto, and H. Katori, Nature Physics 4, 954 (2008).
[6] N. Hinkley et al., Science 341, 1215 (2013); B.J. Bloom et al., Nature 506, 71 (2014); M. Schioppo et al., Nature Photon. (2016); W.F. McGrew et al., Nature 564, 87 (2018); E. Oelker et al., Nature Photon. 13, 714 (2019).
[7] P.O. Schmidt et al., Science 309, 749 (2005).
[8] A.V. Taichenachev et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 083001 (2006); Z. Barber et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 083002 (2006).
[9] V.I. Yudin et al., Phys. Rev. A 82, 011804(R) (2010); N. Huntemann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 213002 (2012); T. Zanon-Willette et al., Phys. Rev. A 96, 023408 (2017); T. Zanon-Willette et al., Report on Progress in Physics 81, 094401 (2018).
[10] V.I. Yudin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 030801 (2011); V.I. Yudin et al., Phys. Rev. A 94, 052505 (2016).
[11] V.I. Yudin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 233003 (2014).
[12] Ch. Sanner et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 053602 (2018); V.I. Yudin et al. Phys. Rev. Applied 9, 054034 (2018).
[13] V.I. Yudin et al., New Journal of Physics 20, 123016 (2018) ; M. Shuker et al., Applied Physics Letters 114, 141106 (2019).
[14] M. Shuker et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 133601 (2019).

Created on 14-12-2019 by Folman, Ron (folman)
Updaded on 14-12-2019 by Folman, Ron (folman)