Coherent few-body physics: a new paradigm in few-body land

by Prof. Lev Khaykovich

Department Of Physics, Bar-Ilan University
at Physics Colloquium

Tue, 30 Apr 2019, 15:30
Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science & Technology (51), room 015


In the domain of few-body physics, the laws of quantum mechanics allow formation of peculiar low-energy loosely-bound states. Being insensitive to the details of the short range inter-particle interactions, they display a variety of universal properties. In recent years ultracold atoms emerged as a main experimental platform to explore universality in few-body systems. Interestingly, experimental techniques used in these explorations have been essentially limited to the study of inter-atomic incoherent inelastic processes. In this talk I will briefly review the results of this research and show the limitations it faces. Then, I will introduce a few-body interferometer as a new experimental concept and discuss our recent results and its great potential for future research.

Created on 15-04-2019 by Bar, Ilana (ibar)
Updaded on 15-04-2019 by Bar, Ilana (ibar)