Title: One Particle Density Matrix Occupation Spectrum Of Many Body Localized States After A Global Quench

by Talía Lezama

at Condensed Matter Seminar

Mon, 28 Jan 2019, 11:30
Physics building (#54) room 207


25 min talk Closed disordered interacting quantum systems can exhibit many body localization When disorder is sufficiently strong such systems fail to display local equilibrium and instead enter into a nonergodic regime known as the many body localized phase resulting in an ideal insulator with zero charge and thermal conductivities at finite energy densities The MBL phase is an integrable phase which can be understood in terms of localized quasiparticles As a result the occupations of the one particle density matrix OPDM in eigenstates show a Fermi liquid like discontinuity In this talk I will present a way to understand the inherent nonergodicity of the MBL phase by looking at the steady state limit of the OPDM spectrum reached after a global quench from a perfect density wave state Here the occupation discontinuity is absent reminiscent of a Fermi liquid at a finite temperature I will discuss how one can attribute this to the local structure of the density wave state and the resulting partial occupation of quasiparticles which can be controlled by tuning the initial state and described by an effective temperature

Created on 22-02-2019 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)
Updaded on 22-02-2019 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)