Photon Atom gates

by Barak Dayan

at Quantum optics seminar

Thu, 20 Dec 2018, 15:30
Physics building (#54) room 207


Deterministic quantum gates between single photons and single quantum emitters are a valuable building block for the distribution of quantum information between remote systems as well as for the construction of valuable photonic states I will review the tools cavity QED provides for the construction of such gates and present our recent demonstration of a photon atom swap gate 1 The underlying mechanism is single photon Raman interaction SPRINT an interference based effect in which a photonic qubit deterministically controls the state of a material qubit and vice versa 2 4 This open system scheme is applicable to any waveguide coupled Lambda system it has been also demonstrated in microwave with superconducting qubits 5 6 and can serve as a basis for a variety of other photon atom interactions from universal gates through QND measurement to the preparations of nonclassical states of light such as single photon subtracted or added states CAT states and cluster states for one way photonic quantum computation 1 Nature Physics 14 996 2018 2 Science 345 903 2014 3 Nature Photonics 10 19 2016 4 Phys Rev A 95 0333814 2017 5 Phys Rev Lett 113 0636104 2014 6 Nature Communications 7 1 2016

Created on 13-12-2018 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)
Updaded on 13-12-2018 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)