Science with Gravitational Lensing

by Adi Zitrin

at Physics Colloquium

Tue, 06 Mar 2018, 15:30
Nanotechnology institute building (#51) room 15


Gravitational lensing GL is becoming a standard tool in Astronomy Different regimes of GL for example weak lensing strong lensing or micro lensing answer to different astrophysical problems ranging from probing the underlying cosmology to the detection of extrasolar planets In this talk I will review some of the more prominent science with GL its history present and future efforts as well as key results mainly with respect to insights on dark matter and on the first galaxies in the universe I will highlight our contribution to these field

Created on 18-02-2018 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)
Updaded on 18-02-2018 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)