An introduction to Quantum Chromodynamics beyond the collinear approximation

by Mirko Serino

at Particles and Fields Seminar

Mon, 27 Nov 2017, 14:00
Physics building (#54) room 207


In the very high energy regime of Quantum Chromodynamics it is desirable to have a description of scattering processes which goes beyond the customary collinear approximation including effects due to the finite transverse momentum of the initial state particles This goes under the name of High Energy Factorization program Since the colliding partons are required to have a non vanishing transverse momentum their virtuality is not vanishing which makes it non trivial to maintain gauge invariance Pioneering efforts in this field were performed among others by Lipatov and collaborators Recently their results have been reframed in the modern language of spinor helicity techniques which made it possible to move to arbitrary leg multiplicity and to supplement these Leading Order calculations with parton showers In this talk I review the basic ideas and the steps which have been taken so far in developing this framework In particular I will discuss how to compute gauge invariant scattering amplitudes in High Energy Factorization with the spinor helicity formalism how these amplitudes are being supplemented by parton showers and finally how the construction of an evolution equation which consistently generalises the DGLAP BFKL and CCFM evolution equation is being performed

Created on 20-11-2017 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)
Updaded on 20-11-2017 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)